Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 6

Seeing more and more people around him, Qiye's anger began to rise.He knew that if he didn't fight back, he would really be on the opposite side of the crew.

"Oh, so angry? Is it because you have taken too much weight-loss pills?" Qiye squinted and sneered. "I heard that one of your team members took weight-loss pills and turned into an eunuch. Wouldn't you be like this? That's why? There's no place to get angry and lose your temper."

The people around him immediately burst into laughter when Qiye mentioned it. Although it was tight-lipped outside the circle, it was not a secret in the circle.This guy originally made his debut as a team of 5 people. Because one of the members has a body that is prone to gaining weight, this guy took weight-loss pills indiscriminately and finally managed to send himself into the palace.

For this reason, the group that Thymegrass belonged to announced its dissolution last month, and the other group members started flying solo.At present, the film directed by Qiye teacher Ryuichi Hanai is the first work of this guy after flying solo, and it is very important to him.

However, Qiye felt that the guy who had no IQ even ⑨ was obviously not aware of this, otherwise this guy would not do everything that offends the crew members.You can see how unpopular this guy is usually from the laughter of people around him.

"You guy!"

Baimu Grassland's crimson face suddenly turned into pig liver color because of makeup, and he began to attack Qiye with more vicious words.

[The more I talk about it, the more vigorous, this guy is completely hopeless...]

Seeing more and more people, just when Qiye was not sure whether to say another cruel sentence, a serious voice interrupted her speech.

"What are you doing around here? You are so energetic during lunch break, should you just start working now?"

A serious-looking middle-aged man glared at everyone present with a vicious look. This man was Qiye's cheap teacher and the studio's director Ryuichi Hanai.

In terms of appearance, the director is about forty to fifty years old. He is more like a middle-level leader in a company than a director.

Looking at the serious face of her teacher, Qiye couldn't help but wonder whether the reason why the other party met the big Longgu Nengcheng was because both of them had participated in the [Serious Face Grand Prix] competition?

The crowd onlookers saw that the BOSS had come over and immediately dispersed, leaving only the grass, Qiye and Ryuichi to stay in place.

Long Yi looked at the unwilling water-eye grass and scolded: "Look at how you did it, how did your makeup look like this? Go to the dressing room!"

Even the popular idol Mosquito dare not defy the authority of the director in public. Although his brain is not very good, he has not completely degraded to the point of a monkey.So he could only walk towards the RV that was used as a make-up room, but he was swearing at Qiye as he walked.

"Cut, lucky you bunny. Country bunny, listen to me, you are not suitable for the city at all, hurry up and go back to the country! You are destined to be obscured in your life, you will only be a shameful loser!"

Looking at the back of the mosquitoes, Qiye thinks that this guy should be a talk show host, so that she might be able to see him on the whole person show like eating frogs.Listening to this idiot's increasingly rhythmic swearing like Rap, Qiye couldn't help but pull her ears with her fingers. He was really afraid that "the chicken is so beautiful" would come out of the guy who had been in his debut for two and a half years.

"What do you look at, haven't you seen that face in the crew all day?" Long Yi kicked Qiye's ass to remind him to regain his senses.

"Well, teacher, I'm going to work first."

Qiye smirked and wanted to leave, but he was caught by Long Yi before he took a step.

"What is your kid doing in such a hurry, go to the office with me first. I want to talk to you about the preparation details of the movie you directed."

When Long Yi said this, he cast a special glance at the grass that hadn't gone far, and deliberately raised the voice loudly.

"Trouble you, teacher." Qiye saw that her teacher was standing up for herself in disguise, for which he was really grateful.

"I told you that although this time is only a TV movie, if it can meet the requirements, it will not be impossible to show it in theaters. So you..."

Bai Mu Cao looked at the back of the two who left. He wanted to rush to confirm the authenticity of the incident to the director, but his legs could not move away.

So Baimu Cao Tushin just stood under the sun in a daze. He looked at the sun hanging above his head, his face frowned tightly: "How could it be... just kidding... just the hillbilly ?"


pS: Electric beam wood () comes from Pokémon and is an extremely strange beast with electric properties.Similar to a human-shaped wire.Its head resembles a white, brightly glowing "star", but it has no visible face.In the above picture, the first picture is the electric beam wood, and the second is the electric beam wood and the ball. I believe everyone understands that Michan will not say anything.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 5 Film Preparation

"Qiye, this is nothing in mainland China."

