Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 538

No matter how whitewashed, those people are all losers for this audition.

The host did not continue to stimulate the thoughts of these guys, he continued.

"Now, please sit in the seats for those who have been selected for the second audition. We will inform you of the requirements for the second round of auditions. Those who lose the selection, please leave the classroom, because it is too late today. The college has prepared dinner. You can follow the staff. Go to the cafeteria to eat."

There was a loud clatter, and the unselected actors filed out of the classroom.

Fortunately, the people who auditioned this time were all men. Although someone secretly wiped their tears, the howling did not appear.

But there are still many people with helplessness and frustration on their faces, and many people even have desperate expressions on their faces.

Dou Sen felt that these must not have the thought of eating, and it would not be impossible to stuff food into his nostrils in the restaurant.

But Dou Sen didn't mean to look down on these people, because if he were one of them, he would definitely be in this state.

Not to mention that I have only entered the second round of auditions, and it is far from enough to sit back and relax.

After all the unsuccessful people left, the atmosphere in the lounge became a lot more relaxed.

But soon the atmosphere began to become tense again.

Everyone is in the second round of auditions, which means that everyone is closer to the role, but it also means that the competition will be more intense than the first round.

The actor circle is like this.

Those who are capable go, those who are equal let go, and those who are mediocre go.

There are only so many actors, and there are even fewer seats for big production actors.

Under such circumstances, as long as they can be the person who appears in front of the camera, many people do not care about the process and the means.

Actors are such a cruel industry.


The host made an expressionless announcement: “According to Director Kiryu’s request, the second round of auditions will begin tomorrow. Because this audition will involve a longer period of makeup time, I hope everyone comes as soon as possible. There is also a second. The audition round involves the content of the new film directed by Kiryu, so you must sign a confidentiality agreement before you leave."

"The audition method will be different from today. You will be auditioning in groups. Please prepare according to the content on this paper for the specific grouping situation. Now we will announce the grouping."

With that said, the host told everyone the group list in the gap between other people's materials.

"That one……"

An actor raised his hand and asked, "Does this grouping mean that our group will compete for a role?"

With this sentence, the eyes of everyone present at the same group became sharper.

"No, Director Kiryu will arrange for each group to perform rival dramas, and you will play different roles." The host quickly explained, "So the quality of your performance will also affect the members of your group, but in the end you are all The team has entered the next round, or only one person enters, or all members are denied, it depends on the evaluation of Director Kiryu."

Yimi circled her head and said, "Sounds a little complicated."

"I don't think you can understand this kind of thing with your IQ."

Juan Fu sighed. He just wanted to explain the relationship with Yimei, but he didn't expect Yimei to answer directly.

"Forget it, as long as you use your best acting skills, it should be fine."


Juan Fu has to admit that what Yimei said is somewhat reasonable. As long as he can play his due level, then if he can pass it, he can pass it, but if he can't pass it, even some small tricks will be useless in the end.

Dou Sen pointed to his friends who thought about himself in surprise and reminded: "Look, the three of us are actually in a group."

"Really, it seems that we are lucky this time." Yimei laughed.

"Is it really luck?"

Juan Fu felt a little strange about this grouping. Although there were not many people who auditioned for the second round, it was definitely not too few.

The three people I knew were randomly assigned to a group. This probability was too low.

Juan Fu even suspects that this is a group deliberately arranged by the director, but he can't think of the reason for such a grouping.

[The director probably wouldn't know that the three of us know each other, so it must be because we have some common characteristics that made the other party make this choice.what is the reason behind the scene?

While Juan Fu was still thinking hard, Yimei hugged her partner's head and said loudly, "Benny, what are you doing so frowning? Let's celebrate tonight together! Even Tom agreed to come, you too Come together!"

"Stupid James!" Juan Fu was so angry that he punched the other party, "I really think about the rules of grouping! This is very important for us to pass the second round of auditions! And there will be a second round of interview tomorrow?! You go out to party this evening. What the hell is it!"

Zhan Yimei said carelessly: "It's just that your kid is thinking too much, so using your brain will quickly move your hairline back. Go, go."

"wait a minute."

Although Juan Fu was helpless, he was still dragged away by his company's partner.


Early the next morning, Qiye arrived at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

"Brother-in-law, you don't seem to have a good rest last night."

Lily pointed to the black actor on Qiye's face and said with a smile.

"Isn't it all because of you!"

Qiyeqi slew Lily's temples several times with outstretched fists.

Being shocked by the news of Lily's breakup yesterday, Qiye slept all night with a little fright.

Although he locked the window well, he still couldn't stand the recollection of what Lily had said in his mind.

Any wind and grass outside the window frightened Qiye.

"You made me use up the rest of the whole night. How can you pay me?"

"Really, brother-in-law, you are such a big person, and you are so timid."

Lily rubbed her head and said disdainfully, "If you are so scared, why not spend the night with you today, so you won't be scared?"

"No, I'm afraid of being beaten by your sister as third-class disabled."

Qiye rejected the proposal without even thinking about it.


pS1: There are still 5 chapters left!??(°▽°)?


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