Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 681

If Lily does become like that, Qiye guesses that Ryan will definitely chase herself with a gun and a sword.

It is even possible to string themselves with guns and then use swords to swift slowly.

Qiye quickly threw this terrible idea out of her mind, and then asked, "Why are you here?"

"Speaking of why, of course it’s because Lily and brother-in-law are like you [coincidentally] want to relax in a bar, and [coincidentally] happened to choose the same bar as brother-in-law. By the way, tell brother-in-law that Lily is [coincidentally] look When I went to my brother-in-law, you were sitting alone at the bar and drinking alcohol, so I came to sit with you~"

[That completely impossible [coincidentally] What the hell is Sanlian?!

The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched slightly, and Lily's answer reminded him of the [It happens to be a big battle] that was discarded by the two rituals.

In short, Qiye felt that the single ponytail girl in front of her was definitely not the so-called [coincidentally] encountering herself, but as for the fact that she followed herself at the beginning, she was still a gangster, and Qiyeyi was unable to formally find out.

"Well, don't mind such small details~ It's rare that we are in the same bar and come to drink together!"

While talking, Lily leaned towards Qiye.

The beautiful blonde girl with a single ponytail wore a tight-fitting short sleeve, which made her unobtrusive peaks suddenly become predictable, and the low-cut design made Qiye see a large area under her neck at a glance. Snow white (bái) matte skin.

"Ahem. Lily, are you old enough?"

Qiye quickly drifted his sight, and he whispered to Lily to confirm.

European and American countries have stricter controls on minors’ drinking than banned drugs, and Qiye doesn’t want to cause trouble.


Qiye's words made Lily pouted, "Brother-in-law how old do you think I am? I'm an adult, okay!"

"Is it?"

Qiye really couldn't remember Lily's age.

After all, we have been together for too long. Qiye has long forgotten how old this little girl who has been following her butt is really old. She only vaguely remembers that she was only 16 years old when we met at the beginning of the year.

"Okay, I apologize to you." Qiye raised his glass to Lily, "I am not angry about the previous set, and the two of us are even tied."

"Brother-in-law, do you need me to say thank you? You are too cunning, right? Both of these things are obviously my disadvantage!"

Lily was a little dissatisfied with Qiye's words, but she still touched a cup with Qiye and drank half a glass of wine in one sip.

Facing such bold Lily, Qiye's eyes twitched slightly.

[Why is my personal drinking capacity stronger than me?

Lily put down the glass, she breathed out a breath of alcohol, and then asked: "I didn't expect that brother-in-law, you would like to drink boring wine alone. Could it be that the pressure on your brother-in-law has reached this level recently?"

Qiye shook his head: "Do you know what stress is, you little girl? I think you have always been carefree."

Lily pointed her chin with her finger, and she thoughtfully replied: "I really don't understand the big things, but every time my sister is in a bad mood, she will sit in the room and drink silently with your brother-in-law. You look alike just now."

"Miss Lane, is she the same?"

Qiye was a little surprised. He thought that the way people like Ryan vent their pressure should be more energetic.

For example, find someone to practice fighting skills, such as finding someone to practice knight sword, such as finding someone to practice knight gun.

"I always feel that brother-in-law, your current thinking is very rude."

Lily's face was full of black lines. Although she could not read her mind, she knew that what he was thinking was definitely not a good thing just by looking at Qiye's expression.

"Well, my fault."

Qiye quickly surrendered.

"Hmph, fine wine, fine wine."

Lily hurriedly booed. She said to the bartender: "Thank you for giving this gentleman a glass of whiskey."

"Stop, you damn girl! Do you want to drink me to death?!"

Qiye hurriedly stopped, and asked the bartender to serve herself another glass of beer.

"Hmph, Qiye, you coward!"

Lily stuck her tongue out at Qiye, perhaps because of Jiu Jin, her complexion was slightly red, and she started to call Qiye by her name.

[This cup is almost there?It looks like it was pretended just now~]

"I just said, no one can drink better than me."

As if infected by the atmosphere in the bar, Qiye suddenly had the idea of ​​molesting the beautiful girl in front of her.

"Ah, when you act like a baby, you call them [brother-in-law]; now that the requirements are not met, I call them [Qiya]?

"Um... Qiye, you're really bad." The expression on Lily's face became even more dissatisfied. She pushed Qiye's arm and said, "You are just like this~~ I know that people can't refuse you. Now."

[What's all this and what?

Qiye realized that he had been caught by this stinky girl instead, he hummed a few times, but he was chased by Lily.

"So, Qiye, you don't take me seriously. Wouldn't you just play with me casually?"

"Play with your brother-in-law!" Qiye slammed on Lily's little forehead, "When did I have a problem with you? I think you are so confused by drinking too much!"

Lily smiled hippiely and said, "Hehe, you all know this~"

Qiye has nothing to do with the rogue Lily, she can only let her play foolishly.

Fortunately, Lily's wine is not particularly bad. After pulling Qiyeyitong to act like a baby, she sat down on the bar and fell asleep.

It's just that Lily is comfortable, and Qiye is in trouble here.

Looking at Lily who was asleep, Qiye felt a little helpless, because he didn't know where the other party lived at night.

But it was even more impossible to leave Lily alone in the bar, so Qiye could only carry her to the car that she had called Jiufeng.

"Mr. Kiryu, where are we going?"

Qiye’s original plan was to go back to where I live after drinking, but because this is Los Angeles, not New York, I only have one bed where I live.

Therefore, Qiye can only take Lily back to Ziyuan’s villa, where there is a place for Lily to rest.

And during this time, Shion was in a meeting and would not go home at night.

So Qiye held the address to the driver, and the other party immediately drove to the destination.

During this period, Lily was still babbling words like ", no...I said, brother-in-law, you can't do such things in this kind of place...".

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