In the conference room, Hanai Ryuichi was introducing an inconspicuous middle-aged man to Qiye, "Mr. Haiuchi is a production manager sent by [Lin Bao], and his main responsibility is to supervise the direction of the use of film funds."

"Hello, Director Kiryu."

The other party stood up first and stretched out his hand, "I have seen the video you edited. It is very impressive. The woman in the camera is very beautiful."

"Thank you for your compliment, manager at home. Nice to meet you."

Qiye also stood up, and shook hands with the other party across the conference table.

It can be seen that this spokesperson from [Lin Bao] did not come here to fool around. The other party has only learned about the movie project and Qiye, which is very happy for Qiye.The original budget is already running low. If there is another production manager who doesn't understand and doesn't want to understand, then probably don't think about making a good movie, just wait for it all day long.

From this point of view, Qiye feels that she is at least a lot more fortunate than the tragic animation of "Tsuki Hime", Takeuchi and Mushroom.

The manager at home also gave Qiye a gentle smile: "Director Kiryu, I believe this will be a pleasant cooperation."

I have to say that [Lin Bao] As the largest film company in Japan, its mature company system and perfect film production system are really too strong.

It has only been a short time since the chairman of Dragon Valley notified the establishment of the Seven Nights project, but the preparations for the film have officially started.

This speed and efficiency allowed Qiye to see what is the strongest confidence in the country.

Today's meeting is the first meeting of major film workers. The main talks are the power distribution of the film crew and some specific matters after the start of the project.

The people participating in this conference are mainly divided into two groups. One group is the personnel sent by [Lin Bao] headed by China. Their job responsibilities are mainly to supervise the use of film funds so that Qiye is not full of private pockets, and it is also to assist the first director. Qiye solves some minor problems, such as recruiting actors and screen affairs. The other group is Qiye, who is a film director, and he brought several familiar workers from his teacher’s Hanai film studio. They can be said to be The creative core of this movie lies.

Although the people of Qiye are the leaders of the film project of "The Realm of the Sky", [Lin Bao] is the funder after all (in Qiye's eyes), so their opinions must be consulted.In addition, the other party's network is far beyond what Qiye, a fledgling kid, can compare. Therefore, if possible, Qiye hopes that the two sides can work together instead of tearing down each other.

After getting to know each other, everyone sat back in their seats.

As the representative of [Lin Bao], Hai Nai first began to speak: "Director Kiryu, according to Chairman Ryugu’s request, I will try my best to cooperate with you to complete this project. After today, I will begin preparations. What are the vacancies in your team? Seat?"

Qiye nodded: "Behind the scenes staff, we now have suitable people in the main positions of our group. The main thing is that the actors are troublesome."

"I know." Hainei nodded. He handed the previously prepared remuneration form to Qiye for his review. "Because of the tight budget of this movie, the labor budget will be tight. According to what we do A good budget lists the remuneration for the main positions of the crew. Among them, your director’s salary is 150,000 yen, and the screenwriter is 150,000 yen, a total of 300,000 yen."

Qiye took a look at the budget table. If he could, he could not even have this compensation. He just hoped that the budget for film production would be more adequate.

However, there are rules. Since this movie is dominated by [Lin Bao], it must follow the other party's rules.The more significant point of the appointed director's salary is to show that [Lin Bao] owns the copyright of the film and that Qiye is just a working employee.

It’s just that Qiye with small arms and legs can’t fight this behemoth at all. What he can do now is to shoot the movie well enough to [Lin Bao] To start the sequel, he must also be the director of the previous episode, not like a moose. Was directly kicked out in the sequel.

"The actor's side..."

Hainei took out a copy of the script prepared by Qiye, "According to the script, the main characters that I need to prepare here are: the male protagonist Kuroki Kuroya, the female second Aosaki Orange, the villain Wujo Girui three characters, other words There are also some passerby characters."

Although from the perspective of the entire series of "The Realm of the Sky", Kanye's sister Huahua and the villain Ara Zonglian are the main characters, but for Qiye's shooting of "Overlooking the Scenery", these two can only be regarded as dragon suits. Role.

There is only one reason why Qiye arranged this way-not enough money.

After all, those two characters have a good face in the entire "Kingjing" series. If you use a dragon cast, Qiye would not be reconciled, so he decided to put these two characters on the verbal characters of the movie, and wait for the opportunity in the future. I'll appear when I shoot the next one.

"Ah, there is another most important role, the two ceremonies of the heroine." Qiye raised her head and said to Hainei after thinking of something.


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