Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 688

But this idea passed by and gave up. The movie "A Wonderful Night in the Museum" has been promoted for more than half a year, and Foxguang has spent tens of millions of dollars in promotional fees.

By this time, Fox had signed the contract with the theater. Even if he wanted to withdraw, the theater would not agree.

Oh, it's not right.

They will still agree to the theater, but only if Fox pays the penalty.

And "Wonderful Night at the Museum" is not without the possibility of winning.

After all, the main audience of the movie is children. This audience group is usually silent, but it has great potential during the holidays.

Because during holidays, the audience's theme is based on the family, a child can bring at least one more adult movie ticket.

If the whole family travels, this number may be even higher.


Jim Ganopoulos glanced at the "Iron Man" poster on the table. The gold and red steel armor on it was also very attractive.

Thinking of this, Jim Ganopoulos asked: "How are we doing with Robert Downey Jr.?"

A protagonist with a history of drug abuse, this is something Fox has been emphasizing since the beginning of the propaganda war.

Superhero actors in Hollywood are a very special group.

Other film actors, they are not responsible for their roles, and the audience will clearly distinguish between actors and roles.

But the role of a superhero is different. Because there are a large number of underage audiences, all roles must be self-contained and set a good public example regardless of whether they are in or out of the play.

This is why everyone will find that superhero actors participate in various charity promotion for children's welfare far more than other actors.

Jim Ganopoulos didn't know where Jiufeng had cramps. He would find a drug addict as the protagonist, but it happened to be Fox's attack point.

As long as you instill the impression that the actors are not good people, parents will naturally stay away from this movie.

"I have worked very hard to promote it, but Jiufeng has worked harder to promote the inspirational story of the other side's heart-washing gé face."

The assistant’s answer was somewhat helpless: “According to our survey, 10% of people believe that Robert Downey Jr. has reformed and 20% believe that he is still the addict, and the rest are on the sidelines.”

"Just kidding, can drug addicts turn around?"

Jim Ganopoulos snorted, and he asked several senior paparazzi in the Fox publicity department: "Have you taken any explosive news about Downey?"

The so-called explosive news is naturally about Downey’s drug addiction again. It would be better if the photos were taken.

If you can find the decent, then those who wait and see will become the Tang sect.

By then, both Jiufeng and Marvel will become the cross-street rats that everyone shouts and beats.


The leading paparazzi said embarrassingly: "This guy seems to know that we are following him. He is now in public most of the day. There is no secret space except going to the toilet and sleeping."

"Then you didn't find evidence?"

"Nothing. We even turned over the trash can, so we were almost digging the sewer and searching his house."

The paparazzi is about to cry.


Jim Ganopoulos cursed, but he was also muttering in his heart.

[Weird look, is that poisonous ghost really reformed?

"Should we?"

The paparazzi made a secret gesture, and everyone knew what it meant.

Anyway, it's not the first time for those who are not afraid to do this kind of thing these days.

Always wanting to make big news or something is to underestimate them, these lawless guys are really always making big news.

This idea is very tempting. Just throw the mud in the crotch of Robert Downey Jr., based on his criminal record, who believes it is not shit?

But Jim Ganopoulos finally shook his head.

"Forget it, since Jiufeng dared to push him to the front desk, he must be prepared. If he didn't take the initiative to touch those things, let's forget about it."

If it's a normal actor, Jim Ganopros might have done it.

Individual celebrities can't make a climate at all, even if Uranus superstar Michael Jackson is not buried in a simple pit?

As the president of an entertainment company, Jim Canopoulos has long lost his lower limit.

But now there is the Jiufeng Group behind Robert Downey Jr., actors with backstage and actors without backstage are basically two concepts.

In other words, as long as Robert Downey Jr. did not take the initiative to fall, Jiufeng must have done everything else that might encounter problems.

If you rush to make a move, it might cause a commotion.

Since it's not enough to hit the opponent, then you can only strengthen your own strength.

Jim Ganopoulos looked at a shameless man sitting across from him.

"Ben, the other party's movie lacks a big star, you are our trump card."

"Don't worry, I will try my best to cooperate with the promotion."

Ben Stiller nodded and agreed.

Since the "Meet Your Father-in-law" series became popular, Ben Stiller's appeal in the comedy market has grown by leaps and bounds, and he has become a popular laughter.

Although everyone doesn't know what is so good about this average-looking man who only talks about shit and pissing jokes, the movies he makes will always be paid for.

Sometimes, the movie thing is really a very magical thing.

Ben Stiller himself also values ​​"Wonderful Night at the Museum" very much. Unlike his previous third-rate comedies, this movie is an orthodox family movie.

If this movie can be successful, it means that he has the capital to attack first-line actors.

Therefore, Ben Stiller will do his best to meet Fox's requirements, because it concerns his future.

Afterwards, the senior officials of Fox discussed for a long time, and finally finalized the film's publicity plan.

In short, the biggest selling point is around the starring Ben Stiller, the main home movie box office market, and as much as possible to fool children into the movie theater.

But compared to Fox who struggled with how to promote the movie, Jiufeng didn't have such a problem.

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