Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 562

TV dramas are no longer an essential part of people's lives.

Especially with the launch of [See Moon], now even watching TV series can be transferred to the Internet to solve.

This has caused a huge blow to the traditional TV station business and hates video websites.

If it weren’t for [See Moon]’s backstage with Jiufeng, the TV stations would have long protested against blocking the website.

Even so, they kept putting eye drops on the [See Moon] website.

Japan’s domestic sports games, new TV dramas and new shows, these programs with the latest content are not allowed to appear on [See Moon]. Perhaps in their opinion, letting [See Moon] eat their own leftovers is their victory. .

At the same time, they also want to demonize the Internet, describing the Internet as something that can only be used at home and social scum.

I urge everyone not to use the Internet. Television is your formal entertainment.

Although this kind of argument is very strange, it is not surprising for a country that can debate whether paper office is better or electronic office is better in the 21st century.

But Motoichi Hashimoto, who has just taken office for more than a year, the new president of NHK National Television does not think so.

Existing data show that no matter how the TV station people decorate the peace, the rise of the Internet is already unstoppable.

The annual decline in TV ratings is the best proof that data will never be deceiving.

According to Motoichi Hashimoto, there are only two ways for TV stations to regain their audience.

One is to create more distinctive and high-quality programs to attract audiences.

The other is to actively link with video websites, and even open the network synchronization playback service.

It's a pity that the conservative forces in the NHK are so big that even as the president, he can't push his ideas forward.

[It can only be changed a little bit, I hope Jiufeng will not let me down.

Moto Hashimoto thought in his heart that he knew that if he wanted to seek a breakthrough, he had to break the original conservative forces and muddy the entire water.

As a large consortium, Jiufeng undoubtedly has such potential.

Don't look at NHK playing Lin Bao and Washimine so evenly this time, but Motoichi Hashimoto is looking forward to the final victory of Washimine in his heart.

"How's the ratings?" Moto Hashimoto asked his men.

"Before Mancai's performance was 29%, now it has been pushed to 30%."

Motoichi Hashimoto rubbed his eyes and asked, "What was the highest before?"

"35%." The staff replied, "It was when fate got the best soundtrack, best photography, and achieved 4 nominations."

"Does even comedians only have so much?" Motoichi Hashimoto gave a wry smile.

This matter has nothing to do with Da Ha. After all, as a national-level comedy artist, even Da Ha’s show [Tiger Dojo] has an average audience rating of only 25%.

Motoichi Hashimoto is still feeling more, that the era of television has passed.

After all, in the past, a comedian of Dahe's level, even if he didn't say anything, could get more than 30% of the ratings when he just shot.

Of course, when the audience turns on the TV, they are definitely not watching Dahe talk about cross talk, but watching their favorite movies to win awards.

And when it comes to all nominated films, is there any film that can surpass "fate"?

From the very beginning, the audience watched that fate crushed other films to win awards, so there is no need to think about this kind of thing from the beginning.

After this, "fate" continued to show a sweeping trend of the king.

Although Junichi Ishida lost his best supporting actor relationship before, Fate failed to achieve the achievement of nomination.

But getting the two new technical trophies of best editing and best lighting also means that Fate's invincible existence in the technical awards.

The strong performance of "fate" also boosted the ratings of the Oscars in Japan.

With the award of the Best Lighting Award, the ratings of NHK display have risen to 35%, which is already the first echelon of TV program ratings.

However, this has not stopped, and the ratings of the show are still slowly rising.

"this is……"

Motoichi Hashimoto was very surprised, he couldn't believe this data.

"The next award is for the best screenwriter. It is a heavyweight award." His deputy quickly reminded him when he saw his boss's confused expression.

"No wonder, it looks like this battle between Jiufeng and Lin Bao is about to begin."

Moto Hashimoto suddenly realized.

The award for best screenplay is very strange. It is not a technology award or performance award, but it is one level worse than the best film and best director.

This award is generally not used to comfort people, but to pave the way for the king.

At present, no one knows what kind of situation this award will fall into this year, but everyone believes that the ownership of this award will be a very important signal.

On the stage of the Pamir International Pavilion, Tian Hai Youxi slowly walked up, and at this time all the guests present looked at Kirisu.

Many of them knew about the relationship between Kirishu and Tianhai Yuxi, even if people who didn't know saw so many people looking at Kirishu, they all knew it.

"Ah, ah."

Alice Phil did not hit anyone, nor directly asked Kirishu about any previous affairs between him and the woman on the stage.

She just smiled and said, "Kiji, do you think she is very beautiful? You have been staring at it since you came on stage?"


Keishi felt that if there was a hole in the ground now, he would definitely get in.

"It is very painful to be questioned by the current wife about the old lover." Qiye said in the tone of an overcomer, "because whatever conclusion you answered is wrong."

A gleam of light flashed in Shion's eyes: "You seem to know it well."

"of course."

Qiye smirked and said, "Do you know? I was asked Sakura in bed..."


Qiye couldn't go on, because Shiyuan kicked him hard in the calf.

"This trick again?"

Qiye was silently clutching his calf, but fortunately, it was covered by a tablecloth. Otherwise, if he was photographed by the camera like this, Shion would be added to the list of [Director Kiryu Qiye's Wedding List].

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