Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 51

In traditional special dramas, when shooting battle scenes in most special dramas, the protagonist’s combat posture and costumes are covered with faces. This is to allow professional holster actors to shoot more exciting. Come to fight.So you never know whether those female characters who are convex and curled are the real girls or the salty guys wearing bra.

"Anyway, let's make a few samples with different materials and take a look." Qiye really missed the age when her computer special effects were the price of cabbage, and CG guns were cheaper than props.

Qiye Kanxiang hasn't made any remarks since just now, but just focused on reading the material Li Wenshu: "Master Li, what do you think? You are an expert in shooting battle scenes. I want to hear your opinion."


Li Wenwen groaned for a moment and gave Qiye a bad news. "I took a closer look. If you want to achieve the combat effect you expected from Director Kiryu, the costumes on the design drawings may be difficult to achieve. Those two girls' The costumes are okay, but the two starring Ziyis probably can't do anything except pose."

Qiye understands what Li Wenxue means. It is very tiring to act in a leather case. In addition, the little loli have relatively little strength, so it is good to be able to move around on the body.

Although this answer had been anticipated, Li Wenshu, an industry insider, completely sentenced Qiye to death.

"So hurry up and let the computer special effects technology develop rapidly for 20 years..." Qiye, who turned into gray, fell on the table and sighed.

"After all, Director Kiryu is more difficult for your request. The videos we shoot in Tsuburaya usually use the transformation bridge and then let the holster actors appear. The protagonist will participate in very few battles."

"So what...Isn't it possible to let her maid play the part of the battle after Illya is transformed directly?...Wait a minute!"

Qiye suddenly thought of something, and he jumped up from the table.

"Master Li, if you let a professionally trained adult wear the clothes on the design drawings, can you successfully shoot the battle scene?"

Li Wenxue gave an ambiguous answer: "This is not easy to say. It depends on the level of the holster actor, but if it is an experienced actor, maybe it can."

"That's it! I have a stuntman who can do aerial splits, can you see it?"

"Is the one you're talking about still human?" Li Wenshu spit out loudly.

However, Qiye couldn't hear it anymore, he took out his cell phone and dialed Ilia's cell phone directly.

"Hey, Kiryu? Missy is in class now." Not surprisingly, Serra's somewhat impatient voice rang from the other end of the receiver, "I should have said that it's okay not to make this call casually."

"Don't worry, the person I am looking for this time is not Ilia but you!"


"Now, Serra." Qiye said to the other side of the receiver in the same tone as she had asked for weaving to participate in the two ceremonies. "Could you please act as a pupil in my new drama?"

"You are perverted to fuck my old lady!!!"

Not surprisingly, Sierra's growl came from the phone.

Soon after, the phone was hung up.

The furious Sierra rushed from Dragon Valley House to the Linbao company building at the fastest speed. After rushing into the office, she grabbed his feet and played with the windmill without even having a chance to explain to Qiye.

In the end, when others stopped Serra and explained things clearly, Qiye was dying.

"Oh... are you trying to kill me?"

Qiye leaned against the only armchair in the studio. Although a lot of time had passed, he still felt that things in his vision were turning irregularly.

"Occasional exercise is also a great thing." Zhi said with a smile.

Serra looked at Qiye with her arms akimbo: "Huh, it's okay for you to die directly as a pervert."

"I just want to ask if you are interested in being Ilia's stand-in...

"You said this kind of thing earlier." Serra turned her face to the side, and she said with a reddish face, "If it is to replace the eldest lady, I have no objection."

"Please wait, Director Kiryu."

At this time, Li Wenxue stood up and pointed to Sierra and asked, "Are you planning to make this young lady the protagonist's transfiguration actor?"

"No, it's a stand-in. She will finish wearing the same costume as the protagonist (Ilia) to complete the action that the protagonist can't do, and then edit the Pose shot fixed by the protagonist into it..."

"I don't think it's feasible." Li Wenshu directly pinched Serra's chin and showed her white collarbone to everyone. "I have seen the photo of the starring child, although I admit that they are both silver-haired and red-eyed. , Looks very similar. However, the age difference between the two people is too great! Not to mention, but the wrinkles on the neck can make people see that she is an old man over 20 years old—"


Serra punched Li Wenwen directly, but Master Li took it down with a single palm.


Sela, whose fist was caught with one hand, let out an exclamation. It was the first time she was blocked from an attack since she served as Ilia's maid.

"Don't make trouble."

Li Wenwen motioned to Sierra to stop like coaxing a child, "Director Kiryu, I'm telling the truth. And even if you find a stand-in for the first protagonist, what are you going to do with the second protagonist (Miyu)? Are you planning to find someone who is as capable as this woman?"

"I think Master, you are pretty good."

"Don't make trouble, I don't have a feminine addiction."


He pinched the signature in Zhi's hand.


Qiye was also asked now, and he didn't know what to do.

Subaru Ikeda weakly suggested: "Is it really necessary to change to the same routine as the traditional special drama?"

"It's impossible to change it, it's impossible to change it in this life! It really needs to be changed, what can I use to attract the audience! Do you know if you want to make differentiated products these years!"

"Know a ghost!" Weaving a hand knife chopped it down and suppressed Qiye who patted the table. "You should consider the feasibility for me first!"


pS: At this stage, it is indeed cheaper to make a CG gun than a model gun. After all, you have to consider the cost of materials and manual production for the model.The CG gun is just an extra component when rendering on the computer, which is fast and economical.

Chapter 43

Rin Tosaka never thought that he would be so lucky that he would be valued by the new director Kiryu Nanaya and star in his TV series.

Originally, Rin thought that he was just an alternative plan chosen by the senior director named Kiryu Qiya. He should participate in a very demanding audition and compete for this role with other candidates.

However, Rin was surprised that only after a few simple auditions, Kiryu-senpai recognized his acting skills and came up with an actor standard contract that he had prepared.

Although Rin will only appear in a special drama for children, the performance fee for each episode is as high as 150,000 yen!

For Rin Tosaka, who is already going mad with only a few hundred thousand idol wages every month, it is simply a big pie falling from the sky, or the kind with thick fillings.

Although the 150,000 won't all go to her pocket, once the office's commission and taxes are paid, it is very good to have 80,000 yuan for 150,000 li, but this is still a lot for Rin. Pay.

It can be said that this is an extremely suitable job for her. Although the red cat ear magical girl costume looks a bit shame, it is not a big problem for Rin, an idol who often wears school clothes and dances on stage.

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