Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 705

The holiday schedule is a very strange schedule.

If there are no hot movies, the box office during this period is usually higher than the usual weekdays, but if you compare the box office on weekends, you will find that it is not much higher.

But if there is a hit movie and it triggers a large-scale movie watching boom, then this movie will explode with amazing potential.

And "Iron Man" is undoubtedly one of the lucky ones among these few movies.

Starting on December 21st, plus the box office for the next three days on the weekend, "Iron Man"'s first weekend box office performance is expected to reach 110 million US dollars.

This result makes Qiye a bit jealous. You must know that his first weekend box office score of fsn last year did not exceed 100 million.

And because of the continuation of the Christmas holiday, the working day that would have greatly reduced the box office does not exist, and the first week of "Iron Man" box office results will be very scary.

It is foreseeable that the box office of "Iron Man" will undoubtedly exceed the US$318 million in North America in the past seven nights.

However, compared with the popularity of North America, "Iron Man" appears a little deserted in the global box office.

Although the box office performance is not bad, it is also the Christmas box champion of major movie markets, but it is not as good as North America.

After all, Jiufeng Entertainment's global publicity is not perfect, and there is no way to achieve such a carpet promotion in North America.

Coupled with the fact that the role of Iron Man is only popular in his home base in North America, the global fan base is basically zero.

Compared to the super super with S printed on the chest and the master of money making ability, "Iron Man" is just a very ordinary special effects movie for other countries and regions.

In terms of Tianchao IP, Dachao and Master are a bit like "Journey to the West" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" even if they are well-known in Europe and the United States.

Hollywood even made a movie based on "Journey to the West", although the plot was changed and even the mothers of the two comrades of Wu Taizhang and Cheng En were not known.

The words of "Iron Man" are more like the first file of "Fengshen". Although it is well-known in the circle, not many people know it outside the cultural circle.

Of course, even "Nezha and Transformers" has been available this year. Maybe the IP of "Feng Shen Bang" will be more famous than "Journey to the West"?

Therefore, the fan base is not anxious and can only be cultivated slowly.

In the previous life, Marvel was able to become the world's number one comics IP. In this life, Qiye also has the patience to make Marvel become a world-class film brand in the next ten years.

However, compared to the particularly popular "Iron Man", his rival "Museum Wonderful Night" seems a bit unpopular.

After getting the first-round box office of 13 million infusions, "A Wonderful Night at the Museum" on the 22nd received a box office of 15 million US dollars.

In this way, the box office on the first day of "A Wonderful Night at the Museum" reached 28 million US dollars.

This result is of course quite good for an original IP movie. If it is placed in the Christmas file of previous years, it will be no problem to win the holiday box office championship.

After all, compared with the number of Hollywood film releases in a year, only the top batch of movies can reach the number of movies that broke 100 million in the first weekend.

In the next two days, the box office results of "A Wonderful Night at the Museum" did not disappoint.

Saturday's 15.12 million US dollars and Sunday's 15.98 million US dollars box office results, the first weekend of "Museum Wonderful Night" box office book results reached nearly 60 million US dollars.

This can be called a hit in the off-season, it can be said to be excellent in the holiday file, and the summer file is a passable result. The Fox executives should have been very happy.

Yes, originally.

Faced with the hit movie "Iron Man", the performance of "A Wonderful Night at the Museum" is somewhat overshadowed.

This did not disappoint, the first superhero action film of Marvel Pictures, which severely suppressed "A Wonderful Night at the Museum" under Shen.

Of course, "Wonderful Night at the Museum" is not entirely without chance. Judging from the box office curve, this movie is simply incredible.

On Monday, the end of the first weekend, it still got more than $15 million in the box office.

Although this is related to the Christmas holiday, if this performance can be maintained in this way, "Wonderful Night at the Museum" may really be able to complete the counterattack.

After all, popcorn movies like "Iron Man" drove the audience who could watch this movie to the cinema in the first few days, and it was difficult to keep the box office results above 15 million US dollars.

But everyone knows that this is impossible. Even the top executives of Fox only hope that the film’s 15 million dollars a day can last a little more.

When Qiye left North America with Shion and others to return to Japan for the New Year, "Iron Man" had already won a box office of 150 million US dollars.

According to the calculations of several box office forecasting agencies, the final North American box office performance of "Iron Man" should be able to reach 400 million US dollars, and the global box office should not be less than 700 million US dollars.

This is because "Iron Man" has a low global reputation. If it is replaced with Superman's IP, with this North American performance, the world can get at least 800 million US dollars in box office.

As for "Iron Man"'s opponent "Museum Wonderful Night", the current box office score has just reached 90 million US dollars.

If it's normal, then "Iron Man" can end this conflict by saying "Good job, GG." to "Wonderful Night at the Museum."

But in fact, many things cannot be answered by simple data reasoning.

You must know that the single-day box office of "Iron Man" has begun to decline, but the single-day box office of "Museum Wonderful Night" is not comparable to "Iron Man", but it still remains at a considerable level.

If "Wonderful Night at the Museum" can continue to ensure the current trend, it is not impossible for the film to appear in the second week of reverse growth.

But the time is now approaching the end of the year, and Qiye who is going to return to Japan for the New Year can only trouble the local staff of Jiufeng North America to report box office data in real time, and wait for his and Shion's instructions at any time.

And Qiye herself returned to Tokyo with Shion's special plane.

Also flying back home were several girls from Trier, and members of [Erque Studio] including Zhizhi.

However, Qiye herself was full of hesitation about going home for the New Year.

"Anyway, I still won't go back to my hometown for the New Year, so I might as well stay in North America."

On the plane, Qiye whispered to Shion.

"You have been busy in the United States for a year and haven't returned home. How can you not go home?"

"It's boring. Staying in the villa alone, you have to prepare your own food." Nanya scratched her head and said, "I'm thinking about whether to go to Hakone (a hot spring sacred place in Japan) for vacation."

Although the housekeeping company is asked to clean the villa regularly, sleeping is certainly no problem.

But if you really want to live, eating is a big problem.

I haven't been back to Japan for a year, and the empty villa will not even move in, so there is no food.

If you want to move in, you have to open fire to cook or something, which always makes Qiye feel irritated.

To put it bluntly, this animal is afraid of trouble.

"Which Hakone to go! This year, I will accompany you to celebrate the New Year!"

Shion gave Qiye a white glance, and after making sure that Trier's girls hadn't overheard, she whispered to Qiye.


"Yeah, this should be our first year together, right?"

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