Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 495

[Really worthy of old Xu, so keen on the ending.

The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched, and he felt that Lao Xu would never be white in his life.

"If you really want to write this, you will definitely be sent a blade by the fans. Then the box office went viral, and Shion and I were forced to jump off the building.

Qiye said viciously, "But I will definitely kick Lao Xu down before jumping off the building."

"Um... forget it. I still have so many stories about love that I haven't written yet."

Qiye's words calmed down Lao Xu's fiery heart.

"But in this way, isn't the most pitiful person just Jian Tong Yanye?"

"It seems like..."

There are a total of seven masters, three of whom are in the main perspective. They are the center of the whole story.

Among the remaining four characters, Kenneth and Ryunosuke are opponents of Kirishu.

Tosaka Tokichen played an important and key role in the fall of Mapo, and his death also marked the complete fall of Yanfeng Kirei.

In this way, in terms of script functionality, Yan Ye has become the most dispensable of all the masters in fz.

Qiye believes that even if Yanye is replaced by a pervert who likes to show [BEEP——] running around on the street, there will be no change to the overall story of fz.

From this point of view, the character of Yan Ye is really pitiful.

Yuan himself was miserable enough in his own life, but after paying so much, he got the same position in the war.

You see, the other masters are either the main characters, or the existence that has a major influence on the protagonist in the story.

In the meantime, Tong Yanye stared at Tosaka Shichenyi alone. Shichen was a dragon tool man used to blacken Mapo.

You compete with a dragon suit, aren't you the dragon suit in the dragon suit?!

[No wonder that even in the original fz, there are not many plots of Yan Ye.

Just when Qiye was thinking about whether to add some drama to Yan Ye, Lao Xu said something indifferently.

"Since it's an irrelevant character, it doesn't matter if the game is broken, right?"


[Lao Xu, you can be a man for me!

Qiye's hand holding the teacup kept trembling.

Lao Xu, who found a new toy, was very excited, but Qiye had quite a stomachache.

Thinking of this, Qiye rubbed her stomach unconsciously.

"Ah, it's this time unconsciously."

Qiye's movements reminded Lao Xu that he saw that the sky outside was completely dark.

"Kiryu-san, let's have dinner. How about going to Yoshinoya for a beef rice bowl with me this time?"

"No, I have an appointment tonight."

Qiye shook his head. He picked up the suit next to him and declined Lao Xu's invitation.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Today is December 3rd."

After Qiye left, Lao Xu remembered today's date.

"Today is the [Baozhi Film Award] awards dinner. I really envy Kiryu-sang for having a big meal. How about I also eat meat?"

With this thought, Lao Xu followed Qiye and left [Erque Studio].


pS: Negative reincarnation actually refers to the situation where the protagonist finally completes the transformation after experiencing three different roles in the story.

In line with what Michan has said before, it is actually the three characters that the protagonist encounters when learning [facts] that are opposite to his own situation.

I don't know if Lao Xu designed it like this deliberately, the enemies that Keiji experienced happened to be a standard negative reincarnation sequence.

In fact, these characters are not necessarily opponents of the protagonist, they may also be passersby or relatives of the protagonist.

Their role is to make the protagonist feel that he is different from them, and thus realize his [lie].

For example, in the fourth episode of the latest chapter 7 of fgo.

As the protagonist, Gudav represents kindness and enthusiasm, while the residents of Ur represent indifference and cowardice.They are [opposite] roles with Gudafu.

Hmm... Actually, Michan doesn't understand this concept thoroughly, mainly the content of [negative negative].

Mi-chan has read a lot of explanations and still doesn’t fully understand, which one of the Holy Grail and Mapo is the cut-to [negative negative] Mi-chan is also a bit hesitant, or is it both?

Chapter 308

[Baozhi Movie Award] The award ceremony was held at the Tokyo Prince Hotel as always.

Just like the banquet that I attended seven nights a few years ago, the layout and decoration here have basically not changed.

If you really want to talk about changes, there are probably a lot of new faces.

"Have there been so many newcomers in the past two years?"

Qiye asked curiously, standing in the corner.

Qiye, who is no longer a newcomer, has long since paid less attention to [Baozhi Yinghua Appreciation] than it did in "The Realm of the Sky".

In other words, it is a lucky thing for the organizers to be able to participate in the award ceremony for a director of his level.

So even if she could see that Qiye was wearing a normal suit, no one jumped out and accused Qiye of not being serious.

"How can I say, this is your draft~"

Siji, who was standing with Qiye, replied with a daunting tone on his mouth.


Qiye didn't understand what this guy was talking about.

Four Seasons smirked and said, "Because I know that you are coming, so many actors who didn't want to come to participate in the first place are dressed up and dressed up."

It was probably because Qiye's expression was still confused, Shiji laughed directly.

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