Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 541

Speaking of Juan Fu, he also used small finger movements, his index finger kept turning in circles to signal Dou Sen to turn his face away.

"Right right, turn your back to me, you can go to class like this from now on."


Dou Sen's face was full of aggrieved little expressions. He wanted to make a theory about the ridiculous lecturer, but his glaring was relentlessly glared back.


Dou Sen has now substituted his own heart into the role of Weber Wilvit, and he began to use the other side's thinking to think about how angry the other side is when facing such a situation.

He clearly possessed the talent to make the whole world sensational, but he was wiped out because of an authoritative arbitrariness. This is really unreasonable.

What is even more irritating is that my irritation is useless at all, because no one in the clock tower expresses sympathy.

This anger and isolation made Dou Sen feel indignant, and he could hardly control his emotions.

For a moment, Dou Sen wanted to directly throw the things on the table onto the podium, even his hand had grabbed the pen on the table.

"Hello, Webber."

At this moment, Yimei said, he also said in a mocking tone.

"Sovereign Elmero told you to turn your back, and then you can take it back. It is a gift for people like you to come in and listen to the class. You must be grateful!"

After Dousen heard what Yimei said, he took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"I see, Lecturer Elmero."

Dou Sen left the position trembling, and walked out of the classroom step by step.

[That guy Zhan Yimei...]

Qiye raised her eyebrows, and of course he could see that Yimei made a sound just to remind Dou Sen not to do things that didn't meet the role set.

Although Weber's setting is a stunner, it is impossible to throw things at the lecturer in front of other students.

It’s very easy for newcomers to make mistakes when entering into the mood of the role, but performing in the way you are used to.

Fortunately, Dou Sen stopped his hand under the reminder of others, and made a behavior that was still in line with his role.

If Dousen did this just now, Qiye would definitely deduct points for Dousen.

When Dou Sen finally scores lower than others, Qiye will choose others without hesitation.

This is why, even though she is already in Dou Sen, Qiye still let other actors who applied for Weber enter the second audition.

The comparison between different actors can give Qiye better judgment.

It is impossible for Qiye to add points to an actor's current performance because of his future achievements. After all, things like experience and experience are very important to the actor itself.

To force an actor to assume such a role without reaching this level will not only ruin his own movie, but also make the actor himself depressed.

But then again, when it comes to venomous tongue, volume is indeed better than Yimei.

Just now, Juan Fu's way of criticizing others for nothing, and scolding them bloody, was really annoying.

Even Qiye had the urge to punch him, not to mention the trembling who faced the curly Fu. Seeing him like that, he seemed to be crushed.

Through the two auditions just now, Qiye could see that Yimei and Juanfu focused on two different aspects when playing Kenneth.

Yimei focuses on Kenneth’s arrogance, which makes his image look above the top

At the same time, even though Yimi was so impatient, he still admitted his teacher's duties.

His attitude towards Weber can be summarized as disdain for you, but since you are my student, I will still teach you.

On the contrary, Kenneth, who is cursing fortune, is even more arrogant and arrogant. He has a complete contempt and mockery of Weber. He gives people a kind of insult to himself for the student to continue to stay in the classroom. a feeling of.

Thinking of this, Qiye ticked two strokes on the paper beside Yimi's name.

"Okay, your group will take a break first." Qiye said to the three people, "Benny and James are going to change makeup, Tom, you don't need to change makeup, just remember to touch up your makeup before the next scene begins."

The three nodded and then left the audition room under the leadership of the staff.

"Next group!"

Qiye called another group of audition actors into the lecture theatre.

——————————————— Time dividing line—————————————

After a busy morning, Qiye finally passed all the roles in his mind that had thoughts about Webber and Kenneth.

The result of the morning, there is no actor who can make Qiye especially bright, the final result is not much different from yesterday.

[It’s still Dousen tentatively set up Weber. Will Kenneth choose between Yimei and Volume Fu?

But the audition in the afternoon has not yet begun, and it is really hard to say what the final result will be.

[Do you want to think about it in another way?

Qiye picked up a beautiful application form, which stated that his ideal role is a knight.

[Let Yimei try Dilumudo Audi, how about?

Qiye suddenly had a whim, and he could try it out after preparing for the audition.

In addition to the two masters, Qiye Came to the UK also has three pending quotas for servants, namely Shushu, Marshal and Changjiang.

Although the other two followers are French except for the setting.

But I don’t know why, the Americans’ perception of Lancelot’s nationality has always been British.

Basically, as long as it is in Hollywood movies, most Lancelot accents are London accents.

However, since the Yangtze River Knights are mixing in the round table, it is very reasonable and reasonable to have a London accent.

Anyway, in fz, the Yangtze River is not [A————Se————— except for the last paragraph!It’sAowaow————————!].

Accents don't matter at all, even if they appear, they will only show up for the last time.

So it doesn’t matter who the actor Changjiang really looks for to play, anyway, that kind of all-inclusive armor, most of the time will let the substitute appear.

The role of Yangtze River is completely different from that of Goblin Slayer.

In addition to action dramas, Gesha also has a lot of literary dramas. At the same time, there are many action scenes that show the other side's eyes through the gaps in the helmet.

However, the Yangtze River Knights are designed to be a tool man, and the actor only needs to show his face in the last scene.

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