Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 65

However, Yumi was obviously thinking too much. After tossing for seven nights, Illiya threw away the opponent and hugged Yumi.

"Big brother is really bad, Yumi-chan, let's leave him alone."

"Um... this..."

Yumi, who is not used to being so close to her peers, blushes, she hesitates and doesn't know what to say.

"You can't say that, after all, a strong opponent who is a little stronger than the protagonist in every aspect of the master level, but the standard configuration of the story."

"Why do you say that?"

Nanya's words aroused Illiya's curiosity, and even Yumi also leaned over to listen to Nanya's explanation.

Qiye began to explain to the girls about the role setting: "After all, the audience needs to have a sense of freshness. Now that there is a passionate idiot-like protagonist, then the role of the rival needs to be different to highlight the performance of this role. Power. The role that is stronger in all aspects is a relatively simple role template that can make the audience feel different. And the role set in this way will be more popular than the protagonist. After all, everyone likes cool characters more. ."

"That's it, hey, wait a minute! Who is a hot-blooded fool!"

Iliya strangled Qiye's neck and retorted loudly.

"It's just that the role is set like this! Illya herself said it was superb~" Qiye immediately persuaded, he immediately apologized and coaxed little Lori loudly.

"It turned out to be so, in other words, is it possible that my popularity will be higher than that of Ilia?"

Yumi thought of the scene when her mother was happy after she became famous, and she looked fascinated.

"Impossible, Illya must be more popular!"

"But Meiyou will not lag behind!"

The two loli did not give way to each other, the two girls stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

[Women’s eagerness is indeed terrible. Although it is a loli, it is indeed a woman.

Qiye wisely did not join in, because he made a mistake no matter where he stood.

"But seniors, why do you use J's actors to play? Have you forgotten the previous things?"

Weaving was wiping his mouth with a handkerchief. At this time, the TV screen was just showing the ED staff member. He asked with some curiosity when he saw the actor of Shiro Wimiya appear on it.

"Well, that guy was recommended by the J family, and I also went to investigate his resume, and there is no big bad habit, so I used him."

I don't know if it was to make up for the relationship with herself or her teacher Ryuichi Hanai. After Qiye issued an interview request for an actor, the J family took the initiative to send a few actors from one of her new teams.

These guys are not very famous idols. Coupled with the tradition of new debut idols shooting special dramas to earn popularity in the J family, Qiye did not refuse.After all, even though the quality of the little ghosts produced by J's house has declined in recent years, it still has the best image among all Japanese firms.

It is estimated that I have learned the lessons of the previous hundred eyes. This time the actors are very well-behaved and obedient, and the image is not bad.Qiye asked people to check their past and left them after confirming that there were no bad habits.

Qiye is also very clear that the image of J's actors is very popular. If you want to make a commercial movie, you must consider their actors. Since the other party has shown goodwill, then Qiye is of course willing to ask the other party through Poxia Donkey. Reconciliation, after all, is a win-win situation for both parties.

Among the few people sent by J's house, one guy was appointed by Nanya Shiro as the actor because of his surname Sugiyama.Anyway, the people who sent them were almost the same, and Qiye picked the one that was most pleasing to her eyes.

"Is it?"

"An Xin, I know what you are worried about." Qiye comforted her little junior, "J's family has made it clear to the actors. If they dare to do something, the company will not let it go. they."


The ratings of the first two episodes of "Magic Girl Ilia" were only 7.1%. Compared with the next episode, the average ratings of each episode fluctuates around 10% in the middle of the plot. It is obviously not enough to watch.

But as a brand-new IP, this result is considered good, and it can even be said to be quite outstanding.

You must know that the ratings of the first episode of "Empty Me" are only 8.9%, and even if it has been broadcast for more than half a year, the ratings of each episode are still fluctuating at 8%-11%.

The third and fourth episodes of the next two weeks are completely original content of Qiye.As I said before, the plot of the first season of the "Magic" comic is very short, and it is not enough to fill the 13 episodes.

So filling it with original plot is a must.

