Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 473

Lily wanted to say a few rude words, but she still held back because of the occasion.

"Ahem, director Qiye, Liangyisang." Lily gave a standard noble ceremony to the two, "Welcome to the [Altriya Hall] in the Weiting Manor."


Qiye sprayed it out directly after hearing the name.


pS: I was reminded last night that there will be an exam this Saturday, so the update on Saturday night may be delayed. Mijiang will let me know first, so as not to be talked about._(:з)∠)_

Chapter 297

"What the hell is this [Altria Room]?"

Although it was not the first time that he was choked by saliva, Qiye vowed that this was the worst time he was choked.

Lily was also helpless: "In fact, the original name of this banquet hall was [Zigfei Hall]. It was the name given by the great-great-great-grandfather. He said that since you treat our house as Germans, then I will engage in German mythology. Forget the names of the characters."


Qiye really didn't have any temper with Lily's ancestor's kid. You fucked like this during the war. It's really lucky that the whole family was not killed in the name of deceiving people.

"So now? Why did you change your name?"

"Of course it's because of your relationship with Director Nanya~" Lily showed an expression that wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, "Because you made Altria popular, and even made me a representative of King Arthur.

"In the words of my father, if you use this name to slap the Windsor family in the face, the great-great-grandfather's spirit in heaven will definitely rest in peace."

[Don't say it, he seems to die!

Qiye didn't know how to complain with Lily anymore, he felt that the brain circuits of the Wei Ting family were not very normal.

"Stop talking about this. Now, what do you think of me today, Director Qiye?"

Lily spoke several times in front of Qiye, seemingly showing off her dress.

Probably to complement the atmosphere of today's birthday, Lily wore a very rare red dress tonight, although Qiye didn't know whether there was red in the UK as a festive concept.

This surprised Qiye. He remembered that Lily obviously hated changing clothes, but he didn't expect to see two clothes that she had never worn before.

"It's beautiful, but it's rare. I thought you hated wearing clothes." Qiye expressed her thoughts.

"Don't tell me I am directly naked as if I am engaged in performance art!" Lily waved her small pink fist to Qiye, "I just hate the endless changing of clothes like my sister, but as a member of the Wei Ting family, I will still Pay attention to the appearance."


Qiye didn't know what the appearance had to do with changing clothes, anyway, he thought Lily would look good in all clothes.

The only exception is this set.

It's not that this suit is not beautiful, but that this suit is really like the red Saber Nero's suit in Qiye Memory—except that the hem is not a translucent tulle.

In addition to today's formal occasions, Lily's face makeup was thicker than usual, especially the eyelashes, which looked infinitely close to Nero.

However, everyone knows Lily's Cannian body shape.

Therefore, it seemed to Qiye that Lily did not wear the charm of this suit, but looked very awkward.

It's as if someone wears a suit, tie, and leather shoes, but a hole is dug in the middle of the two legs of the trousers to expose [BEEP——].

No matter how handsome he is, no matter how ugly he looks, he should be abnormal or abnormal.

Of course Lily is not so desperate, but if possible, Qiye still hopes that she can borrow a bra from Sierra and wear it.

"You look so rude."

Qiye's sympathetic gaze made Lily pouted.

"No, you are beautiful today, very beautiful, very beautiful kind."


"Ah... there are so many people here, it seems that your sister is very popular."

Qiye immediately changed the subject. He looked at the British people gathered around him with an awkward smile.

Although it was a birthday party in name, Qiye felt that this should be the kind of real aristocratic banquet level.

"Almost, maybe a few hundred people are here."

"Is there so many?"

Qiye was surprised.

"Nobles, they just have this hobby. Get together to try themselves. In addition to show off or show off, probably the kind of star person who will die if you don't get the sun in a day."

Lily's answer was simple, but there was a taste of contempt in her words.

"So not so much that they are here to bless my sister, but not to socialize.

Of course, this is my sister’s birthday party, so it’s still a bit different.The upper class brothers will come more than other banquets, after all, it is a good opportunity."

"A chance to pick up girls?"

"That's right, these people want to take the opportunity to win the favor of their sisters. This opportunity is quite rare for them.

"So they will express themselves as much as possible in front of their sisters, just like a peacock with a screen. It's so laughable, all of them are like fools carved out of a mold. I think this kind of occasion is instead The director Wan Zhang, who wore short sleeves in Hawaii, made my sister even more impressive."

Qiye always felt that Lily's tone seemed unhappy.

But if Shiji was also there, maybe she would really do what Lily said.

"But in that case, it's probably a bad impression, right?"

"Who knows." Lily seemed to have thought of something, "but Director Wan Zhang should have attracted the attention of some ladies with special fetishes.

"After all, women's tastes are uncertain. I know that there is a noble lady who likes the hairy chest because she thinks kiwi is delicious."

Qiye didn't know whether to say "Your circle is really messy", he took a look at his outfit.

The suit on her body is not expensive, but at least it is decent, but the bag on her hand is a bit distracting.

Standing with Lily, he felt like a follower carrying something behind the other's ass.

"It's okay, I think it's like director Qiye yourself." Lily said with a smile.

"is it?"

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