Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 652

Four Seasons nodded like garlic: "Really, really. I'm ready for the substitute, so don't worry."

Speaking of Four Seasons, she pointed her hand to the corner, and there really was a woman standing there in clothes that looked exactly like weaving.

"I'll let you go!"

Qiye felt that her self-cultivation was really good, so she didn't greet Siji's female relatives.

But no matter how unwilling it is, it is too late to say anything now.

At this time, Qiye couldn't find it even if she wanted to find other actors to replace her.

Although there is also an option for a stand-in actress, the other person's appearance is too ordinary, and Hezhi's temperament is too bad.

[I said that when I asked them why they didn't say anything, I thought they were embarrassed to say that they walked through the back door, but they were waiting for me here.

Qiye breathed hard to calm herself down.

"Okay, I see, I'll go and prepare some lines at the end."

"Wait a minute. Weaving! Come here." Siji beckoned weaving over, "There should be nothing wrong with your lines, right?"

Zhi nodded slightly: "Of course, I know what to do."

"Then you two exchange lines." Siji noticed that Qiye was looking at his own eyes, he immediately said, "Don't look at me like this, if you two wait for a meeting, I will be very difficult, don't forget you two wait. It’s a love relationship."

The interpretation of lover in Japanese means lover.

"I don't remember that I designed it this way. Shouldn't Mu Mi be considered unrequited love?"

Qiye remembers very clearly that under the persecution of Yiliya, she changed the personage of Keiji to be loyal to Aili.

"Old Xu knows that Zhihui will play Wu Mi after he changed it."

Four Seasons sold people on the spot.

[He is also a co-author, right?

Obviously, the performance hasn't started yet, but Qiye can already feel Kirishu's mood.

Well, it's the one in reality.

Four Seasons thinks he is a very good person. After the two actors have talked about the precautions between the positions, he ran to the camera and gave the space to Nanya Kazuo.

"Let's talk, what happened to you? I asked you to agree to do this." Qiye asked with her brows pressed.

"She found me a girlfriend, and if I don't agree to it, she proposes to that woman and gives her all of me."

Zhizhi explained the reason at a very fast rate.

"Do you believe it?"

"It doesn't matter if I believe it or not, but the problem is that my mother believes it." Zhizhi also seemed to hold his stomach in flames. "Although the characters on the side of the formula haven't changed yet, my understand (dǒng) of."

Qiye recalled the first time she went to Liangyi's house with Zhiye to celebrate the New Year, and Liangyi Kiyomi directly assumed that she was the scene of Zhiye's boyfriend.

"Hehe, I can probably guess it."

Qiye sneered at Yinghedao, but he immediately thought of another question.

"No way, isn't that style deceiving other girls?! How does this girl do such things?!"

Zhizhi said in frustration, "Don't worry, that girl is the Rin of your predecessor."


Qiye now understands what it's like for everyone around him to engage in himself. He really wants to say sorry to Kirishu.


pS: It’s the last day of November, and it’s so fast today._(:з∠)_

I should be able to add more today, probably..._

Chapter 398 Qi Ye's First Show

Good and evil are rewarded, and the way of heaven is reincarnation.If you don't believe me, look up, who is forgiven by the sky.

Even though this has been said, Qiye has always believed it.

But when the retribution really returned to him, Qiye's whole person was not good.


Qiye sighed, he raised his head 45° and looked up at the ceiling, choking silently.

"I thought the hardest thing was to play Kiriji, but now I know that the hardest thing is to play against Mai Ya."

"Senior, you are enough! Is one thing interesting to talk about?"

The knitting head is full of raised veins.

Qiye patted Zhiye on the shoulder and said with heartfelt words: "Yoye, I won't talk about other things, brother, but you can give me some relaxation when I can kiss the scene."

Although the four seasons of the kiss scene between Mai and Kirishu will be filmed using the dislocation method, it requires the cooperation of both actors.

Otherwise, the camera screen will either be pierced or the actors will actually kiss each other.

It is not rare to eat tofu by making kiss scenes, so if there are situations in the script of making kiss scenes and passion scenes, well-known actors will make a lot of agreements in advance.

Some big-name celebrities even stipulate the appearance of a few seconds, as well as the requirements of the actors for kiss and nude.

Although from the perspective of the entertainment industry, Qiye belongs to the most powerful level, it is definitely not a problem to eat female celebrity tofu in a kiss scene, and no one dares to force it.

But the problem is, my junior brother has a fart tofu to eat!

I really want to say, it's better to change the knitting to Rin, I can touch my thigh enough anyway.

Although the knitted legs are also very good, they are also regarded as the best among girls, and they are also considered as beards and eyebrows.

But even so, Qiye didn't feel it!

Zhizhi said contemptuously: "Don't worry, I might as well die for the first kiss."


"Don't be but, just wait for a good cooperation."

Zhi pushed Qiye to the cloth scenic spot.

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