Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 547

Subsequently, the elven prince took the lead in an epic film "The Kingdom of Heaven", trying to continue his glory in the "Lord of the Rings" series.

However, things are not what everyone thinks, the release version of this movie is simply a mess, and the audience's evaluation is simply bad and can't be worse.

People in later generations always attribute the failure of the movie "Kings of Heaven" to Fox's blind operation.

Because Fox found that the director's cut version was more than 3 hours long, it directly found someone to cut the movie again.

Cut the 192-minute movie to 145 minutes abruptly, directly cutting an epic masterpiece into a mess.

Almost all the audience watched in the clouds and mist, I don't know the so-called.

This also triggered a public relations crisis for the film media, because almost most of the media were very satisfied with the film before the film was released, and even sang praises.

It is conceivable that when the audience saw such a SB movie, their hearts were angry.

Fortunately, all the media immediately explained that they watched the 3-hour director's cut version, and the director's cut version announced later did indeed prove the film's excellence.

After that, everyone pointed the finger at the film's distribution company-20th Century Fox.

Think that the old fox killed the movie.

In fact, in Qiye's view, even if Fox does release a director's cut version, it will not necessarily make the film successful.

After all, the duration of a movie of more than 3 hours is a bit too much. If you let the audience watch it for such a long time, it is estimated that not many people can bear it.

The release version is more than 3 hours, and it has also been a successful commercial film. The only movies that Qiye can name are "King Kong" and Marvel's "Endgame" made by the fat man in front of him.

It is understandable for Fox to ask someone to cut the film short. The only thing they did wrong was to exclude the director from editing when editing the release version.

As for why Fox would do this, Qiye guessed that the eight achievements are the arrogance of the Sixth Big, or that he does not want to give the director too much power.

However, Qiye thinks that if the director of "The Kingdom of Heaven" can edit it himself, he might be able to produce a movie with a relatively complete story line.

But as for whether this movie can be successful, Qiye doesn't know. Anyway, he himself is not optimistic.

After all, the epic period movie has lost money since 2003, and the reason is still because of the fat man sitting in front of him.

Because "Lord of the Rings" is so successful and great that all similar movies will be compared with it.

As long as there is a gap with the "Lord of the Rings", it will be infinitely magnified, which will lead to the failure of this movie.

The failure of "Kings of Heaven" has become a foregone conclusion, so according to the fine tradition of big companies, the failure of a big project must be backed by someone.

Anyway, Fox himself would certainly not admit his failure-although they passed the 3-hour version of "King Kong" a few months later.

But do it, say it.

Someone must recite things like backing the pot.

So the director and the leading role became the victims of the failure of the film project, especially the leading role of Orlando Bloom. Not only did Fox reject him, but other Hollywood studios also eliminated him from the ranks of major production movies.

In the memory of Seven Nights, the Elf Prince has participated in only a handful of major productions after the Kingdom of Heaven, and only the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series and the "Hobbit" series are quite popular.

If it weren't for "Pirates of the Caribbean 1" before "Kings of Heaven" had already been released, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" would have been filmed.

Qiye estimates that Disney's urine will definitely kick the Elf Prince away.

Hollywood has always been a very realistic place. If actors cannot bring themselves profits, then it is inevitable to abandon them directly.

"In fact, when Disney negotiated with Orlando for the "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" contract, it has already proposed to reduce the other side's play."

Peter Jackson said sadly.

For Orlando Bloom, Peter Fatty is still very affectionate.

Although Peter was very strict with Orlando during the filming, he still liked the other party very much.

Otherwise, Legolas, a character that does not exist in the original work, will not be added to the "The Hobbit" series, and Orlando, whose appearance has already begun to decline, will be played.

So after Orlando asked himself some time ago, Peter was also helping him find a way.

Don't think about it on the Big Six side. The name of Orlando's box office poison has been spread, and no one dares to use him.

Outside of the Big Six, the only company capable of producing large-scale commercial films is Jiufeng Entertainment, which has just risen by fate in North America.

By coincidence, Peter knew that Qiye had already started preparing for Fate's new work, so he came to him with a shy old face.

"I know you are preparing for the fz project. Can you give him a role in Orlando? A supporting role is also fine. What he needs now is to stabilize his position."

Peter said embarrassedly.


Qiye pointed the table with his finger, he was thinking about gains and losses.

Orlando's acting skills are really not excellent, which is why a failure of "The Kings of Heaven" made him unable to get up again.

But now the elven prince with online appearance is still quite popular, and the other party has just experienced the failure of "Kings of Heaven" at this time, and the price is still reasonable.

It's not impossible to let him play corners in fz, but the question is whether the arrogant Orlando can agree.

Nanya took a piece of paper. He first listed all the roles of actors that have not yet been determined, and then crossed out several roles that must be of Japanese nationality.

After a round of selection, Qiye gave Peter Jackson the information about the roles of Ryunosuke and Lancelot.

"You show this to Bloom." Qiye handed the paper over. "If he is interested in these two roles, he can come over to audition."

"ok, I know, thank you."

Seeing Qiye's opportunity, Peter Jackson breathed a sigh of relief. He took the paper into his arms.

As for whether the elven prince would be satisfied with these two roles, Peter didn't care, he was not Orlando Bloom's father, and he had done his best to do this.


pS1: Orlando Bloom, the elf prince, has been at a low point after the defeat of [The Kingdom of Heaven]. After that, except for the Hobbit and Pirates of the Caribbean series, he has never appeared in the first-line works.

In fact, Orlando still had a chance in 2008. It was the three Musketeers in the movie, but he still did not seize the opportunity.

Although the success or failure of the movie itself is not directly related to the Elf Prince, if the Elf Prince's acting skills are qualified, he still has the capital to make a comeback.

It's like Scarlett Johansson who hit commercial movies time after time, failed several times, and finally succeeded.

It can only be said that you need to harden yourself.


pS2: On the first day of the trip, Mi Jiang came to Nanjing.The stewed lion head is delicious, much more delicious than the braised lion head made in school.?(??`?)

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