Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 587

You know, even George Lucas, he spent a long time and countless energy from being an unknown USC graduate to becoming the father of Star Wars and then becoming the top of the Hollywood food chain.

And this kid who is just in his early 30s, in just a few years, has completed the path he has traveled for decades.

Why is this so embarrassing for an older generation like Lucas?

[If I had the support of a large consortium like Jiufeng...]

Thinking of this, Lucas felt jealous of the smooth Japanese director.

Then Lucas glanced at Peter Jackson next to him. Although the opponent was better than Kiryu Qiye, in Lucas's eyes he was still a guy who had risen suddenly.

[I always feel that I am old, should I think about retirement?

Lucas held his head with his arm, and suddenly this thought came into his heart.

At this time, the battle of the age of mythology on the screen has come to an end.

Although Hercules is very brave in battle, he is also very powerful.

However, in the face of enemies who possessed countless treasures of the gods and could fly kites without stopping, Hercules was finally defeated.

In order to help Ilia resist a spear that flew towards her, Hercules revealed a flaw.

How could Gilgamesh, who was already impatient with the battle, let go of this opportunity, he directly tied Hercules with the lock of the sky, and used the rain of treasure to directly consume his twelve lives.

"Well, I'm also leaving."

Mark Ruffalo, sitting in the crew seat, covered his face with his hands.

"It's really too miserable. I just left less than 10 minutes into the game."

Scarlett Johansson sitting on his right hand snorted: "Better than me, I guess this movie can only live in memory."

Uncle Mark did not answer directly. He took a peek around and asked in a low voice, "By the way, are you planning to come back?"

Scarlett knows that Uncle Mark asked about hf starring.

Generally speaking, actors who have a firm foothold in the European and American movie circles rarely return to the TV drama circle to play roles-simple guest appearances are not counted.

The reason is simple. TV shows have been delayed for a long time, and the pay is too much lower than that of movies. It is not worthwhile for those famous actors.

But this time the situation is a bit too the same. In order to make all the actors come back, Qiye made some compromises on the pay.

Every actor who has participated in fsn filming, participating in hf will be able to get paid for the movie price.

This condition is very tempting for Uncle Mark. After all, Berserker does not have many roles, and it will not affect his participation in other projects.

So Mark Ruffalo agreed immediately after being found by Qiye.

But Scarlett Johansson was a bit hesitant. In the HF line, R sister Medusa had a lot of scenes, and she basically had to participate in the whole filming.

If it were last year, Scarlett would definitely refuse.

However, after the box office failure of "Escape from the Clone" last year, Scarlett's development in commercial films has not been smooth, and several auditions have failed.

In this case, it is not impossible to have a series of characters that can eat their money.

"I might have to think about it."

Scarlett gave an ambiguous answer.

Mark whispered: "You'd better make a decision quickly. Qiye doesn't seem to be such a patient person."

"I know."

Scarlett nodded, "Are you here to be a lobbyist?"

Mark did not deny: "Well, after all, HF is about to start shooting, you have not responded, Qiye is a little worried."

"I will consider it carefully."

Scarlett groaned and replied, she plans to wait a little longer, at least until the box office of ubw comes out in the first week to confirm.

After all, the previous "Escape from the Clone Island" pitted her too badly, and now she dare not make a decision at will.

On the screen, Gilgamesh, who had eliminated Hercules, slowly approached Ilia, who was already helpless.

"Oh my God..."

Many viewers in the theater took a breath, and when Gilgamesh and Ilia looked at each other, they had already realized what would happen.

Fortunately, because the film's rating is PG-13, the scene of Mr. Jin digging his heart out did not appear. Illya soared in place amidst the splendor. No, it turned into a golden cup.

"Is that the Holy Grail?!"

Lin, who was hiding in the dark, discovered this situation, and while she was still wondering about the Holy Grail itself, Shirou who realized that Ilia was dead rushed out.

Then, he was stared.

The scarlet eyes turned to Shiro Weimiya, and the taste of contempt and disgust in it made Shirou and the audience feel the hostility of each other.

"—Heh. Did I think something was Saber's Master?"

Gilgamesh turned to Shi Lang, and first put the cup in his hand into the King's Treasury.


Shiro Weigu was shaking.

This is normal. After the previous battle, no one would think that Shiro Wimiya could defeat the monster in front of him.

At this time, Shinji Makiri, who was a shit-chucking stick, jumped out.

After a lot of wrangling, Gilgamesh lost the interest in continuing to confront Shirou, and he left Einzbern’s castle with Shinji.

"Damn it again..."

After the enemy left, Shiro Weimiya sat down on the ground, and he let out a roar with an incompetent and furious mentality.

"Shirou Weimiya, you are really incompetent!"

The picture began to rise from near to far, from the castle hall to the entire castle to the entire forest.

Then flames began to appear on the edge of the screen, which eventually turned into close-ups of the three letters U, B, and W, and then other letters on the screen began to fill in to form the film title-"Fate / Stay Night-Unlimited Blade Works".

This opening can't be seen much except for the mythological battle, but it also conveyed a lot of information to the audience.

First, Ilia’s Berserker team exited, Shirou and Rin’s alliance plan failed.

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