For the content of the original plot, Qiye neither intends to make it too complicated, nor does it want to add too many new elements to interfere with the main plot.

So Qiye just added a new element-because of the influence of the card, the spirit veins of Winterwood City have produced false followers without cards. These followers have the same abilities and treasures as the heroic spirits and need magic girls to eliminate them. .

And the content of the third and fourth two episodes is that Illiya battled two pseudo-subordinates and won the victory. Anyway, there are thousands of heroes of the moon, so it is very simple to find a few heroes at random.

The ratings of the original content of the two episodes were 7.5% and 7.4%, respectively, which was the same as the first and second episodes overall.

Just when everyone thought that the content of the next 26 episodes would be such unit drama content, similar to Ultraman's Monster Fighting routine, the content at the beginning of the fifth episode was directly reversed.


pS: CP with hot-blooded idiots and high-cold rivals can be said to be very common in Japanese comics, such as Goku and Piccolo (changed to Vegeta later), Naruto and Sasuke, Ichito and Ishida Uryu some type of.

This is especially true in the works of magical girls, because the protagonist is usually a little girl with innocent fantasy, so she needs a cold supporting role to cool her down and take on a calm role in the team.For example, Caiye, Bah, Lyrical Nanoha and Fett, Madoka and Akomi Homura, etc.

Another feature of this design is to highlight the cuteness of the contrast. The high-cold supporting role is gradually influenced by the protagonist, and eventually becomes a member of the protagonist group. This design actually existed as early as "Water Margin".funny

Chapter 54

Starting from the fifth episode, "Magic Girl Ilia" has entered a more important plot point in the first half of the season, that is, the wheel battle between Fuyuki City Bridge and Caster and Saber.

And this episode of the story Qiye uses a full 3 episodes to tell, so the length is very rare even in special dramas.

Generally speaking, when special dramas describe more powerful bosses or enemies, they usually only use two episodes to tell, the so-called upper and lower episodes.

The reason for this is because it is difficult for children to focus on one thing for a long time, and pulling too long can easily distract them.

You are divided into the upper and lower episodes, then they will be excited and excited about the enemies that appear in this episode after the end of the previous episode, and hope that the hero will use how to defeat this powerful enemy in the next episode.

But if the plot is divided into three episodes, from the perspective of external time alone, it takes three weeks to tell a story. After half a month, can the children remember the first chapter of the story when you tell the third chapter The content is a problem.

It is not uncommon to divide a plot paragraph into three episodes, but it is very rare.

For this reason, Qiye took extra care when making these three episodes. Not only did she leave suspense at the end of each episode, but she also managed to relax in the battle and grasp the rhythm to the best.

In this regard, Qiye personally feels that the TV version of "Magic I" in the previous life was not very good. The overall rhythm of the three episodes is obviously slow, and the taste of slowing the rhythm is very obvious.It can only be said that compared to his teacher's new house, Da Numa Xin still has a big gap in strength.

But this matter can’t be blamed entirely on Omanu, after all, the original comics in the first season of "Magic" were only 14 episodes, and it would take a quarter to turn into anime.Without adding the original plot, Onuma Xin was able to drag it into 10 episodes.

And Qiye felt that if "Magic I" was handed over to Onuma Xin's teacher's new house, it would be easy to complete 13 episodes.It is just estimated that compared with the comics, the animation plot is not at least three feet away. After all, the nickname of the "original shredder" in the new house is not for nothing.

Although Onuma Xin's work is not perfect, it is also a good reference.Qiye can make modifications on this basis and make up for its shortcomings.

At this point, Qiye is still very good.

Therefore, the audience of "Magic Girl Ilya" first saw the defeated protagonist team at the beginning of the fifth episode.

After realizing that in order to defeat the high-altitude mage, she must learn the ability to fly, Illiya easily learned this skill.Contrary to Ilya, the beauty tour that has always performed very well before can never learn to fly.

It's not very accurate to say that if you can't learn it, it should be said that there is no concept of human being able to fly in Meiyou's subconscious mind.

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