Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 487

Not to mention fz, Shirou's existence is the continuation of Kirishu.

The same goes for "Little Circle". Although the birth of Madoka is embarrassing, at least there is no total despair.

Whether it is the TV version or the theater version of the ending, although there is a taste that everything is not perfect, at least most of the characters have got good results.

On the contrary, it is difficult for Lao Xu's scripts to achieve particularly good commercial results.

Although "Saya's Song" is very famous, the actual game sales are only a little over 10,000.

There is also the "Godzilla" trilogy written by an old fictional dramatist. Because of the serious contraband, even with the blessing of Godzilla, it was not particularly successful.

It's not that the stories written by old fiction are not good enough, at least the various settings and the analysis of human nature are still very interesting.

But as a commercial project, Lao Xu's work obviously has big problems.

Qiye suddenly thought of an interesting idea, provided her own settings, let Old Xu write the beginning and development of the story, and finally let others write the end.

Of course, Qiye didn't have the idea of ​​implementing such a method.

Story creation must ensure continuity. Such a combination may create a very interesting story, but more often it creates a fragmented story.

Especially those authors with a particularly strong author style, after merging with other authors, are more likely to give birth to four differences.

Of course, this is especially true when the styles of the collaborators conflict.

The obvious example is "Justice League", the best negative example of two directors forcibly mixing two styles together.

"Old Xu, your outline needs to be revised."

Qiye returned this outline to Xu Yuanxuan, "I give you the setting of the Fourth Holy Grail War. Let's discuss the relevant plot again."


Xu Yuanxuan's brain felt a sudden downtime, and he didn't figure out what was going on.

"Yes, it is my responsibility not to give you the information of the Fourth Holy Grail War. This time I will...have any problems?"

Qiye felt a little strange seeing Xu Yuanxuan's mouth wide open.

Xu Yuanxuan was very clever, he immediately guessed a situation.

"No, no. Is my doujin worthy of Kiryu-san's formality?"

Xu Yuanxuan cautiously tentatively said, he did not dare to confirm directly, so as not to make himself look very anxious, he could only use this roundabout way to get his own answer.

Qiye was very relaxed. He knocked on the table and said casually: "That's it, no wonder..."


Qiye didn't answer directly. He sat upright and said solemnly: "Mr. Xu Yuanxuan, it is my responsibility to not tell you clearly before."

"After fsn is over, I will start a new project. This project tells the story of the Fourth Holy Grail War."


Xu Yuanxuan also straightened his back, he knew that what Qiye would say next was very important to him.

"I hope this story can be completed by you and let you write this story."

Qiye smiled like a fox. He looked at Lao Xu as if he were looking at a plump old hen.

Although Lao Xu did have the minor problems mentioned earlier, Lao Xu's ability was worthy of recognition.

Just give him a small request and restrict him not to let himself go too far. Basically, Lao Xu is a perfect screenwriter.

"Do you want me to be the screenwriter of this new project?"

Xu Yuanxuan himself was very excited, he realized that this was an opportunity to take his career to the next level.

As the world's top entertainment industry, Hollywood is not just the culmination that all actors and directors aspire to and can reach.

For screenwriters, becoming a Hollywood movie screenwriter is also the culmination of their industry.


Qiye shook his head: "I hope Xu Yuanxuan can become the novel author of this new fate project."

"Is it."

Old Xu was a little disappointed in his heart, but he was not too dissatisfied.

It is already a great honor for Xu Yuanxuan, a small game scripter, to be the author of a world-wide IP twice official novel.

"Yes, I hope you write the novel first."

Qiye groaned and said, Laoxu's disappointed expression was seen in his eyes: "Then you can participate in the script team as a novel author."

Lao Xu certainly cannot be the main screenwriter. Now his personal style is too strong and not suitable for large commercial projects.

Through the fz project, Hollywood commercial screenwriters can bring a handful of Lao Xu, and maybe it can cure Lao Xu's "Unable to write Happy End disease".

This is not to say that Qiye hopes that Lao Xu will no longer write about the black and deep disabled, he hopes that Lao Xu can think more about commercial factors.


Xu Yuanxuan nodded excitedly.

"During this period, you may have to stay here for a while, is it okay?"

"It's okay, the president can understand it."

It’s almost the end of the year anyway, and Nitro+ put more energy on year-end sales.

Xu Yuanxuan doesn't have much screenwriting work to do, which is why he can directly come to the Jiufeng office building after Qiye's invitation.

After that, Qiye and Lao Xu discussed in detail the characters who played the Fourth Holy Grail War and determined the detailed background.

This incident is very new to Qiye. Using his own memory to inspire the original author to complete the story that originally belonged to him is really interesting.

"Ah, I didn't expect Kiryu-san and I to think so similar. We really are the same kind of people."

When parting, Lao Xu said with a smile on his face.

[Who is the same as you!

Qiye complained inwardly, but on the surface he still smiled and parted with Lao Xu.

Because it was too late to talk to Old Xu, it was completely dark when Qiye returned to her villa in Chiyoda.

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