Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 598

Especially those close-ups of the iconic women of Qiye, while ensuring the standard of PG-13, they are also very impressive.


I'm talking about attraction.

Even if some viewers feel dissatisfied with Shiro Weimiya or Archer's writing a bit too miserable, this does not prevent them from loving the fate series itself.

If you don't like movies, who will pay attention to whether a character is miserable?

Therefore, most of the audience gave good comments when interviewed by reporters and inquiries from investigative companies.

"A+! It must be A+!"

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation."

After collecting the other party's questionnaire and sending the prepared small gift, the field investigator from Cinemacore sorted out the questionnaire in his hand.

"98% of A+ results..."

Although the premiere shows have a strong fan effect, the over 95% super praise rate is still a bit too high.

Although his own investigation is very one-sided, the investigator still feels that ubw's results are likely to explode.


pS: I said last night that I would rush to the seminar today. I don't know when I can go home.

If the update is late at night, add it.

If there is no special situation at present, before Mijiang finishes writing the paper, he will attend the seminar every Wednesday.

And this time will definitely be longer than the time it took to write this book.

So if there is no surprise, there may be a delay in the update every Wednesday night. Anyway, the update will be added later, and there will be no separate notification in the future._(:з∠)_

Chapter 366 First Round of Film Critics Announced

"The plot is exciting, the fighting is exciting, and the soundtrack is shocking. As a fan of Altria, I am still excited after watching it!"

"I like it very much. After watching ubw, I like the role of Archer even more, but his story also makes me more sad. Sure enough, I should send a blade to the director."

"My mind is full of the handsome scenes when Altria signed with Rin! It's the perfect fusion of the goddess and the warrior! It's perfect except for the smaller chest!"

"The best movie so far this year, and it is estimated that the following movies will not surpass it. Although there are still many flaws in the plot, especially the explanation of the Holy Grail is a bit too hasty. But the flaws are not hidden, it is still a movie. Super nice movie."

"It did not live up to the expectations of a year. The wonderful battle scenes of ubw showed the characteristics of each character very well, and the sense of oppression that the heroes showed far beyond ordinary people is also very real."

A movie, especially a movie with a fan base, will definitely have many diehard fans, and their love for movies is sometimes very unreasonable.

This can be seen from the information collected by the premiere reporters. Fans that Fate loves basically gave the movie full marks.

Of course, some people like it and others don't. After all, there is no movie in the world that can be liked by everyone.

Even for undisputed masterpieces like "Titanic" and "Lord of the Rings", some people will still find it ugly and make people sleepy.

The feedback from the premiere is pretty good, after all, the audience here are diehard fans, and their love for fate allows them to ignore the shortcomings of the movie.

But in some other premieres, it still received some negative comments.

CinemaSore, as the most authoritative box office statistics and forecasting agency, of course collected and aggregated these criticisms against ubw in the first place.

"The transition in the middle of the movie is too blunt, and the transformation of the protagonist is too direct. The final battle forced the protagonist to be elevated, turning a movie that had a deep depth into a simple movie that allowed the protagonist to open. Watching such a movie is completely Is wasting my precious time."

"I don't like ubw, it makes Saber a dispensable existence."

"A ridiculous movie. The Japanese director wanted to tell a heroic epic, but in reality it was just a battle of less than ten people."

Although it was late at night, at this time when even the main creators of the fate crew had gone home to sleep, CinemaSore's head office was still brightly lit.

Every time a new blockbuster comes online, it is the busiest time for this company.

When other people went home to sleep after watching the new movie contentedly, the staff of CinemaSore Company was busy for the whole weekend to count the movie box office and audience feedback data.

Many employees even work three consecutive overnight shifts at this time in order to get the most realistic box office data in the first time.

ubw, as a summer opener that the nation is looking forward to, has been watched by CinemaSore since it was released.

By the time Dongfang Jibai, the statistics of the premiere show finally appeared in the office of the duty manager of CinemaSore.

"This data is really interesting. I remember that when fate was released, the positive rate above A was 76%, right?"

The manager on duty picked up the statistics sheet. He rubbed his chin to his other colleague.

As a sequel movie, of course there will be data from the previous movie on the desk. After a glance, the companion said: "It's 76.4%."

"This time it received 82.4% positive reviews. It seems that this sequel is very satisfying."

"But the negative ratings for those below D level have also risen from less than 10% to 13.6%." Companion reminded, "This data can be regarded as a representative of two levels of differentiation."

"But these bad reviews are not entirely bad reviews of the movie."

The manager on duty took out a form for counting bad reviews and showed it to the other party.

"Um...I am dissatisfied with the role of Archer. Bad reviews that think that the arrangement is too miserable account for 3%, and those who think that Saber has too few roles account for 2%?"

The manager on duty nodded: "Yes, the 5% bad reviews are not bad reviews of the movie itself. Although they think the movie is not good, it will not affect them from buying tickets to enter the cinema."

Such situations are not uncommon. As an impressive character, an overly tragic encounter in the plot will make the emotional audience sympathize and anger the production team.

For example, when "Titanic" was released back then, many audiences deliberately gave negative reviews to the movie because of Jack's death.

But this did not affect these people's second movie after finishing the bad reviews.

Although as a popcorn movie, ubw certainly can't achieve the strong screening curve like "Titanic", but some of the bad reviews that are not considered bad reviews do not have much impact on the movie box office.

"What do you think will happen to the box office?"

The shift manager asked his colleague.

"The first week will definitely not be bad. After all, everyone has been looking forward to the ending of fate for a whole year. This sense of anticipation will allow most of the audience to buy tickets for the first time."

The distribution strategy of dividing movies into upper and lower episodes is essentially a kind of hunger marketing, in which the sense of expectation will explode after the release of the next movie.

But after the initial passion has passed, it is the reputation and quality of the movie that will establish the box office results for the next week.

"With the current favorable rate, there should be no collapse in the box office results for the next week." Colleagues compared the data and said that the real challenge for ubw should be the results in the third and fourth weeks."

The manager nodded, ubw's box office results will certainly not be bad, but if you want to hit this year's box office championship, then the third week of "The Da Vinci Code" and the fourth week of "X-Men 3" are the biggest obstacles.

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