Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 720

Qiye raised her eyebrows, he didn't know what this girl was going to do.

So he hurriedly tried to silence the other person's mouth: "Didn't I buy you a gift?"

Not only did Qiye buy bags for the other girls, he also bought a bag for two members of the Liangyi family.

Just to conceal people's eyes and ears, when a few people came out, Zhinaa was a style women's bag, and Shiji was a men's bag that Qiye bought for Zhiye.

"Well, didn't you always talk about going to a dessert shop before?" There was a yearning expression on Shishi's face, "There is a store, I really want to try it."

"Which one?"

"Toshi Yoroizuka."

Qi Ye's mouth was twitched by the name burst.

Although he had already guessed that Shi was going to rip off, he didn't expect that the opponent would be so cruel that he would slap his own artery with a single blow.

"you really are..."

Qiye said weakly, if it weren't for carrying things with both hands, he would probably make a gesture of holding his forehead.

"Well, if you want to do it, you have to do the best." The style seems triumphant, "Furthermore, so many people are watching. You are a great director, can't you even afford a small dessert? "

Qiye glanced at the long dragon following her.

Compared to the beginning, the flow of people behind him has shrunk from hundreds to dozens.

The reason is that when Zhihe Shion came out of the jewelry store, he did not have a ring on his hand.

There is a ring, which means that someone wins, which is big news for everyone.

Since there is no ring, it means that this battle will definitely not have a clear result today.

As a result, many people lose interest in watching live broadcasts.

After all, there are people from the TV station who go home and lie down on the sofa to watch gossip news, isn't it better than blowing a cold wind on the road?

So after blessing the hardworking reporters and hoping that they will not give up halfway, most of the people who eat melon chose to leave.

However, there are still many people who choose to stay, and these people are Zhizhi's diehard fans.

"Hey, senior." At this time, she couldn't stop with high enthusiasm. She took Qiye's arm and whispered, "You don't want to be said by these fans, are you abusing your cute little sister?"

"I can't tell the direct connection between eating desserts and abuse." Qiyebai said after a glance, "And the little junior sister in their concept is not you, right?"

"Kuku Kuku~"

Shishi proudly stood up her little nose, "What do you think if I walk directly into the women's bathroom now? Then, they will know that I am weaving and weaving are me~"

"...You are cruel."

This sounded very confusing, but Qiye certainly knew the threat.

After everyone confirms the identity of the organization, then the relationship between yourself and the organization will be solidified.

After all, Shion held the boys of the Liangyi family for so long that the ghost thought they were innocent.

There are two men and two women in the team, and one of them is confirmed, isn't the other pair too?

What's more important is that Qiye has been arguing in the public for so long now. Once the identity of Shi is confirmed, then he is in a situation where he is not arrogant.

"Do you really want to eat that much?"

"Of course, I have always wanted to eat Toshi Yoroizuka once!"

After hearing the softness of Nanya’s words, she said excitedly, “Senior, don’t you know. That demon of Ori wants me to eat New Year’s bitter soba noodles in Kyoto for a whole year! That stuff is even dad.” He eats only once a year! This is murder! Weeping and crying~~"

"I know, I know." Qiye admits, "but there are a lot of people in that store. Especially today is the year-end holiday, we may have to queue for a long time, are you sure you must go? ?"

"I'm sure, as long as I can eat Toshi Yoroizuka, I can do anything!"

Shi Shi said with a look of excitement. She greeted Shion in front of her and told them that she was going to change direction.

"Hey? That shop." Shion also showed an expression of interest, "I have been to the United States for so long, I have missed it a bit. Then let's go eat together~"

What can Qiye say, Her Majesty the Queen has already agreed, so naturally he can only follow obediently.

Toshi Yoroizuka is a very famous Japanese dessert shop. If you go to see the tourist food recommendations in Tokyo, Japan, this shop in Roppongi must be a must-chosen high-end dessert shop in the dessert area.

Since the store opened, it has maintained a record of queuing every day. Basically, there are countless people who come here in a long line at the door of the store every day.

And this store in Roppongi, Tokyo is not the main store, but the second branch of the chain.

Qiye knew for the first time that this store had nothing to do with Japan, but because Toshi Yoroizuka had a branch in the Emperor of Heaven.

As Toshi Yoroizuka's first overseas branch, the Imperial City store did a lot of promotion when it first opened.

At that time, Qiye was filming in the Imperial City with a crew, and once wanted to try it.

However, he was persuaded by the long queue.

Not reconciled, he tried to call to reserve a seat, but during the call, Qiye was persuaded by the gorgeous price a second time.

Because of two consecutive persuasion, Qiye still has an impression of this dessert.

Of course, Qiye was persuaded by Toshi Yoroizuka's price back then because he was poor and didn't want it in his previous life.

With his current income in this life, of course he wouldn't be unable to afford even a dessert.

Although the charge of this store is exactly the same as that of the Michelin three-star sign.

It’s just that the impression of the previous events is so deep that in Qiye’s subconscious, this peculiar dessert house is synonymous with expensive.

The name of Toshi Yoroizuka is from Toshihiko Kaizuka, the chef of this restaurant.

The whole life of this dessert chef can be described by a hot-blooded comic. He started working on desserts at the age of 23 and went to Europe to experience at the age of 30. He spent seven years studying dessert technology in various European countries, during which he worked at the three-star Michelin French restaurant in Belgium. Bruneau served as a dessert chef, and was the first Japanese dessert chef in Europe to be a Michelin restaurant.

After returning to Japan, Toshi Yoroizuka, the dessert shop opened by Toshihiko Kaizuka, was also very popular, and he was on the list of three-star Michelin restaurants without any suspense.

This dessert master is not only successful in his career, but also very emotional. His wife is a famous Japanese actor who once starred in "Paradise Lost" Kawashima Naomi.

Had it not been for Kawashima Naomi's death of illness in 2015, Kaizuka Toshihiko might really have completed his life.

Um, that's not right.

Qiye remembered that the dessert chef seemed to hook up with Nishikawa Kanako after his wife died.

[This guy really exists as the protagonist template.If it’s a gourmet comic, will it be the protagonist teacher plug-in?

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