Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 602

As a copy of last year's article, this 2.0 version naturally retains the content of "primary school students pinch".

The fans of the X-Men also responded to this immediately.

"I also said that the "X-Men" elementary school students had a fight, and I didn't look at the ubw shot by Kiryu Qiye. The last battle of Shiro Guardi in gold was completely out of order. The chickens beat each other, except for losing their treasures. Can’t do anything except Gu. I also said that the X-Men are bad actors, let’s go~"

This can be regarded as a lip service. It is estimated that this audience has also seen ubw and speaks with restraint.

But there are more no-brained blacks, no matter so much, do you dare to look down on my favorite movies?

I killed you!

"Trash! Shit! What kind of shit, I don't want to see if you send me a ticket!"

"Deliberately pretending to be forced, but the result was overly pretending to flash his waist."

"The X-Men tells about the ugliness and beauty of human nature. It ubw is not even qualified to wipe the X-Men's ass. Deliberately pretends to be deep, but creates a nondescript thing, which is a clown of grandstanding!"


Those who abuse fate will naturally have diehard fans who defend fate.

Faced with the attacks of X-Men fans, these people naturally jumped out one after another, unwilling to be lonely.

"What is your X-Men? In addition to slamming the metal security gate with Wolverine's paw, he also gave Magneto a Chrysanthemum massage, right?!"

"Fate Saigo! Long live my king! The trash mutant goes to death!"

"With your IQ, it is estimated that it will take millions of years to understand Fate's evolution! Orangutans, roll me back to the Congo forest!"


This war of words continues to escalate from both sides, and even spread from North America to various networks in the world.

At the beginning, everyone focused on the two fixed series of X-Men and fate, but I don't know which wicked thing is, or someone deliberately.

Anyway, gradually, the two parties who quarreled not only kept their focus on these two projects, but even the past works of Fox and Jiufeng were also involved.

There was even a strange scene where the players of "Super Plumber" and the audience of "Titanic" met online.

At this stage of development, the most angry people should be the executives of Fox.

"Damn Jiufeng!"

At the Fox board meeting, a man punched the table hard, and the thermos cup on the table in Dalian jumped.

"It must be the little girl who dragged us into the water deliberately, in order to catch the heat of "X-Men 3"!"

No one dared to take this, even though everyone else in the room knew that this was the roaring guy in YY.

But for their own work, no one will raise objections.

"What should we do now? The fire is already burning." Another executive asked, "It's no use ignoring fate anymore."

"Then carry out a comprehensive counterattack! We at Fox have never been afraid of anyone in the battle of public opinion!"

This sentence started a war without gunpowder.


pS: Originally I wanted to write a little bit more about the comment, such as a full screen ███ or something.But thinking that it might not pass the trial, I converged a bit._(:з∠)_

Chapter 369

Participating in this kind of meaningless war of words will only add heat to your competitors.

Fox executives will not know the result.

But the problem is now that Fox has been dragged into the water, so they have to join this meaningless war.

The opposite Jiufeng will certainly not miss this public opinion war, to add another heat to the ubw that is already on fire.

If Fox doesn't end, then Jiufeng, who has a complete public opinion propaganda system, will definitely beat those Fox fans without even knowing his mother.

That being the case, why not just get involved?

In this way, at least it can stir up the popularity of "X-Men 3" and add some popularity to its first round of box office.

When a large media group ended, the battle escalated immediately.

Fox immediately launched a counterattack against Jiufeng and ubw with the help of his old club Murdoch News Corporation.

The major platforms under News Corp. attacked ubw for the first time.

If it is an audience who only watches the entertainment news of the Fox faction, they will find that there is an extra movie in their world suddenly.

This movie is so bad that it's hard to see the crime.

The name of this movie is ubw, and it was so bad that it was released in the same month as Fox’s "X-Men 3" and it was a humiliation to the "X-Men" series.

"There is nothing new in the plot, similar to the old routine of "Terminator". If such a movie was placed in the 1970s, it may still be recognized by the audience, but it is now an insult to the modern film industry!"

At noon on Saturday, Qiye saw this scene on the TV in her room.

A middle-aged man in a suit and shoes made a big talk on Fox TV's film review program.

Although Qiye didn't know how much money the other party received from Fox, he estimated that Fox had given a lot of money, seeing how hard the other party was.

It is said that this person is a very famous film critic in North America, but Qiye has never heard of it.

Anyway, in his memory, apart from being as super famous as Roger Albert in the film critic industry, few people know him.

Even in the last life, Qiye listened more to the film reviews of those video sites from the media.

However, Qiye was a little surprised that the tearing force caused by ubw would burn to such a point.

It's not that he was surprised by this tear-off battle itself. He had experienced various online public opinion wars in his previous life. This kind of tear-off caused by movies is really too common.

On the contrary, those who don't know why they suddenly quarrel make people feel unclear.

What really makes Qiye feel incredible is that the old fox will come to an end in person in this tearing war.

"This is not even a bit of forced face." Qiye said, rubbing his chin, "It must be Fox who sees my ubw is too hot, so I want to promote "X-Men 3"."

"Don't be stinky." Rin handed her coat to Qiye, "Hurry up, don't be late."

Qiye took the coat: "Thank you. As expected of my family's good helper."

"Smelly less beautiful."

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