Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 611

According to statistics, the five personal covers of this issue of "Entertainment Weekly", the cover with the Lily version occupies more than half of the personal character version.

But in the final analysis, no matter what method is adopted, all publicity is ultimately aimed at promoting the box office.

Jiufeng advances in both traditional media and online media. Through intensive publicity and high-quality film reputation, ubw's box office has gone out of a healthy and beautiful curve.

Starting from the new week, ubw continues to begin its own legendary journey.

It is a normal phenomenon of the film market that the box office falls during the working day.

In this regard, ubw has done a very good job, perfectly achieving a smooth transition from the high box office on weekends to the decline in weekdays.

After getting the first weekend box office of 143.71 million U.S. dollars, ubw's single-day box office decline on Monday was controlled within 50%, and it completed its first business day with a box office of 22.3 million U.S. dollars.

As a summer popcorn movie, this drop is an incredible achievement.

ubw's results on Tuesday are also very good, because Tuesday is the traditional weekly membership discount day for major theaters, and it reported an overcharge of 1 million US dollars than Monday.

It wasn't until Wednesday that ubw's strong momentum began to slow down, and the single-day box office fell below $20 million for the first time.

It's just that this decline has nothing to do with the ubw movie itself. It is simply because of the regularity of the movie box office. Wednesday and Thursday are usually the lowest day of the week.

Coupled with the nature of popcorn movies like ubw, it is impossible for the box office to rise counter-regularly for several weeks like "Titanic".

But in any case, although the single-day box office ubw on Wednesday did not exceed US$20 million, its North American box office has reached US$208.3 million.

It became the first North American film to break $200 million in 2006 and the current North American champion in 2006.

And this is not reached within a week of the movie's release.

As for the global box office of ubw, because too many countries and regions are involved, data cannot be summarized in time.

But judging from the current situation, ubw is selling pretty well globally.

As soon as the film was released, it broke the annual box office records in various regions with an unstoppable force.

Especially in the Japanese market in Jiufeng's hometown, the box office of ubw's first weekend plus Thursday's premiere easily exceeded 1 billion yen.

According to the laws of the Japanese movie market, Qiye doesn't worry about ubw's 10 billion box office performance at all, but I don't know if I can try to exceed 15 billion yen.

After experiencing a two-day trough on Wednesday and Thursday, ubw ushered in its second weekend after its release.

The movies released this week did not pose a threat to ubw.

Unless a small-cost dark horse breaks out, it is generally speculated that the first movie that will have an impact on ubw's box office is the "Da Vinci Code" that will be released in a week.

Although the movie model of big stars alone holding up the box office is a bit outdated, Tom Hanks's box office appeal coupled with the popularity of the original novel is still very popular.

Coupled with the fact that both "The Da Vinci Code" and ubw mentioned the Holy Grail, the publisher Sony Columbia directly took advantage of the popularity of ubw.

After Jiufeng’s consent, when propagating "The Da Vinci Code", [This is a holy grail war with only reasoning and no fantasy!’S slogan.

Of course, although there is no opponent, but ubw's box office the following weekend still has an inevitable decline.

Qiye and Jiufeng, who are familiar with Hollywood box office rules, know this well.

Because of the intensive publicity before, they have rushed most of the audience to the cinema.

Although Jiufeng has been trying to get more viewers to do the second brush, in fact, most viewers will watch it at most.

This is the helplessness of most commercial films after the 21st century, and Qiye has not been able to violate the laws of the market.

Qiye drew a line in his heart, as long as the box office drop of ubw is within 60%, then he can no longer pay attention to ubw.

It's not that you leave ubw alone, but ubw's box office trend has stabilized, and there is no possibility of a big dive. Next, just let Jiufeng Entertainment publicize it step by step.

As long as this goal is mainly achieved, Qiye can focus on fz and hf.

Qiye did not forget her ultimate goal for ubw-the annual North American and world box office champion.

In today's era without 3D movies, North America has a box office of over 500 million, and movies with a global box office of over 1 billion are almost rare.

The current box office target line of commercial big production movies is US$300 million in North America and US$500 million in the world.

It can be seen that the biggest contribution of the popularization of 3D technology to the movie market is to increase the box office of movies by more than 50% without changing the number of viewers.

Qiye's request for ubw is of course not limited to the US$300 million box office in North America. With "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" as a competitor, his expectations for ubw are US$450 million in the North American market and US$1.1 billion in the world.

To achieve this goal, the box office performance explosion in the first week is certainly not enough.

At the same time, at least it is necessary to ensure that the box office trend in the next month passes smoothly.

In order to be able to adjust the publicity strategy at any time, Qiye has been staying in the North American headquarters building of Jiufeng during this period.

In addition to following up on the latest box office information, Qiye also personally went into battle. He took the form of an internet sprayer and participated in the verbal battle between Fox and Jiufeng, screaming at those Fox supporters.

Of course, Qiye is quite self-aware of his own English level. He is at best just waving cheers and cheering from the corner, rather than acting as the main output.

Although Qiye thought that she was working hard, Shion and others felt that this guy was simply not doing his job.

"Everyone is working, what are you kid doing?"

Probably she couldn't bear Qiye's behavior of occupying the meeting room all day long. After she couldn't bear it, Shion found this guy.

"I'm also working."

Qiye replied without looking up, who was typing on the keyboard.

Shion pressed the fire and asked, "Then what did you do today?"

"The sprayed three Fox supporters have retired from the community."

"Really enough! You show me on the show!"

Shion dragged Qiye's back collar and dragged him out of the office, and immediately arranged several TV interviews for him.

Qiye was very dissatisfied with this, because he felt that the time he spent spraying people had decreased.

Then he was suppressed by force by Shion.

Of course, Qiye can fish, because he thinks that his movie will definitely not have big problems.

"This is not your reason for being lazy!"

Shion who said this punched Qiyehou on the head.

Of course, Qiye's laziness did not affect ubw's box office data.

Just like the box office explosion in the first weekend, ubw's box office in the next weekend is still very strong.

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