Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 58

In comparison, male idols are much more powerful, and they can basically be 30 or 40 years old if they are well maintained.It is not uncommon for some immortal gods to be 50 years old. For example, Brother Tom, who is almost 60, is still handsome._(:з∠)_

And male idols generally have a higher face value than female idols. As I said before, female idols are left behind by other professions in the entertainment industry, while male stars (especially high-profile) debut as idols. Full-time actors or singers, so there are more ways out. The typical one is Takuya Kimura.

Of course, it is an indisputable fact that male idols in the East Asian entertainment industry have generally become more homogenized in recent years. It is not only here, but the next door Nanbangzi and Japan’s Jennis have also come up with new products.┓(???`?)┏

Chapter 48

Although Qiye had an idea for Yumi in his heart, he did not show it.

The ghost knew what a face the woman would look like after he showed his attitude.

So after everyone chatted for a while, Qiye arranged a relatively simple audition for Yumi.

Basically, let this little loli perform some simple performances and dances to the camera, let the child show her talents.

"Yumi performed very well. I will send this video to the crew."

At the entrance of the office building, Qiye said as she bid farewell to her mother and daughter.To be honest, Yumi's performance can only be considered qualified, but it has basically met Qiye's requirements, so Qiye still gave the little girl a big red circle in her heart.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Broker."

Yumi's mother was about to leave with her daughter at this time, and she kept bowing and thanking Qiye and Shonan (the photo was taken just now).

"I believe that Yumi, a good boy, can become a great actor."

After saying that, Qiye lowered her head and looked at the little Lolita with red cheeks. She didn't know if the red was shy or it was caused by exercise during the audition.

"Yumi, big brother, I believe in your ability. Take this job as the starting point for you to become a big star."

"Um...big brother, thank you."

Little Lori buried her small head in her arms and nodded with a very slight amplitude.

"Thank you very much," Yumi's mother said apologetically, "Although I really want to communicate with you, Mr. agent, a bit more, but unfortunately we have to go back. The kid's dad rarely works overtime today, so we have to Go home early."

Qiye nodded his head cautiously: "Then Mrs. Sun Moon, we will seriously consider the matter of Yumi."

From the chat with a few people just now, Qiye knew each other's last name.Although there was some surprise that the other party's surname was actually New Moon, since even Ilia had it, this kind of trivial matter didn't matter.

But only a surname is enough to influence Qiye's decision, and now Qiye has only one focus on enabling Yumi-the reason why this woman cultivated her daughter to become a child star.

"Now, Mr. Sada." After Satsuki's mother and daughter left, Nanaya asked Yumi's agent a question, "What does she want her daughter to become a child star for? Is it for money?"

Nanaya frowned. If it was as she had guessed, then she would at best give Yumi a character with lines.For those parents who fall into the eyes of money, Qiye doesn't want to have any dealings at all. The farther away from them, the better.

In Qiye's view, such parents have completely lost their qualifications as parents, and it may be a blessing for the child to fail to become famous.

" shouldn't be this. You have to know that the annual training cost of Satsuki Yumi has basically reached the level of one million yen. If it is for money, it should have been given up long ago." Sada was a bit distressed. Grabbing his own hair, "How do I put should be called [Mother's Obsession]."

Qiye motioned Sada to continue.

"To be honest, Yumi herself doesn't really like being a child star. It's just that her mother has been forcing her to do so. Moreover, in terms of conditions, the girl can't be said to be ordinary, but there is no special flash. She herself is also very confused about becoming a child star, so she has always been in such a state of half-heartedness."

"Hey? Is this kid's basic skills okay?" Yu Lisi felt a little confused.

Sada sighed, "Because this child has been sent by her mother since she was 5 years old, no matter how talented she is, the basic skills are fine."

"For so long, you never thought about it..."

Qiye made a gesture, a child star who tried to get into the circle since he was 5 years old is now 12 years old.Haven't Sada and the others thought of persuading Yumi for so long?The brokerage company is not a charity. This kid who hasn't shown talent for so long should have been removed from her.

