Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 466

It's also funny to say that the first thing to be determined in the movie "Iron Man" is not the director, nor the male lead, but the heroine with a serious lack of drama.

"I have a selection for the male lead." A senior said hesitantly, "It's just that the actor has a problem."


Qiye showed an expression of interest.

—————————————— Time dividing line—————————————

"So, in the next period of time, you will always be my follower like this?"

A few days later, Robert Downey Jr. almost roared to the person standing in front of him.

"Don't do that, buddy."

Ed said with a helpless look: "I don't want to stare at a man 24 hours a day. I still have a wife and children. So for my work, you should cooperate."

"I must owe you in my previous life."

Downey wailed, knowing that he couldn't refuse the other party.


pS1: Actually, Michan prefers to call Downey the RDJ, but everyone's habit is to use Robert Downey Jr._(:з∠)_


pS2: Regarding the period drama mentioned in the update yesterday, some readers said it should be called Dahe drama.

How should I put it, the relationship between period drama and Dahe drama is a bit similar to our period drama and character drama.

The period drama refers to all period dramas whose stories took place before Meiji. For historical dramas abroad, they are also called period dramas.

As for the big river drama, the scope is smaller, and it has a very strict production process and scale, and the status of the actors is very high.

From the standpoint of status, Dahe Opera is the culmination of period drama.

Chapter 293

Ed feels that something must have provoke his boss.

Not only did he cruelly transferred from Japan, a gentle town, to North America, where there is no wife or daughter, but he even arranged this kind of surveillance job for himself.

God, I'm just an ordinary white-collar worker. I'm not an FBI or CIA. I'm not a pupil of death. Why do I do this kind of tracking people?!

Of course, as a social animal, if he doesn't want his wife to go back to inherit her natal grocery store, Ed has to follow the company's arrangements to monitor this old poisonous ghost.

[The guys above are absolutely crazy, and they will let this guy play a superhero.

Because of his work, Ed has some understanding of Hollywood's selection criteria for superhero actors.

Because of the issue of image, the selection of superhero actors is very strict, not to mention that they are perfect, at least they are healthy and sunny, and positive.

But what's the situation with this guy?

A poisonous ghost who went to jail several times, such a habitual offender who plays a superhero role, is not afraid of being complained by his parents?

Also depressed was Downey, who was standing across from Ed. He was not pleasing to the oriental man in front of him.

For Europeans and Americans, they are very concerned about personal freedom and personal privacy.

Although their government's favorite thing to do is to restrict personal freedom and infringe on personal privacy, they don't say that when propagating.

Let a person, and a man stare at him 24 hours a day.

Don't say it's in Europe and America, I believe no one can stand it.

Especially you know that you can't refuse this person to watch, which makes Downey feel even more unhappy.

Because of this situation of being monitored at any time, it touched a very bad memory in his heart.

So, how Downey sees Ed is not pleasing to the eye now.

"Why did I think about applying for an audition for "Iron Man"? I knew it would be like this..."

When submitting the audition application, Downey never thought that things would become so troublesome.


The woman next to Downey took him by the hand and said softly, "People do this because they value you. You just have to make sure to be yourself."


Downey took his newlywed wife's hand, and really didn't have the slightest resistance to this woman, the former prodigal son of love.

"I heard that the director personally made the decision to include you on the list of candidates." Susan continued, "Since people believe in you, you should respond to his trust. Anyway, you have not been inconvenient lately. ?"

"Besides, I think you can do it. You won't let me down, right?"

When Susan said these words, she was still gently teasing her husband's beard stubble to relax him.

Downey's temper has always been hot, young and frivolous, he always has the taste of screw essence.

However, after experiencing the ups and downs of life, even though Downey had some restraint, his temper was still quite irritable.

However, Susan is an exception, just like the princess who can calm the dragon's anger, as long as she speaks, Downey will calm down no matter how irritable she is.

There are many reasons for this, but the most important thing is that Downey loves her and loves this woman who is still willing to marry him at the bottom of his career.

This is a very simple and plain feeling, but for Downey, who has experienced the disturbances in Vanity Fair, this is what he cherishes most.


Downey squeezed a smile at Ed: "Do you even follow me when I go to the bathroom and sleep at night?"

"It's not necessary," Ed said, "but I will check you out from time to time."

Downey's face wrinkled, and the usual private testing method is urine test.

"Don't worry, the tester is Ms. Susan." Ed immediately guessed what the other party was thinking, "but I decide the time and number of tests."

"That's acceptable." Downey breathed a sigh of relief, and he continued to ask, "Then, how long will you stay with me?"

"The current situation is that at least you have to finish the audition and give the audition result."

Ed replied: "If the audition fails, my job will be over; if you pass, I will continue to follow you until the "Iron Man" promotional period ends."


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