Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 574

First of all, fate's propaganda team clarified that this speculation circulating on the Internet is not a script at all, indicating that this is just a speculation of netizens on ubw.

The actual plot of the movie will be different from this guess, but the fate crew indicated that this will be a very unique story.

As for how much content in this guess is correct, the crew said -

Ha ha.

Then, countless fans raised their middle fingers at the spokesperson named William.

Of course, the official answer cannot satisfy the fans, but they also know that the official itself cannot reveal too much information.

After all, before the movie was shown, the plot was completely revealed, and there was no freshness when it was shown.

However, the psychology of audiences, especially diehard fans, is very contradictory. On the one hand, they hope to know the plot of their favorite movie as soon as possible. On the other hand, they feel that being spoiled will lose their freshness.

This kind of ambivalence will give rise to the mentality that fans will buy tickets to watch movies at the first time, even at 0 o'clock.

Of course, fans can also obtain plot content in other ways, such as finding breakthroughs from actors.

Because compared with dedicated publicity staff, those actors often unconsciously leak some information, and inferring key plots from this information is also an inherent skill of many fans.

This also causes the producers to sometimes have to mislead some big-mouth actors, making them think they know the truth, but in fact they have not.

However, Qiye didn't do this on ubw, but ordered the actors to not reveal the real names of the followers.

Therefore, in an interview event, Sugiyama confirmed to the outside world when asked by reporters that Shiro Wimiya was the core news of the second half of the movie.


pS1: I owe 2 more!!Mijiang wins!??(°▽°)?


pS2: There are still two changes tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Although there are classes on weekends, Michan will see if she can try to make up the last two owed. If not, we will switch to next week._(:з∠)_

Chapter 351 Half-Chapter 3D Technology

This is an interview with a newspaper about the Los Angeles Times.

Although the result of Sugiyama's interview this time is just a small article in the entertainment section of the Los Angeles Times.

However, the "Los Angeles Times", as the three largest newspaper in the United States, is still very good in circulation.

Both Sugiyama and Ishida participated in this interview. Originally, according to the newspaper, the person they wanted to interview was the more popular Ishida.

But fate must ask to buy one get one free, otherwise, don't talk about both.

So the "Los Angeles Times" could only accept the fate crew's proposal, but during the interview, the reporter only stared at Ishida and asked questions. Sugiyama only asked a few questions in a formal way.

"Archer is currently the most popular male follower in the fate series. I am very happy that everyone likes this hero."

Facing reporters, Ishida replied in English: "Archer is an amazing person. He has a very tragic past. Everything he has experienced during his lifetime has been haunting him, which makes him unable to let go."

Although Ishida used to correct the accent through training courses when filming the movie, it sounds like there is basically no Japanese accent. Only when speaking of proper nouns, Ishida still speaks according to the kana.

Fortunately, there are not many proper terms involved in this interview, and reporters can basically tell them apart.

Ishida Junichi said again: "In this ubw story, we will explore Archer's past and tell the audience what kind of hero he is. Who is he, where he comes from, and what has he experienced? , This is very important for shaping the character of Archer."

"That's really very exciting."

The reporter nodded in satisfaction, and he sneaked closer to the other party and asked in a low voice: "Then Ishida, can you reveal who Archer's real name is? Everyone has been speculating that this hero is a swordsmith from ancient times. Is this guess correct?"

Of course Ishida couldn't disclose, he chuckled.

"Well, it seems we won't know the result before the movie is released."

The reporter said with some regret.

Then, the reporter saw Sugiyama who hadn’t said a few words from beginning to end. He thought that both of them were interviewees. He asked Sugiyama, “Then Mr. Sugiyama, what about you in the lower half of fate? Is there anything you want to say, Shiro Weimiya?"

From a moment ago, Sugiyama felt like a superfluous person, but he had already anticipated this situation.

Before being interviewed, Qiye had already passed the anger with Sugiyama, and Sugiyama knew exactly how he wanted to answer.

Although it is the first time Sugiyama has been interviewed by a large media such as the Los Angeles Times, as an idol, he has dealt with reporters a lot.

"Shiro Weimiya is a very magical character, and it is my honor to play him."

When Sugiyama answered, he seemed very calm and didn't feel nervous at all.

The reporter is certainly not satisfied with such a formulaic answer. He deliberately said: "Some people say that Shiro Weimiya is a drag on the whole movie. What do you think?"

"I do not think so."

How could Sugiyama nod to this kind of problem? At any rate, it was also his role, so how could he say frustratingly?

"Everyone feels this way, because Shiro Wimiya did not show the strength of the protagonist in ordinary movies.

"For example, in "Spider-Man", although Spider-Man will get into a hard fight when facing the big villain of the movie, the Green Goblin, he is undoubtedly an existence beyond ordinary people. He is indeed worthy of a hero. The existence of the protagonist."

Sugiyama paused, and after the reporter finished the record, he continued.

"The role of Shiro Weimiya is a bit counter-traditional. He has a heroic dream like many movie protagonists, but he does not have the ability to realize this dream. As a magician, he is simply an unqualified rookie, facing his followers. There was no way to fight back. Every time in the battle, Shiro Wimiya wanted to get the best result, but in the end he always wounded himself all over.

"But, I think this is the charm of Shiro Wimiya's character."

Sugiyama increased his tone.

"There is a famous saying in "Spider-Man" that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. But this does not mean that the incompetent can stay out of the matter. Shiro Wigiya is a very ordinary existence in this Holy Grail war, but it is also because In this way, his idea of ​​helping everyone at all costs makes him look taller, and his spirit is even more commendable."

"Then can you talk about Shiro Wigiya's experience in the ubw story? We all know that the current publicity in the second half of the movie is focused on Archer, and some people even say that Shiro Wigiya's protagonist has been taken away. Sugiyama What are your thoughts?"

Sugiyama and his cousin looked at each other, and then he calmly replied: "The story of fate stay night, the protagonist is only Shiro Wimiya from beginning to end, that’s for sure. The same is true for the lower half of ubw. Shiro Wimiya is the absolute protagonist."

"But we all know that the ubw of the movie title comes from Archer's treasure. Doesn't that mean anything?"

The reporter blinked slyly, and he asked about the hottest topic currently discussed among fans.

"Well, the relationship between Shiro Eiya and Archer is very delicate, I can't reveal the specific content. However, although Archer occupies a large proportion in the movie, the protagonist position of Eiya has not wavered."

Sugiyama reorganized the language, and he continued: "If there is to be a discussion, the relationship between Shiro Weimiya and Archer should be an enemy and a teacher.

"To a certain extent, Archer is the leader of Shiro Weimiya. You will see in ubw that Shiro has grown from an immature boy to a real man under Archer's guidance. This is what I have been doing. To emphasize, fate stay night is a story about growth."

Ishida couldn't help grinning when he heard what his cousin said. He didn't expect Sugiyama to say that.

Although this interview did not cause an uproar, the discussion among fate's fans was still very lively.

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