Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 552

It turns out that these people who gathered to protest [See Moon] are paper tigers.

The strongest legal department let these people know that Jiufeng's people are not easy to mess with.

The staff of Jiufeng’s legal department investigated the protesters to see if they infringed their company’s patents and copyrights.

As long as there is, immediately take the legal route, let these guys who are full of food taste the taste of being fucked.

Most people think that Jiufeng strictly controls the copyright of his own characters, but they don't understand that the most powerful part of Jiufeng lies in the massive patents.

As a century-old store, Jiufeng has many strange patents in his hand, which are detailed and complicated.

For example, the infamous patent for the cross key, the patent that allows the game console to continue the game after the standby is turned on, and a lot of patents related to the touch screen.

Generally speaking, Jiufeng will only use these patents as a kind of self-protection, which is quite different from Konami's patent hooligans.

After all, it is true that 80% of the games on the market involve patent infringement.

If you really want to do this, everyone should stop playing games, just go to court all day long.

Therefore, as long as they do not infringe on the fundamental interests of Jiufeng, they are generally unlikely to put these into legal sanctions.

But if someone pushes Jiufeng in a hurry, then Jiufeng can only say sorry. It was you who played the rogue first. Don't blame me for picking up pants and bursting chrysanthemums.

As a result, these protesters were mistreated by Jiufeng. Three-quarters of them had infringements, and at least one-third had to face lawsuits.

After all, Jiufeng's copyright and patents are really amazing. The ghost knows when he has touched the red line.

There are indeed a group of innocent people who have not committed any infringements, but when they saw that Jiufeng was real, they immediately persuaded.

As a result, there were only two or three kittens left after the massive protests.

These people don't know whether it is difficult to ride a tiger, or really dissatisfied with [See Moon], or because they are born to shake M, the more Jiufeng engages them, the more vigorous they are.

In short, there is still such a small group of diehards who are still protesting.

"Don't worry, these guys are the grasshoppers after autumn. They won't be jumping for long."

Shion said indifferently on the phone, as if these guys really seemed to be suffering from scabies.

"I can handle it in three days, and then we will return to Japan to participate in the Japanese Oscars."

Yes, the current time has come to March 2006. The most critical battle between Jiufeng and Limbao about who is the leader of the industry is finally about to start.


pS: In the last century, when the family was the dominant player, Lao Ren did have a strict grasp of patents. After all, at that time, Lao Ren regarded games as his own industry only, such as the special patent for the cross key.

But after the 21st century, because of the loss of hegemony, the relationship between Lao Ren and other game manufacturers is still in a competitive relationship, but it is not as life-thinning as it was in the 20th century.

So the requirements for patents are much smaller, because there are too many game companies, and no one can develop games if they really want to do so.

However, when some manufacturers are seriously infringing on their own interests, the old man will also fight back forcefully, such as the deadly Colopl.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 338

If there is the biggest difference between the Japanese Oscars and the North American Oscars, it is the attitude of outsiders after the annual Oscar nominations are announced.

In North America, the most interesting topic about the Oscars is which candidate can win the golden man.

Even if the North American Oscars are increasingly moving towards independent film awards in the future, many people are still interested in the list of winners.

Countless media will give their own predictions, and countless movie fans hope that the person they support can lift the golden man in front of the TV camera.

But in Japan, everyone is clear that the attribution of the award has been decided as early as the moment the candidate was announced.

After all, you can't count on how fair a jury institution that is shameless enough to make a special film like "New Godzilla" into an art film and wins awards softly.

But this year is different. Whether it is audiences or people in the entertainment industry, they are all eagerly looking forward to this year's Japanese Oscars.

Because this year the judges are divided into two factions, and people who are still playing a dog's mind basically know that everyone who follows the Japanese entertainment industry.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, both fate and "Sanchome" have great hopes of winning, and it depends on who can be more welcomed by the judges.

As the battle intensified, all senior leaders on both sides began to stand up and speak out, criticizing each other's films and singing praises to their own films.

It can be said that Shion and Kirishu actually did everything they should do except they didn't end up in person.

As for why Shion didn't end up...

Because she is dealing with those gangsters in the United States, she has no time to speak up in the Japanese media.

On the other side, Kiriji saw that Shion hadn't ended, he didn't plan to leave.

After all, when the other big guy didn't say anything, he hurriedly expressed his stance, wouldn't he lower his head?

He had indeed made similar provocations before, but since her little girl in Jiufeng Ziyuan has been ignoring her, wouldn't it be very unpredictable if she pursued so closely?

But no matter how you say it, Kirishu's strategy in the past few months is not moving.

Although in private, he is still jumping up and down for "Sanchome", but in public, it seems to have disappeared.

"Anyway, Kirishi is like someone is crazy. He feels that it is meaningless to play a single machine alone, and he can't raise the energy when no one cares."

This was the ridicule Qiye heard from the daughter of Kirishu whose name could not be said.

In this regard, Qi Ye Quandang did not hear anything.

There is also a very rare phenomenon in Japan’s Oscars this time, that is, the organizer NHK actually gave a prize prediction on the official website of the Oscar in Japan.

If the audience is interested enough, they can fill in the information on the website and then predict the attribution of the award.

According to the final result, the audience who guesses right will get generous prizes.

If anyone guesses all of them, these viewers will get a set of home theater sets provided by Sony, ranging from large LCD TVs to audio equipment.

This kind of similar event occurs almost every year at North American Oscars, but Japanese Oscars rarely hold such events.

The reason is also very simple. Only things with uncertain probability can be regarded as prize quiz.

But in previous years, the Japanese Oscars would never have such a good thing, because just look at the production companies behind these movies, and basically what kind of results will be predicted.

At this time, even NHK is embarrassed to say that they are engaged in prize quiz, otherwise they will definitely be lost.

But this year's Oscar in Japan was due to the fierce confrontation between the two forces, which gave NHK the confidence to use it as a promotional point to attract a large audience.

As a national TV station, NHK doesn't care who will win or lose in this battle.

Even if Jiufeng beat Lin Bao in the end, it would be nothing more than a thigh hug for NHK.

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