Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 646


With Qiye's order, the originally silent studio immediately turned into a battlefield filled with gunpowder and smoke, and shouts and explosions sounded everywhere.

Qiye stood behind the camera monitor, staring at all the images captured by the cameras.

Among them, what Qiye pays most attention to are the shots of Johnson and the shots of several tanks. They are the most critical part of this group of shots.

The former is the only character with a line in the whole scene, and the latter is the focus of the battlefield.

As for the images captured by other lenses, it doesn't matter if there are minor problems, the big deal is the final editing.


A huge roar sounded, and a tank was hit by the explosion and flew directly into the sky, and then it was blown into pieces in mid-air with the second explosion like a second kick.

Although the scene presented in the shot seems like the tank exploded in the center of a crowded battlefield, the tank is actually located far away from the actors and will not affect anyone on the set.

Qiye just used the setting and the angle of the camera to capture the feeling of a tank exploding in the crowd through a dislocation method.

And these tanks are only made of resin, even if there are fragments falling on the set, there is no big problem.

These crews have gone through careful calculations before shooting, and there will be no surprises.

The only thing that can't be calculated is the smoke and dust generated after the explosion, but all the actors have already expected this, and the impact is not big.

But an explosion is not the end but the beginning.




Continuous explosions sounded, and the impact of the explosions sent something into the air from time to time.

There are tanks, tentacles models of sea monsters, and dummies prepared by the crew in advance.

Then the roar of engines resounding through the sky came from afar, and then several fighter planes flew here from the military base and flew across the studio at low altitude while ensuring flight safety.

Although these planes will not carry out any attacks and simply appear in the camera, this is enough.

The fighter's attack method can be processed through post-processing, and Qiye wants this feeling.

"Huh, that's it, is this F15? It's really more desirable than what I watched on TV!"

Johnson, who was on the ground, showed a greedy look at the passing fighter jets as required by the script.

"Let's compare it! Which one is stronger, the crystallization of modern human wisdom and the gift of gods and gods!"

After talking about Johnson flipping his cloak, he pulled the reins and snarled at the sky: "Come on! [Via Expugnatio]!"

Facts have proved that you can get nothing but a mouthful of sand when you yell in a war-torn field.

But as a mature actor, Johnson knows that the camera is still facing himself at this time, and he must not make coughing or vomiting sand.

Therefore, he could only endure the discomfort of his mouth and finished several poses required in the script.


Qiye called a timeout, but he didn't say or did not, so everyone could only stop where they were.

The set at this time has really become a ruin, with debris scattered everywhere.

If it weren't for the strong smell of burnt resin, just looking at this scene, it is estimated that many people would think that a war has just been experienced here.

"Need to do it again, or should I make up a few shots?"

While everyone was waiting for the results, Shion walked behind Qiye, and the flying dust on the set made the young lady wear a mask.

Qiye is not so hypocritical. He is checking the shooting conditions of each camera one by one, and he estimates the expected effect in his heart.

Shion got to Qiye's side, and she watched the monitor screen next to Qiye's head.

"How is it? The military has already told me that if necessary, they can let people fly a second time." Shion asked in a low voice.

After hearing what Ziyuan said, Qiye sneered: "Hehe, of course they want us to fly a second time, anyway, they don't need to pay."

There is a lot of money to invite people to fly, and if you can, of course, you won't think about spending more money.

However, Qiye didn't immediately answer whether he wanted to shoot again, but after carefully checking all the shots, Qiye let out a sigh of relief.

"No, I will trouble you to say thank you to the military people later. This time I really troubled them for their help."

This is the reason Shion came to New Mexico to eat sand with the crew. She is the liaison between the military and the crew.

Qiye is not selling copies. He has no connection with the army, so he can only trouble the big gold master Shion.

However, after this exchange, Qiye believes that it will be much easier to find military cooperation afterwards.

It's a pity that Qiye didn't shoot "Transformers", and the fate series, which is dominated by ancient heroes, did not use modern weapons.

"Okay, it's time for work, thanks for your hard work today!"

Qiye yelled at all the crews and actors below who were waiting for a response, telling them that they don't need to stay there anymore.

"Bah! Thank goodness for not using it for the second time!"

Johnson, who was spitting sand, was very happy when he heard the news. He waved his hands vigorously to express his excitement.

But the end is just this scene. According to Qiye's plan, the crew will have to shoot in the desert for several days before leaving here and returning to Los Angeles.

In the next few days, the scene that Qiye filmed was the memory clips of Hassan, Baimaeng and Shufan. This part of the content is very simple, but it is a little troublesome to set up a set in the desert.

After all these were filmed, Lily and Gavien, who had been promoting UBW in North America, joined the team.

In this way, Qiye only needs to film the last match between Mr. Jin and the Great, and then finish some fragmented scenes, and then he can leave this ghost place.

However, Lily's participation also brought some very interesting news. For example, when Qiye took people away from the world to eat sand here, the box office of the summer movies released during this period.

Most of the movies are nothing worthy of attention, and Qiye mainly watches a few movies with higher box office.

The superhero movies in 2006 did not perform well. The "X-Men 3" that was slashed by ubw would not be mentioned. Although Warner's "Superman Returns" was released in the first round with very good box office data, it collapsed. Word of mouth made this movie follow the same old path as "X-Men 3".

These two films perfectly showed the audience what is called the box office curve of going high and going low.

Based on the current data and the experience of Qiye in his previous life, he estimated that the North American box office of "Superman Returns" should be able to pass the $200 million pass line.

Generally speaking, it is certainly not a problem for large-scale films to have this result, not to mention superman, a film project with huge peripheral added value.

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