Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 464

After Lao Xu left, Qiye said to herself.

He originally wanted to make some suggestions for the fz of the old Xu in his memory, but then he remembered that Lao Xu hadn't thought of that step yet, so he had to give it up.

After all, it is normal for the author to revise his first draft during the creation of the story, so Qiye plans to wait until Lao Xu has finished his work first, before he gives his revision opinions.

In fact, Lao Xu's fz (the version of the previous life) still has many problems, and the most controversial part is the handling of the popular character Saber.

Of course, there are also problems of this kind in the connection between fz and fsn.

In fact, in the final analysis, a certain fungus was lazy. Seeing someone wanted to be a catcher, he lost the setting, and flew away with him.

If Lao Xu still commits fz's old problems in this life, Qiye decides to let him modify it in her own name.

No matter what, just adapt the script when shooting fz.

Anyway, how many Hollywood adaptations are based on the original work?Most of the content of the original works can be retained by God blessed.

Even if it is the "Harry Potter" series, which is known as the most original work, if you really want to compare the movie with the novel, you can still find a lot of things missing.

However, Qiye himself has forgotten one thing.

That is, in the previous life, Lao Xu wrote fz with a mushroom setting, but in this life, Kiryu Qiye gave nothing.

In other words, in addition to Chie Si, Mapo and Saber who appeared in fsn, the protagonists are 0 in Lao Xu's impression.

Lao Xu himself didn't want to ask because he wanted to write a fan book.

And Qiye didn't mention them because of the inherent concept in her previous life that Lao Xu should know those characters.

This strange misunderstanding will not be remembered until Qiye sees Lao Xu's outline.

And now, what Qiye is thinking about is how to modify Lao Xu's fz in his last life.

Two days later, Qiye had to leave the warm office and came to Tokyo Street where there was a hint of coolness.

It was not because Lao Xu sent the outline, but his female boss spoke.

The first part of the profit sharing of "fate" has been down, and Kiryu Nanya finally became a billionaire, although the settlement in yen seems very watery.

So Qiye went directly to Tanaka and planned to buy the villa at a price of 5.2 billion.

According to Qiye's actual assets, it is indeed a bit difficult for him to buy the house at this price.

But why did he have a rich boss?

After learning that the original owner of this house was someone from Sony, Shion directly stated that Qiye paid 2.5 billion by herself, and she was responsible for all the remaining money, including taxes.

It is her Jiufeng Ziyuan special interest-free loan to Qiye.

"Before you pay off the money, it's fine if I own half of the house property rights." Shion said generously, "As long as you agree with me to plant flowers on the lawn with the words [Sony sinful!]."

Facing such a proud eldest lady, Qiye deeply realized that there may not be superpowers in this world, but they really have the ability to make money.


pS1: This leaves 15 chapters._(:з∠)_


pS2: Py [Miracle Maker]’s "The Master's Shura Field", according to the author, this is a chat group novel full of routines and anti routines.Pure love, no pit, non-toxic, environmental protection quality chat group novels.There is no mental reduction blow, please rest assured to read.

The miracle sauce can also be regarded as the old author of the platform. At the beginning, Michan included the miracle sauce book in the first batch of books ordered by bookers. If you are interested, you can read it~(^ω^)

Chapter 292 Preparation for "Iron Man"

It’s easy to say anything when you have money like buying and selling houses.

With the help of the big boss of Ziyuan, Qiye bought the house in only a day and a half.

It can be said that apart from being asked to leave some strange slogans in the garden, the entire transaction process was perfect.

The only thing that makes Qiye feel more pity is that the senior Sony executive did not appear from start to finish. It seems that he entrusted everything to Tanaka.

Otherwise, Qiye still wanted to see his expression when the people from Jiufeng took away the house.

He believes this matter will be very interesting.

However, Qiye’s joy of having a new house did not last long, because he, like the Sony executive, had to leave Japan after buying a house and not living for a day.

"I originally wanted to live in the house for two days to see if the European design is appropriate."

This was the first thing Qiye complained about after coming to North America to meet Shion.

Because he was fooled by Tanaka's intermediary when buying a house, Qiye especially wanted to see if the villa was really as comfortable as he said.

Ziyuan raised her eyebrows: "Then you mean your cottage is more important than Marvel~"

"Of course not! Business is definitely more important."

Qiye immediately changed his face. He didn't forget that he still owed Shion billions of dollars.

Don't take Japanese yen as money, you can still buy a lot of things anyway.

Although Shion did not set a time for Qiye to pay back the money, Qiye, who didn't like the money he owed, thought it was better to pay it back earlier.

If Marvel can make a lot of money, wouldn't everything be easy?

Although these billions of yen are just a few rounds of "fate" profit sharing.

"Then let me tell you a good news first." Ziyuan handed a document to Qiye, "From today you will be Marvel's largest individual shareholder."


Qiye looked at Shion in disbelief.

It's not that he has a problem with Marvel's share arrangement. Qiye just didn't expect that Ziyuan would put Marvel's shares directly under his own name instead of [Erque Studio].

Without mentioning anything else, just share Marvel's profit, Qiye can directly take money from Marvel's account without going through the studio.

If you want to know how to handle the studio, let's not say that Qiye has already diluted a part of the shares. Even if Qiye still has 100% of the shares, according to the legal requirements, Qiye cannot take all the profits.

Because he must leave a part of it for studio development, otherwise it would be a wanton embezzlement of company property.

Therefore, Ziyuan's hand operation will allow Qiye to directly enjoy Marvel's profit sharing after Qiye.

As for whether Marvel will agree to the division in the future, Qiye believes that they will definitely.


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