Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 514

Let’s take a look at the future of Netflix. As a streaming media, Netflix’s most important focus is to produce and update exclusive content under its own platform, and to expand its reputation.

Based on the above reasons, Qiye and Ziyuan finally confirmed their opinions that the HF line will be made into a TV series after several communications.

It's just that in the idea of ​​Qiye, this TV series will not start until the FZ project ends.

Unexpectedly, Ziyuan would merge the two projects directly.

Of course, this kind of trivial matter is completely inferior to the fact that a few of them co-operated and forced themselves to appear in [Eimiya Kiritugu], and Qiye was even more surprised by it.

"Although the mixing of two projects can indeed reduce part of the cost, if there is confusion in management, it may lead to a situation of 1+1>2 in cost."

Qiye said hesitantly.

"Of course I understand this."

Shion snickered while covering his mouth, and said: "So this is going to trouble you, you have to come up with a complete schedule, so that you can get the best control of your budget."

"I knew it was me who did the most tiring work in the end."

Qiye blew the broken hair on his forehead, and he had a foreboding of his endless work after the holiday.


pS1: Hahaha, I didn't expect it!

Mijiang plans to come together!o(*︶*)o


pS2: Because Mijiang will produce a report tonight, there are only two updates today.

As for whether it can be added tomorrow on the 1st, it depends on the completion of the evening report.(*/ω*)

Chapter 317

Although the idea of ​​continuous shooting between HF and FZ was a little bit riddled, Qiye took over these two project arrangements.

But it certainly didn't start to arrange content directly at the party scene, Qiye was not stupid enough yet.

It is not easy to coordinate the arrangements between the two projects. The content involved is quite complicated.

In addition, the scripts and budget content of the two films have not been finalized yet, so even if it is to be launched, it will be discussed after the year.

[Wait a minute, why do I want to arrange the shooting sequence?I obviously haven't agreed to play Kiriji!

"Hey, you guys..."

Qiye wanted to hold Shion to speak clearly.

"It doesn't need to be like this, I know everything."

Shion said with a smile: "When you La Elia entered the pit, what you were waiting for is now? I really hope you can take action against her."

"Oh, O'Neill made something..."

Elia flushed with shame, she was in a fantasy with her cheeks in her hands.

"If Nanaya really does this, it won't matter whether I win or lose with Kirishu."

Shion haha ​​patted Qiye on the shoulder: "No matter how many awards your kid has, it's a fart, isn't my man sleeping with your daughter in his arms."

"Oh oh oh! Not bad, this is it!"

Yi Liya clenched her fists with both hands, and she said excitedly to Shion: "Sister Shion, I will follow you forever!"


[That, Ilia, you should have noticed Shion's name just now, right?

The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched, but the enthusiastic Ilia seemed to have subconsciously ignored this matter.

"It looks like you are very popular in Qiye, it's really great!"

The cross on Lin's forehead was abrupt there, and she smiled and pointed her middle finger to Qiye.

[Your expression doesn't look like a great expression at all...]

Qiye felt the malice from the world. He felt that he would definitely kneel on the durian shell afterwards.

Fortunately, Rin didn't let Qiye do this in the end.

It was not because of her conscience that there were too many people staying overnight, and Rin was really not good at Qiye.

It was not just Shion and Sakura, in fact everyone who attended the party stayed overnight.

Probably there are very few opportunities for such indulgence. When everyone reacted, the New Year's bell had already sounded.

"Oops, we should go back."

Sugiyama, who heard the bell, glanced at the clock quickly.

"Are you going back here?"

Siji smirked and said, "Isn't it all right to just sleep here? I believe Qiye will not mind him."

"Anyone can, just go home for me!"

Qiye kicked Siji's ass and vomited.

Four Seasons quickly asked for mercy: "Hey? You can't be so unfeeling! Aren't we friends for life?"

"Ha ha."

Qiye knew this guy, and the usual urging of marriage in previous years gave Siji the idea of ​​living in his own home.

If it weren't for Qiye, I knew that Four Seasons had very strict requirements for filming.

Qiye even suspects that this animal has taken part of the directorship of FZ and HF in order to avoid the blind date at home.

"Qiye, Seventh Uncle, you can't help but die!"

Probably seeing Qiye ignoring herself, Siji directly hugged Qiye's thigh and wailed.

"If you don't mind, I have a guest room to sleep in."

Qiye said to Brother Sugiyama, As for some shameful guy, he completely regarded him as non-existent.

"I have prepared the bedding here, but the toiletries are only disposable, if you don't mind..."

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