Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 456

It was not until Avi Allard failed in "Reunion 2" that Disney grabbed the handle and kicked him away.

"I think I can have a deep talk with Avi Allard." Qiye said, rubbing his temple. "Slowly cut the meat with a knife. Let him temporarily guarantee his power in Marvel."

"How would you do this?"

Ziyuan thought that Qiye would be on her side. The working mode of [Erque Studio] made her think that Qiye has always been a person with strong desire to control.

Even if you are not directly in control, you should let Marvel follow your own ideas.

As a result, Qi Ye would directly hand over his power this time, which made Shion a little curious.

"Well, now the first thing to ensure is the stable development of Marvel. After all, Avi Arad is not bad."

Qiye shook his head. Anyway, what Avi Allard did in the early stage of MCU is still acceptable, at least he has a solid foundation for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

To be honest, Qiye himself knows the advantages and disadvantages of Marvel movies, and can even be accurate to the specific problems of a movie.

But Qiye doesn't think she can come up with a better solution. Bi Manwei's film pursues popular entertainment.

This will inevitably make the work impossible to be perfect.

In this case, Qiye felt that Marvel should follow the established route of the previous life.

Of course, Qiye didn't plan to leave Marvel alone, just learn from Disney for the rest of his life. When the Marvel universe is established, Avi Arad can get out.

For employees who can’t continue to create commercial value, cross the river to demolish the bridge, this kind of thing Qiye has no psychological burden at all.

"Do you boil frogs in warm water? In other words, you still plan to support your agent, right?"

Qiye told Shion his thoughts, and the other party immediately guessed his thoughts.

"Isn't this the same as mine?"

Qiye said helplessly: "But my plan is to complete this replacement within 5 years, because we currently don't have a suitable partner. Unlike Tsuburaya, Marvel lacks like-minded partners like Li Wenshu."

"I see." Shion nodded. "I will talk to Avi Allard in detail. You can leave North America for now."

"Uh, why should I leave?"

Qiye didn't expect Shion to say this suddenly.

"Which way~"

Shion’s mouth has completed the shape of ω, “Who told someone to be totally taken advantage of in this matter? I’m really afraid that someone would act like a baby with their parents in order to get the toy early in the negotiation. Refused~"

"Tsk, I won't do this!"

Qiye said uncomfortably, but his tone was not very firm.

Although he considered himself a capitalist, he was essentially a director.

Even if he is not as hypocritical as those art directors, but in some cases he still behaves more emotionally.

Therefore, in order not to let her emotions disturb her, Qiye decisively boarded the plane leaving North America and handed over all the negotiations with Marvel to Shion.

It just so happened that Qiye had been thinking about buying a house in Tokyo before, and this time when he returned to Japan, he planned to deal with the matter by the way.

Buying a house is a very tedious task, Qiye plans to take advantage of this opportunity to directly handle it.

It has been said before that a single-family house with a yard is Qiye’s dream.

Buying a house this time is a dream for Qiye to fulfill for two lifetimes.

To do it, we must do our best. Qiye thought in her heart that she would buy a good house by herself.

"So, you are here to give me the door?"

Qiye looked at the weaving style who followed her to the real estate agency with an unhappy expression.

He invited Zhizhi over to see the house together, but the appearance of the style was completely unexpected.

"Don't say that." Shishi patted his shoulders and said, "You guy jumped into the property without knowing how deep the water is. What if you get pitted?"

"Are you here to help me stare not to be deceived?"

Qiye felt that this guy came to see her joke, after all, he was so familiar with this smile.

"How is it possible? I just came to see the house by the way." Shishi covered her mouth and smiled secretly, "I plan to settle in Tokyo in the future, and this time I happened to take a look at the house in advance."

Zhibai cast a glance: "Sister, you who depend on me to raise me, just say a few words."

"What do you settle in Tokyo? Are you not from Kyoto?"

If we talk about weaving, Qiye can understand.

After all, we can be regarded as a successful person in Tokyo. It is not surprising to buy a house and settle down.

If you can...

To be honest, Qiye didn't know what Shishi was here for. Although she said she came to see the house, Qiye always felt that she had ulterior motives.

In fact, after the filming of "The Realm of the Sky", the style has no actor mission.

Of course, with the success of the role of [Two Ceremonies], there is no problem at all for Shi to get a role in a Japanese movie or TV series.

However, this girl and weaving are completely at two extremes. After finishing the two movies, they never worked again, and lived a life of mixed eating and death in Tokyo all day.

According to Shishi, she didn't want to return to Kyoto because she felt uncomfortable with the couple.

However, Qiye feels that the main reason why this young lady does not want to go home is to be nagged by parents to abide by the rules in her hometown.

At present, apart from his own actor's salary, his living expenses are basically the ultimate abandoned house supported by his younger brother.

You know, Shiki's only job recently is probably only a cameo appearance of Meishui Ayako in "fate".

In comparison, weaving is a good kid who works hard and motivates.

In recent seasons, "The Lonely Gourmet" has become more and more felt, and Qiye has already planned to let him take over some of the more difficult types of TV series to practice.

If this TV series can achieve a passing score, Qiye feels that her younger brother can try to take over the commercial film.

In addition to work, Qiye also has to take care of her sister's work, which makes Qiye feel that weaving is really not easy.

To be honest, the longer Qiye and Liangyi get along, the more he feels that weaving is more sensible than style.

Qiye felt that he couldn't let the style go on.

[Let Yu Lisi find some work for her next month. That kid seems to have a good life recently.

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