Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 567

Others watch movies just to relax, but Qiye always carries a notebook with him to record when he watches movies, and he writes down a few pages of records every time.

When other people watch "Titanic", they will be moved by the unforgettable love, and admired for the special effects beyond that of the time.

But when Sakura was watching this movie with Qiye, she understood the desire and yearning from the other's eyes.

Therefore, in Sakura's view, Qiye is now only receiving a natural compliment!

Qiye had already celebrated with the members of the fate crew along the table.

When he returned to his original seat and was about to take the stage to accept the award...

The biggest accident happened. Shion, who had originally embraced Qiye courteously at the beginning, hugged Qiye again, and after she took Qiye around for half a circle, she suddenly kissed him hard on the lips.

"Congratulations, Qiye."

It's like a hunter who has been waiting for a long time and smiles knowingly when he sees the prey, Shion smiles like a fox at this time.

Shion’s kiss can be said to have been planned for a long time. Since just now, she has been paying attention to the angle of the live camera.

Where she found that all the cameras had subconsciously avoided Chi-chi, so as not to capture the shameful side of Boss Lin Bao.

So a bold plan took shape in Shion's mind. When Qiye returned to his original position, she boldly hugged Qiye and turned to the blind spot of the camera to kiss him.

From the perspective of the audience and most people on the scene, Shion just hugged Qiye again, but the people of the fate crew saw Shion's movements very clearly.

Shion was not over after the kiss, she glanced provocatively at other people with a contemptuous look, and licked her lips with her tongue.

"It tastes good, it's really exciting."


The girls at the table suddenly felt that a nerve in their mind was suddenly broken.

PS: The first time I went back to Hangzhou, I felt very good during the trip this week.

As an otaku, I really almost broke my leg these days. I went home and prepared to rest for two days before going out._(:з∠)_

Chapter 347

Qiye froze for a while, but his reaction speed was extremely fast.

He immediately distanced himself from Shion and hurried to the stage.

From an angle that he couldn't see, or just behind him, there was already a dark battle.

If a camera scans the table of the fate crew at this time, you will find that the expressions of everyone around the table are very exciting.

Shion, who succeeded in the attack, smiled brilliantly, with a joy that his long-cherished wish was finally fulfilled.

There was a smile on Rin's face, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Lily, who has the least city mansion, blows her eyebrows at Shiyuan and stares, her cheeks bulging like a frog.

Only Sakura seemed not to care about the kiss at all, she just stood there smiling and applauding, her expression unchanged.

If it is a Westerner, such a kiss can prove nothing at all.

At the Oscars in North America, there are not one or two stars who directly kiss people around them because of their emotional excitement.

But this is not Europe and the United States, but the conservative East. It is the Japanese entertainment industry that is suspected of harassing even close kisses.

No matter how good the relationship is, kissing the lips is absolutely prohibited for non-couples and family members.

Therefore, hiding behind the smiling face of Shimoya Sakura was a deep guard and a little bit of anger.

They have already done things like kissing. To say that the big boss of Jiufeng's family has no idea about his ex-boyfriend, Sakura dares to eat bugs live.

[No way, the little girl from Tosaka's family is too useless, she can't stop the female boss at all.

Sakura's eyes swept around, and finally fixed her gaze on Hanai Ryuichi, but Sakura gave up.

If anyone can influence Qiye the most, it is the old man standing on the podium.

Everyone knows that Qiye only relied on the support of Ryuichi Hanai to enter the circle, but it's a pity that Ryuichi Hanai's favorite person is the child of the Liangyi family, and this foreign girl himself is not popular in front of him.

[It's been a long time since I contacted my uncle and aunt, it's time to start with them.

Sakura secretly made up his mind, after all, compared to the unfamiliar Hanai Ryuichi, the Kiryu and his wife are obviously closer and more familiar with each other.

Just when Sakura decided to take the strategic policy of the family route, Qiye finally came to the stage at this time.

He strode to the stage with an expression on his face as if the king was crowned by the pope.

In the hall of the awards ceremony, thunderous applause has long converged into waves of sound.

Qiye took the trophy representing the best director from her teacher in the blessings of everyone, and gave her a gentle hug.

Maybe they are not related by blood, but Qiye and his teacher are indeed in love with his father and son.

No matter when, Qiye will never forget her teacher.

Qiye clenched the golden trophy in his hand and stood in front of the microphone.

Knowing that Qiye wanted to make a speech, the waves of applause in the hall gradually stopped.

Qiye opened her mouth, and after a few seconds a word popped out: "Ano..."


Quite a few people in the audience screamed. Everyone thought Qiye was going to prepare a long talk, but they didn't expect it to be such a word.


Nanya was also a little embarrassed. He smiled and continued: "Thank you very much to the Japan Film Academy Awards Association. It is you who made me have a great time tonight."


This was not someone's laugh, but the sound of Kirishu biting his lips.

When Qi Yequan didn't exist, he took two deep breaths and calmed down the excitement in his heart caused by winning, he continued.

"First of all, I want to thank all the members of my team, there would be no fate for this movie without you!"

Although these are routine words, Qiye's words are sincere.

The bigger the project, the more Qiye feels the importance of being mature and able to cooperate with the team tacitly.

This is definitely not something that just a few people can accomplish.

Although movie stories always like to highlight the personal heroism of the protagonist, a mature industrialized movie is definitely not the product of personal heroism.

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