Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 685

Qiye will not forget the scandal about the "Sun" owned by News Corporation in her previous life.

If it is normal, Qiye will not worry.

But he was afraid that the paparazzi would be playing yin, so he would get Downey on him.

This situation becomes very troublesome.

So Qiye deliberately found the employee named Ed Jiufeng who was next to Downey and asked him to stay with Downey and be vigilant at all times.

"I hope everything goes well."

During the intermission of the crew, Qiye watched the set and muttered to herself.

"Director, don't worry, we are the best team."

Johnson heard Qiye's words, he thought the other party was worried about fz, so he immediately comforted.

Qiye smiled and shook his head. He didn't explain to the other party what he was worried about.

Johnson squeezed his eyes to Qiye and said, "Really, although the director is not a good temper, your crew is really much better than the one I’ve been with before. There are not so many intrigues. . With this, I believe your movie will be a success."

After talking about Johnson, he gave Qiye a thumbs up.

"You kid, give me soul soup." Qiye patted the other party on the back. "How many crews have you been in?"


Johnson smirked and touched the wig on his head.

Qiye took the coffee that Zhizhi handed herself, and after thanking him, she continued to chat with Johnson: "Dawn, I heard you want to be a star?"

Johnson was not humble, he admitted it generously.

"Who doesn't want to? If you don't want to, you won't join this circle, right?"

Johnson's eyes showed a look of memories: "Back then, I thought "The Scorpion King" was my success, but Universal broke my heart."

"Big Six, it's all this virtue." Qiye nodded, "They always think that they can control everything, but as long as you can bring them profits, they are guaranteed to be more obedient than your dog."


Johnson deliberately made a serious expression: "If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely let Universal sign a super harsh treaty to make them feel uncomfortable."

Qiye thought of Johnson's harsh treaty on the "Fast and Furious" series in the future. It is said that the treaty even stipulates that Johnson can only be punched in the face.

[Could it be that the root is here?

Qiye looked at the big guy's eyes suddenly gossiping.

Johnson continued to encourage him: "Director, you have to come on, I chose your movie, you are the hope of our entire crew!"

"Don't say it as if you don't have to work hard!"

Qiye complained, but then he confidently said: "Don't worry, after the movie is released, you will definitely think that you chose me as a wise decision."

Although from any point of view, Qiye chose Johnson.

Johnson also knew that this was the director joking with himself, so he said in a flattering tone: "Then my future depends on you, director."

Speaking of Johnson, he slapped Qiye hard on the back, and almost made Qiye fall into a big somersault.

"Hey, beware."

Qi Ye Haoxuan didn't shake the coffee in his hand, he faintly glared at the chuckle who covered his mouth and chuckled.

"Johnson, I think you have the potential to become a superstar, and you need to use that potential."

"is it?"


Qiye nodded. He pointed to Johnson's muscular body and said, "You seem to be full of powerful muscles, very suitable for action movies. However, you should be very clear that the traditional muscular man is out of date."

"Yeah, so I am also at a loss."

Johnson knew that Qiye was mentioning himself, and he listened carefully to Qiye's words.

"Do you know the charm of Captain Jack?" Qiye asked herself, "He doesn't have a traditional heroic temperament, he is a bit sissy, and any heroic image is handsome in three seconds. But he is now the most popular in the world. Movie role."

"Director, do you want me to follow him?"

Johnson tried to cock an orchid finger.

"No." Qiye laughed at Johnson's funny look. "I mean the role of Captain Jack is different from all the previous movie characters. He walks between good and evil. This freshness is exactly What the audience lacked in watching movies in recent years."

Qiye patted Johnson's muscular arms, "Your figure is very suitable for acting in action movies, because you can give the audience a sense of security as long as you appear in front of the screen. And you are good at funny, which is good for other action stars with rigid acting skills. It is more advantageous."

"What you need now is to be able to switch between the two. You are usually approachable with joking, but at the most critical moment, you have to give the audience a kind of domineering domineering of heaven and earth."

Qiye raised her index finger and said in a mocking tone, "If you can do this, then you will be the best action superstar in the first 20 years of the 21st century."

"That... Director, I know everything."

Johnson thought about it for a while, and then he slowly said in a confused tone: "How do I feel that you are not talking about me, but the role of Iskandall?"


pS: Add more tonight, I said yes yesterday._(:з∠)_

Chapter 416


Qiye coughed softly, his face showed the unnaturalness of being pierced, but he still rounded it up.

"That's why I chose you to play this role. I really just think you are very suitable for this role."

Of course, Johnson is still far less expensive now, which is also a very important reason.

Can spend 3 million dollars to find an actor worth 8 million dollars, why not Qiye?

"Okay, time is almost up, go and prepare quickly."

Qiye looked at the time and found that it was time to rest.

"All departments are in place, and everyone is ready to give back."

With the sound of Qiye in the loudspeaker, the filming of the fz crew kicked off again.

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