Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 627

Although she didn't look at her mouth, Qiye's eyes revealed this meaning.

Four Seasons said mockingly: "Look at how people act, and you said that Lily's acting skills are not good, and you don't talk about yours. That's really...tsk."


Because of the need to monitor the camera, Qiye only gave the four seasons a middle finger even if it passed, he just silently kept this account in his heart.

It's just that Qiye has forgotten that the person who will suffer after he is on the mirror is him, because then the person sitting in the director's chair is Shiji.

In front of the monitor, facing Lily's oppressive might, Zhan Yimei, who plays Lancer, gently waved the spear in both hands.

He first picked up the red spear that he had been carrying on his shoulders just now, and after turning his backhand, he pointed the spear head at Lily——


The prop gun just fell to the ground.


Yimei let out a cry.


Qiye hurriedly called to stop; "James, what's your situation?! Are you injured?"

Although the prop gun is made of lightweight resin, the volume is there after all, and it will cause big problems if it is smashed and kept uneven.

Zhan Yimei said quickly: "It's okay, director."

But Qiye is not convinced, he directly asked the emergency doctor of the crew to conduct an examination.

After a careful examination, the doctor replied: "There is no fracture, but there is a black green on the foot. I have taken medicine, and it should not affect the shooting."


After Qiye thanked the doctor, he picked up the script and tapped Yimei on the head.

"What the hell! I've been practicing for so long, and I still laugh!"

Qiye can see clearly from the monitor that Zhan Yimei just missed the spear because of the laughter.

"Sorry, director."

Yimei, who knew it was her responsibility, did not resist.

"Okay, Qiye." Siji hurriedly said nice things to Yimi. "Isn't it normal for actors to laugh at the scene?"

"Yeah, Qiye boy. He hit his own foot by himself, so he was punished."

Even the old man Li Tongchen followed to say good things to Yimei, although Qiye felt that these words didn't sound right.

"Hehe, you guys..."

Since the last time they were caught by fishing law enforcement, the relationship between these four guys who are connected with the disease has heated up very quickly, almost wearing the same pair of pants.

But it’s normal to think about it. Squatting together is one of the four irons in life. Although it doesn’t even last for 2 hours, it is enough for a few of them to have a deep revolutionary friendship.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk about you."

Qiye sat back in the chair again: "Ready to start again!"

The crew soon returned to their positions, and Brother Brush stood in front of Altria again.

This time, Yimei did not make the low-level mistakes just now.

After aiming the red gun at Lily, he also slightly changed the posture of holding the yellow gun in his left hand, and the two guns, one on the left and the other on the right, opened like a bird spreading its wings.

Although this pair of wings is asymmetrical.

Seeing the scene of the confrontation between the two servants in front of her, Ilia, who was standing behind playing Alice Phil, couldn't help but swallowed because of tension.


He whispered the name of her servant, even though she knew she couldn't intervene in the fight, she still wanted to do something as the acting master.

"Please be careful, although I will also use the cure, but the others are..."

"Please leave Lancer to me!"

Saber interrupted Eri's speech confidently.

Then her eyes glanced around, and the two cameras as secondary cameras immediately recorded Lily's movements.

"I'm a little worried, why the other party's Master didn't show up."

Lily was full of vigilance when she looked around, as if she was really guarding non-existent enemies.

"You have to be careful. Alice Phil, I will leave my back to you."

Even though he was very worried about the secret conspiracy of the master that did not appear, Saber decided to make the enemy in front of him his first goal.

Her emerald eyes were fearless, as tough as when she was a king.

Sitting in his director's chair, Qiye nodded from time to time looking at the director's monitor. He was very satisfied with Lily's performance this time.

If before, Qiye chose Lily because of her face, now she has begun to integrate herself into the role of Altria.

It can be said that the role of Saber is too easy to show Lily's own characteristics. She is obviously a petite girl, but she has a more brave and fearless temperament than a tall man, but she can sometimes show the cute side of a girl.

It can be said that among all the actors that Qiye met, no one really fits the role of Altria better than Lily.

Even Lily's sister Ryan couldn't do it, because she was too strong and it was difficult to show Altria's side.

In front of the camera, it seems that Saber's self-confidence has infected Aili, and she is no longer nervous.

Ai Li said to Lily, "Saber, bring me victory."

"Don't worry, I will."

Saber nodded firmly, and she stepped towards Lancer and rushed towards his spear.

According to the script, this paragraph should end here, and Qiye has already picked up the director tube and is ready to stop.

But Lily arrogantly shouted at the other side: "Lancer!"


After seeing Lily stop and no longer speak, Qiye called to stop the crew.

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