Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 497

The meaning of the sentence of Four Seasons is very clear. If you want to use me as a tool person, then forget it, so as not to hurt our feelings.

"George Lucas will drive away his teacher because Irwin Kershner wants to grab the dominance of Star Wars."

Qiye smiled and said, "I won't do this, because the dominance of fate was in my hands from the beginning."

"Typical Hollywood shooting method." Four Seasons curled his lips.

He knows the meaning of Qiye's words. If he participates in the project, then he is just a director. The highest power of the crew will definitely be held by Qiye.

This is a little bit uncomfortable for the four seasons who are used to filming freely.

But being able to participate in the shooting of a big IP movie is a lie to say that Four Seasons has no idea.

"Let me think about it."

The four seasons struggled for a long time and couldn't make a decision.

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, I can afford to wait."

It wasn't until a few months later that Qiye realized that what she said today was a super flag.

Of course, the current Qiye didn't realize this problem at all, and he was more important now to deal with the person who greeted him.

Unlike the miscellaneous fish just now, those who came here this time Qiye couldn't deal with it casually.

"Ouni-chan~ Long time no see, do you miss me~"

A girl with long silver hair greeted Qiye with joy.

" have changed so much."

Had it not been for the appearance of Ilia and Alice Phil and his wife, Qiye would really not recognize the current Ilia.

Because compared to the original little Lolita, the current Elia is simply a replica of her mother Alice Phil.

This is true for both height and appearance.

If there is really a difference between their mother and daughter, it should be Iliya's figure.

Compared to Alice Phil, the elevation of Mount Ilia is still slightly lower.

However, this gap is not big. Judging by the fact that Illiya can grow to this size in a year, it should only be a matter of time before she is equal to her mother.

"Hey, Ernie Chan, listen to Ilia..."

Yilia excitedly took Qiye's hand and shouted.

"Ilia, you want to be a little ladylike."

Mrs. Allie reminded with a smile.

"Tsk, damn bug."

Qiye was as unhappy as Qiye, no, it should be even more unhappy.

Obviously, he was very upset and angry with Qiye cursing her early death in the fate movie.

"That, Mr. Kirishu..."

Seeing Qiye's expression, Qiye felt guilty.


Qiye raised his eyebrows. He thought Qiye had come to subdue himself.

Qiye asked tentatively: "Well... are you interested in playing a role in fate? It's a good discussion about the pay."

Che Si silently lit a cigarette, and he took a sip.

Then, Kirishu answered Nanaya's question in a very gentle tone.



pS1: The wife's version of Ilia is here!L('ω')┘└('ω')?

But again, Illya, who doesn't have loli attributes, should have lost her soul?

It's the same as Mao Lilan has no horns.2333

But since it’s no longer a loli, then...hehehe


pS2: Let me tell you the good news first, Mi Chan has found an artist to draw illustrations for this book.

At present, Qiye’s character set has been drawn, but unfortunately, according to the requirements of the platform operation, the character set can only be publicized after the recommendation, so there is no way to show it to everyone for the time being._(:з∠)_

I saw that everyone has been discussing the personality of the boss of Shion. When the illustration comes, everyone can see the personality of the female boss.

Before that, let's make up for it with Michan's description.

It's just that the current recommendation has been lined up after the Spring Festival next year...It is estimated that waiting for Mijiang will have to wait until March.

I hope that when the artist finishes painting and Michan submits the application, there will not be too many books to join the queue._(:з∠)_

Chapter 309 The First Real "Female" Protagonist

There was no accident in Qiye's refusal of Qiye, and if it was replaced by Qiye herself, it would be the same answer.

Even if I think about it with my ass, Kiritsu knew that the role he was about to play was the [Eimiya Kiritsu] who died young.

Doesn't it make you feel uncomfortable to act by yourself?

I'm tired of life, have to touch my own mold?

So, of course, Keishi refused immediately, and did not give Qiye a chance at all.

But Qiye wasn't disappointed either. His purpose was not to get Qiushi to agree on the spot. He just gave Qiye a signal to let him know that there was such a thing.

After that, whether Kirishu will agree or not depends on Qiye's follow-up communication with Kirishu.

It just depends on Keiji's attitude, 80% of this communication process will not be very pleasant.

But regardless of whether Keishi will agree or not, the fz project plan is definitely going to continue.

As for [Eimiya Kiritugu] the role played by Kiritugu, this condition is actually not necessary.

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