Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 678

Zhi shook his head: "I don't think this is enough for you. Forget it, I beg you, go to Miss Jiufeng on a date tonight."

"If Ms. Jiufeng is not available, you can also go to Rin and open a room. No cherry blossoms. Oh, no. They are not there. No wonder you are like a balloon right now.

Qiye wanted to kick Knit's butt.

"What kind of solution is this?! What do you think of your senior? Humanoid self-propelled gun?"

Zhizhi said: "I think you need to vent, that's all."

"Screw you."

Qiye flicked on Zhi's forehead, and then he raised the loudspeaker again: "All departments give feedback. We will resume shooting in 1 minute."

"I'm serious." Zhi shook his head.

It seemed that Zhizhi had thought of something, so he took out his mobile phone and quickly sent an email to someone.

Qiye didn't notice the small movements behind him. After getting feedback from various departments, he returned to the monitor: "Game 42, Act 11, now begins!"

Maybe it was the scary expression before Qiye that worked, or maybe it took 10 minutes for everyone to adjust.

The crew clearly improved in the next few shots, even Lily looked better.

This situation makes Qiye feel a little more satisfied. As long as the crew moves in the normal direction, this is enough for Qiye.

The next few shots are considered relatively smooth, but this smooth is compared to the previous two days.

Everyone's performance is actually a little bit different than before the lockout, but it can be regarded as reaching the pass line expected in Qiye's heart.

So even though there were still some stumblings in the subsequent shooting, unexpected small problems also occurred from time to time.

But Qiye still controlled his emotions. After all, yelling like this couldn't solve any problems. As long as the crew can operate normally, he tried his best to ensure that he would not use the high-pitched cannon to hurt people.

"I'm here for today. Let's go away first. The props and equipment groups should remember to put things away."

After Lily used a prop sword to cut a tentacle model into two pieces, Qiye announced that today's scene will end.

Although Qiye has been holding it back, the feeling of frantically testing on the edge of the outbreak is not good, so Qiye stopped filming after finding that the crew had recovered a little state.

However, Qiye did not leave the set, and his shoes and socks were not completely dry, so he simply stayed and looked at the footage taken today.

In the past few days, Jiufeng has been holding the board of directors for half a year, Shion is not free at all, and Rin flew back to Japan because of his idol work and Sakura.

Therefore, Qiye didn't rush to leave the studio at all when there was no entertainment in the evening. If possible, he even hoped that the board and lodging would be there.

However, as Zhizhi said before, Qiye cannot find a woman now, so his anger does lack a place to vent.

"Have you left yet?"

Qiye heard someone calling him, he quickly raised his head, and then saw Zhizheng walking towards him.

"There is still something to finish, and my shoes are still wet."

Qiye shook his head.

"I think you need to rest, senior." Zhi said, holding Qiye's arm, "Let's go, I invite you to have a drink."


pS: Congratulations, add a chapter for success today._(:з∠)_

Chapter 412

"forget it."

Qiye's first reaction was to shake his head. He had no good feelings about wine at all.

But Ori insisted: "I think you better relax. I almost thought the volcano was about to erupt today. It was too scary to look at Lily at that time."

"You and I know that losing your temper can't solve the problem." Qiye shook her head slowly, "I don't want to lose control, you should understand this feeling."

"I'm better than you. Uncle Matsushige is an old actor, so I feel relieved."

Qiye's words made Qiye smile.

The food dramas made by my younger brothers have lower requirements for actors, but higher requirements for the shots to show food.

Coupled with the old drama of Matsushige Feng, weaving our own studio is quite harmonious.

"Then you are much luckier than me, I hope you can always be so lucky." Qiye said empathetically.

In fact, as long as you sit in the position of director, the pressure will follow.

"King Kong: Skull Island" director Jordan Vog-Roberts after filming the film, he went from a white boy to a wild man with hair and beard longer than his arms.

Therefore, no matter how good-tempered people are, they will become irritable and manic after becoming a director. It seems that yelling is the best way for them to vent stress.

This is especially true for commercial film directors. Both James Cameron and Michael Bay are well-known bào kings.

"In fact, senior, you have done very well, this time it is only an exception." Zhizhi said with a smile, "before you have been able to control your temper very well, sometimes I think you are too mature."

"Thank you for the compliment." Qiye said helplessly, "I always feel that losing my temper is an expression of incompetence and rage, so I have been restraining myself. Only this time..."

Zhizhi agreed and said: "So you need a channel for venting. If you don't want to relieve it, you may really get out of control one day. I don't want to be beaten into small cakes by the angry you."

"My last name is not Ma."

Qiye replied silently.

Zhizhi obviously didn't understand this, he took out a pair of new shoes and socks from behind.

"Here, let's go have a drink. You have been under tremendous pressure of thought, and it will be suffocated."


Qiye nodded, he took the shoe and socks and got up.

However, he added: "Say it in advance, I will only have a drink."

Zhipu chuckled and said, "I thought you were going to drink juice."

Qiye rolled his eyes. After changing his shoes, he simply packed the equipment, and then went out of the studio with Zhi.

Because Qiye basically never clubs, he can only use the webbing.

Because of the need to drink later, they directly asked Jiufeng to send them to the driver assigned to the crew.

Under the guidance of Zhi, the driver took them to a bar not far from the studio.

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