"If we could, we would have done this a long time ago. After all, every time we see Yumi's child in such pain, we are also helpless." Sada said distressedly, "but Mrs. Satsuki is too persistent, as long as we mention it. When Yumi fails, she will lose her temper and make everyone in the office a little big."

Yuriji also felt that the mother was a bit too much: "If you tell this mother clearly..."

"Impossible, that woman (Yumi's mother) has been planning for her daughter to become a star for a long time, even before Yumi was born. Do you know? In order to allow her child to enter the child star training center smoothly, she It even took 8 years to finally get a man from Dentsu to get married."

"real or fake?"

Qiye was frightened by this woman's paranoia, no, this shouldn't be said to be paranoia at all, it was already a pathological pursuit.

If [Linbao] is the leader of the Japanese film industry, then Dentsu is the leader of Japanese media.It is not only the largest advertising and communication group in Japan, but also the half-controller of the Japanese entertainment industry.

In terms of scale, Dentsu is a super large company whose turnover is calculated in trillions (yen), and its performance is ahead of all other entertainment companies in Japan.In terms of industry status, Dentsu is the leader of the entire entertainment industry. It is so strong that any television station and office must listen to him.

It can be said that if there is a company whose face must be watched by TV stations in Japan, then this company is only Dentsu.

It's really comparable, even Grandpa Ilya's [Lin Bao] can't compare to this monster company.

It can be said that Yumi’s mother took great pains to make her child a child star.You know that Dentsu’s people can be said to be Japan’s social elites, who can be married home by Dentsu men, but they can’t do it without a little ability.

Even Qiye had to admire this woman's vision and execution ability. If her husband was not from Dentsu, he would not be able to afford such an expense to train a daughter year after year.

"No wonder her husband rarely goes home early. She is so anxious." Qiye knows why this woman hurried back. It is estimated that her husband did not work overtime on the first day of marriage for so many years.

The Dentsu company has always been known for high salaries and high-intensity work.At most other companies are "as long as you can't add to the death, then add to the death", but in Dentsu, as long as you are still alive, you have to work.

Basically, every year in the industry, you can hear about the sudden death of someone from Dentsu working overtime, but because Dentsu is too strong, no one dares to say it.

To be honest, as a company that regards "overtime" as its job responsibility, it is news that Dentsu has no dead talents.

"However, since Yumi's father is an employee of Dentsu, why hasn't Yumi been given a chance until now?"

"Because Mr. Satsuki is just an ordinary employee, and he has not yet reached the position of being able to give his daughter resources. Seriously, we all hope Mr. Satsuki will be promoted soon, so that we can also relax." Sada sighed. In one breath.

But even if it was just a small employee of Dentsu, Sada's office did not dare to quit his daughter casually.This shows that the industry has been afraid of Dentsu people to what extent.

Sada saw that the expressions of the three of Nanye were not very good, he hurriedly apologized: "Sorry, this topic is a bit too heavy. I have a few outstanding children here, Director Kiryu, are you interested in auditioning?"

"No, I've decided that it's Yumi." Qiye said with a smile, "I also want other children. After all, this TV series requires a lot of children. I will let Yuli bring you the shooting plan. "

Sada grew up with his mouth, he didn't expect Qiye to actually fall in love with the child who didn't shine.

"Really... Yumi might be lucky."

Seeing Qiye leaving behind, Sada couldn't help but sigh.At the same time, he felt sorry for the children who left first. Perhaps they didn't know what kind of opportunity they would lose this time.

But this is their own choice, isn't it?


Finally, after countless preparations, "Magic Girl Ilia" finally entered the official filming stage.

Like most ordinary Japanese dramas, Qiye chose to shoot one episode after another in order to cope with the tight shooting schedule.

Therefore, Qiye focused most of the shots of the first episode on four locations: Illiya's House, Suigunyuan Academy, Winterwood Bridge and Woods, and the film crew focused on shooting.

In Qiye’s plan, her own "Magic Girl Ilia" has 26 episodes. In terms of plot progress, Qiye plans to start from Rin and Luvia to Fuyuki City to collect cards, and then confront Jill at the end of the second season of the original comic. Gamesh is over.

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