Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 699

"By the way, this uncle." Paris pouted and whispered to William, "Can I ask a question about the movie?"


Of course, William has seen the movie a long time ago, and it is also the premiere of the internal welfare of Jiufeng employees.

So he didn't think this kid could ask himself.

"At the beginning of the movie, why did Iron Man laugh with the female reporter after rolling out of bed?"

William's smile froze, and he said with some uncertainty: "Uh...maybe because...he thought of something happy?"

"Uncle Marshall said I will understand when I grow up. Why is this?"

William replied embarrassingly: "Well, you'll know when you grow up."

[I don’t understand as an adult anyway.Who? You laugh like that when you fall out of bed?Is it neurotic?

Looking at the back of the family leaving, William couldn't help but think so.

"Now, Paris."

On the way home, the father asked his eldest son.

"What's wrong, Dad?"

"Is the movie really that good-looking?"

"Yeah! Super awesome, especially the laser fired by Iron Man, biubiu~"

Paris replied happily.

"...How about Dad taking you to see it again tomorrow?"


"Then remember to tell mom when you get home."

"Ok, no problem."

Paris, who didn't know it was his father who wanted to watch the movie, just got into it.


While William was trying to collect information about the audience, Qiye just woke up from the tender village.

He walked across the suite lobby in his large nightgown, took the newspaper from the waiter at the door, and gave a few tips.

"Shion, are you still up? The newspaper has come."

Qiye returned to the living room and roared at the bedroom.


In the bedroom, on a white, soft and overly large multi-person bed, Shion, wrapped in the quilt, let out a soft moan.

She is still in a state of drowsiness because of playing with it last night.

"I said, boss. It's time to get up."

Qiye threw the newspaper on the bedside table, and then he sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Shion's slender and elastic calf with his hand.


Shion, whose eyes were still closed, frowned slightly, but she did not refuse.

The courageous Qiye began to move his hand up, and finally landed on Shion's pink buttocks as white as snow.

At this moment, Shion finally opened his eyes.

"You kid dare to play with it like you kneaded the dough last night, don't ask for your hand."

Qiye said in a teasing tone: "Didn't you enjoy it last night? That voice is really..."

"Seven nights!"

Shion chuckled and threw the pillow onto Qiye's face.

"Ahem, my fault."

Qiye took the pillow off his face and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Qiye already knows how Shion changes his face at night and during the day.

I don't know if it is due to Shion's personality. Every time Shion has a close date, she always goes through the process of transition from a strong queen to a weak lady.

Then in the morning of the next day, she will turn back to the queen with full of energy.

[Maybe that is what she really looks like inside?It's different inside and out, it always feels a little cute.

Thinking of this, Qiye smiled and stroked Shion's long green hair with her hand.

But in the next second, he was slapped off by the Queen in disgust.

"My mother, I am not a little girl, so I don't need this set. Hurry up and help me get dressed!"

"Okay, my lord queen."

Qiye laughed bitterly, and then helped to serve her big benefactor.


pS: Regarding Gang 1, Tony and the female reporter, Mi Chan can't understand why she is laughing like this.┓(???`?)┏

You know, Tony, there is a person on you.

Chapter 424 The Real Huns and the False Huns

"Give me the newspaper."

After getting dressed with Qiye's help, Queen Shion leaned on the bed with her body supported.

In order to make her more comfortable, Qiye also deliberately took two cushions, one behind Shion and the other under Shion's body.

Shion gave him a blank look when Qiye put a cushion on herself, but her body was still very honest with Qiye's movements.

During the whole process, the two people didn't say a word, but they were in a tacit understanding. They were no different from other like-minded lovers.

Unfortunately, no matter from which point of view, they are not.

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