Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 732

As we all know, when Marvel was acquired by Jiufeng, it did not change the management of Marvel for the stability of the company.

But Jiufeng rejected Marvel's application to establish a Marvel Story Creative Committee.

This organization was proposed by the Marvel elderly headed by Avi Allard.

At that time, the answer given by Jiufeng was that the original comics back then were too far apart from the contemporary era, and new blood needs to be injected to provide good ideas for the movie.

However, Avi Allard’s list of young people proposed by the committee is too few, and he hopes to apply after revision.

From that time on, Kevin Fitch knew that Jiufeng didn't like Avi Allard.

Since they don't like it, sooner or later these old guys will give way to young people.

Especially when operating the "Iron Man" project later, Qiye didn't feel much about Avi Allard, but often gave herself various powers.

This allowed Kevin Fitch to confirm that Jiufeng wanted to replace Avi Arad.

At the same time, Kevin Fitch also believed that his old boss who had experienced countless office struggles, he also smelled something wrong.

Submit the project application to Jiufeng without authorization.

Has he exceeded his authority in this matter?

Maybe there is, but it is definitely not so serious that it needs to go online or even roar loudly.

This is clearly a manifestation of Avi Allard's own guilty conscience.

Since the opponent is guilty, of course he has to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

"I didn't mean to fool you, Avi. The idea I submitted to Ms. Shion was originally a very imperfect draft. I just want to listen to the opinions of the chairman of Shion and Director Qiye on the two drafts of the movie I proposed. That's it."

Kevin Fitch said with a calm face: "I originally planned to wait until the revision was completed before submitting it to you, and then we would formally submit it to the board of directors for approval. I did not expect Miss Ziyuan to take it directly to the meeting for discussion. This completely exceeded my expectations."

It doesn't matter that Fitch doesn't have much hair left, but he speaks one after another, and it sounds like that.

However, if you look into it carefully, what does it mean to submit it after the modification?

In the whole process, Kevin did not intend to let Avi Allard intervene at all, but treated him as a rubber stamp.

Qiye narrowed his eyes. He was not obsessed with the power struggle within Marvel, but began to think about the feasibility of the two projects "Thor" and "Captain America" ​​submitted by Fitch.

Judging from the draft submitted by Kevin Fitch, although this is different from the two films in Qiye Impression, the backbone of the film has not changed.

With the exception of "Iron Man" and "Avengers", the first-stage movies of MCU are generally not highly rated. Basically, they can only be regarded as passing.

There are many factors in this, and the most critical factor is that Marvel's first-stage stability strategy prevented them from making any major changes to the movie.

Basically, the story of the first stage fits well with the original manga, even with a distinct retro style.

Especially for the movie "Thor", if we use the formula "the protagonist learns [fact] from [lie]" in the three-act commercial film to set the origin movie of the Marvel Big Three, you will find that "Thor" is the most According to this formula, it is made one by one.

Tony Stark’s mission transition was completed in the cave scene 30 minutes before the opening of the movie; and Steve Rogers has learned the truth from the beginning. He never treated himself in Captain America. His beliefs produce any doubts and confusion.

However, the final result of "Thor" is not pleasing, on the contrary, it feels mediocre.

To say that the only credit for this movie is probably to introduce the MCU's favorite villain Loki to the audience.

And my brother abused me thousands of times, and I treated my brother like first love. This is the most touching brotherhood in history.

In fact, before "Thor 3: Ragnarok", it is estimated that few people would say that their favorite Avenger would be King Sledgehammer.

Although many people criticized it, they think that the plot of "The Twilight of the Gods" is too comical, and there is no sense of mythology and epic.

Qiye said, first of all, this is a comic film, not a myth-based film.

Secondly, in "Thor 1" and "Thor 2", Marvel leans towards the epic direction, but the final result is clear to everyone.

So, let's recognize the reality.

Marvel is not suitable for making heavy epic movies, just like Brother Cong can't do R18 games.

Some things are not good at that they are not good at it.

In Qiye Impression, the only work that made a superhero movie with an epic temperament is "Sea King", but Director Wen is too young now.

Although he already has a history of making "Chain Saw", it is still unknown whether he can manage a movie with an investment cost of hundreds of millions.

Therefore, after excluding the routines of the epic mode.

Qiye felt that if "Thor" wanted to make people's eyes shine, she had to go slant.

On the contrary, the feasibility of the "Captain America" ​​project is a bit higher.


pS: It’s annoying to start doing homework again today._(:з∠)_

Chapter 442: Watching the Sea is for Good Comrades

Steve Fifty-Five Rodgers, the codename of the action was Captain America, and was given the nickname Luo Political Commissar.

This character first appeared in "Captain America" ​​in the MCU, but his presence at the beginning was not even as good as Thor.

After all, Thor can still rely on his younger brother to control his attributes, and take advantage of Loki's popularity.

But what does Rogers have?

Bucky, who fell in love and killed each other, just played GG, and few people knew about the Winter Soldier's stalk before the release of US Team 2.

Coupled with that set of overly funny costumes, the popularity of the US team was not even as popular as the widow sister before "The US Team 2".

But "The US Team 1" had to be shot again.

If there is no accumulation of "Mei Team 1", just go to "Mei Team 2".

Everyone’s first reaction was--

What is this man with the lid on his back?

Lacking the story of "American Team 1", the audience may not be able to appreciate the wonderful features of "American Team 2."

But how should "Captain America" ​​be filmed?

Qiye knocked on the table and thought carefully.

The "Captain America" ​​in my memory is really not so brilliant, but it shows the characteristics of the American team very well.

After all, what Captain America represents has never been a symbol of American patriotism, but a symbol of American spirit.

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