Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 569

"Quickly switch ads!"

When the person in charge of the live camera saw that the situation was not right, he quickly ordered.

Amidst the hustle and bustle and the call for help, the old man standing on the stage shook his head in disgust.

"The young people nowadays can't stand the blows. What do you think, Seven Nights Boy?"


pS: Although it's fun to play outside, the bed at home is really comfortable. This is the emotion of Mi Jiang, who has slept for a whole afternoon.=w=

Chapter 348

Although it is already one o'clock in the morning, the lobby on the first floor of Villa Chiyoda Chiyoda is still brightly lit and full of voices.

The members of the fate crew, as well as people related to the seven nights, including Hanai Ryuichi and Ryugu Nosei, all gathered to celebrate Fate's grand slam at the Japanese Oscar tonight.

In fact, after the Oscar in Japan, NHK directly held a celebration banquet.

This time, the ratings of Japan’s Oscars are bursting, which can be said to be the highest in the new millennium.

Both received 37.8%, and reached 51.7% at the highest instant. The average ratings in the second half have been around 45%.

This achievement is not to be said to be a Japanese Oscar, it can be said to be able to stand out from the crowd in almost all TV shows.

With such a good result, NHK must of course celebrate it. It is not surprising that it is a celebration banquet.

However, the fate crew did not have the mind to be a monkey in front of everyone, so everyone only showed up at the celebration banquet, and they all rushed to the villa of Qiye.

As the biggest winner tonight, Qiye is naturally sought after by everyone.

At the same time, it is also the object of being poured.

After all, life is rare, and Qiye himself is usually a master who doesn't touch wine.

Taking this opportunity, Ziyuan and others naturally want to irrigate and irrigate.

Not to mention that among the people at this gathering, there are also funny activists like the Four Seasons Style.

Every time I saw that Qiye's cup was empty, he would go up and let him drink a few more glasses.

Let’s not talk about Four Seasons, a rebellious non-mainstream. Since junior high school, all kinds of guys who drink alcohol have long been trained to drink.

On the contrary, this guy is like this guy, who usually doesn't make a sound, feels like a good-looking rice bucket.

As a result, drinking was more ferocious than men, and after having done four or five cups with Qiye, he still seemed to be okay.

You know that Qiye drinks low-alcohol sparkling wine, but Shiji doesn't know where he got Lao Baigan.

In short, thanks to the efforts of these people, Qiye became drunk within half an hour after the party started.

However, these guys still didn't mean to let Qiye go, Shishi still encouraged Qiye to have another drink.

"Qiya, it's time to drink." Shi took the wine glass and wanted to pour it directly into Qiye's mouth.

Then she was beaten by knitting.

"Is it Pan Jinlian? Don't think I haven't watched "Water Margin"!"

As he said, Zhi dragged away from Qiye's side.

"Cut, weaving is too boring! Today is a day of great joy." Shiji said unwillingly.

"You just want to watch the excitement! By the way, when did you drink so well? I don't know that you drink white wine like water."

"Hee hee, this one."

She took out a can of Coke, and she shook the Coke and said, "Drink half a can of Coke first, and spit the wine into it with the excuse of gargle every time you finish drinking."


Zhizhi glanced at Qiye in the distance, and thought it was better not to tell him such a tragic fact.

At this time, Qiye had already approached Ilia.

"How is your father?"

Qiye frowned and asked.

Kei Shi passed out angrily at the banquet. This incident was considered a very serious matter for the Longgu family.

Seriously, Qiye didn't want to hold this party because of this incident.

Because this gave him the illusion that he was going to go to the grave, he was not very comfortable.

"It's okay, it's just a strong internal fire."

Obviously it was a serious matter, but it seemed to be just a small cold in Iliya's mouth.

"Really?" Qiye didn't believe it.

"An Xin, just one month of meditation." Illiya waved her hand and said, "Kirushi is not so vulnerable."

"Then the nearest Linbao company..."

One month is not too short. A big company will have trouble without a leader for a month.

"Mom, she will take care of it, and grandpa will also come to help, otherwise O'Neill, why do you think grandpa will suddenly return to China? Didn't you expect this to happen?"

[It turns out that you have known that Kei Si will be so angry that you almost die.

In fact, Longgu Nengcheng came back to stabilize the military's mind. In case Jiufeng really overwhelmed Lin Bao, the chance of the old man at least wouldn't let Lin Bao's heart dissipate completely.

It just happened that Kirishu was hospitalized this time, so everything seemed to be just right.

"Kiryu kid."

Probably after hearing the conversation between Qiye and Ilia, Longgu Nengcheng took the initiative to join in.

"That kid Keishi is so smooth. He hasn't encountered any setbacks after marrying Eri. This time it's good for him to have a long memory."

"Is it……"

Qiye has nothing to say.

Is your family so fierce?

"Don't worry, that kid just can't think about it all of a sudden."

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