Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 743

Time flies quickly, and when Qiye struggled to find her idol talent, several girls had already completed the selection.

It can be said that the entire final review has become Feiqiu's site. Although the protagonists are the girls who have been reviewed, they are simply Feiqiu's puppets.

After each girl came on stage, she introduced herself first, followed by a talent show, and finally answered Fei Qiu's question.

Then it's the next turn.

Although it is simple to say, the execution process is a bit messy.

Most of the girls were so nervous that Qiye didn't know if these people made mistakes because of the nervousness, or they were at this level.

There are many reasons for this situation. In addition to the countless long guns and short cannons behind the judges' bench, the eyes of the judges are also a major source of pressure for them.

Except for Yumi-chan, everyone else needs to be treated very carefully for these girls.

Trier's soy sauce operations and Tosaka Rin are half of the team's management. If they formally become a member of Trier, they will be their direct leaders.

It is impossible to say that it is not nervous.

Not to mention Fei Qiu and Qiye, their level is so high that the girls can't even look up.

But in fact, the greatest pressure the girls felt came from the two generals of Hem Ha on the left and the right around Qiye-Liang Ritual and Ryan Waiting.

The faint smile of the two ceremonies looked cordial, but you can't guess what she is laughing at.

Is it because I behave well, so I encourage?

Or is it too bad that I laughed at myself?

This smile that can be deciphered no matter what, it tormented many girls who love to think crazy.

As for Ryan,

No matter how the girls on the stage behaved, her words were a very serious expression with a slightly drooping mouth, slightly frowned eyebrows.

It seems that many girls with low self-confidence are simply saying, "You are behaving badly, step down quickly".

In fact, everyone who is familiar with Ryan knows that except for her own people, she always has this expression in her work.

But this from [Lion King Gaze] is really scary. Several girls were so scared that they didn't even dare to lift their heads. It can be seen how powerful this elder sister is.

If this is put in the Pirate World, then Ryan's domineering look should be the Four Sovereign level.

Compared with these monsters and ghosts, the timid Yumi-chan on the side can really be said to be a harmless little white rabbit.

However, Qiye most hopes that Yumi can bring pressure to these candidate girls.

After all, Yumi is the third generation of Trier's team appointed by Qiye, and is the captain after Rin graduates.

It can be seen that Yumi-chan is like this now, which really makes Qiye a little worried about whether she can lead the team well in the future.

[I always feel that some candidates have more aura than she is a full member.

Qiye scratched her hair helplessly.

Apart from this, the final election of new members this time seemed quite interesting for Qiye.

After all, watching all kinds of girls performing on stage, and then embarrassing because of various accidents, at least makes people feel very happy.

The premise is that you look at the selection with the mentality of watching a play.

Qiye even saw several girls who would become AKB members in the future, and they worked hard to perform on stage.

Then he was brushed down by Feiqiu.

This is also impossible. After all, Trier's starting point is very high, and members must ensure a certain amount of immediate combat power.

AKB's slow growth and well-trained model is not suitable for Trier.

Fei Qiu himself said that if it were the final review of AKB, these girls might have been selected.

It's just that this standard is too high, so far no girl has passed it.

Occasionally a few have been labeled as Trier's study-if there are not enough candidates this time, then use these to make up the number.

But if there were no miracles, these girls would basically be the life of the footwashers.

[Won't you end up making a duck egg?

Just when Qiye was a little helpless about the final election, finally a girl who interested him a little took the stage.


pS1: The new computer can't use the small black house, so Mijiang can only switch to the Great God code word. As a result, I feel really used to it, and the code word efficiency has come down.(*/ω*)


pS2: Congratulations to "Cat" for winning the rating of the worst movie in 2019. How did Universal set up this movie?

Let the actors make up better than the CGI you did, right?

To be honest, Mi Jiang has always felt that the Hollywood visual team has been too abnormal in aesthetics in recent years.

I used to think that it was the aesthetic difference between Europe, America and the East, but I saw European and American audiences denounce the appearance of the first version of the live-action Sonic, and this time everyone has been opposed to "Cat".

Mijiang has only a little confidence in the aesthetics of Europeans and Americans._(:з∠)_

Chapter 448

Qiye looked at the girls standing on the stage.

From the first time the other party came in, Qiye was attracted.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't see that the other party was too pretty, so his crotch was a little itchy.

Although the other party is indeed very beautiful.

Visually, the height of 1.65 meters is not particularly tall, but it is just right when combined with the opponent's slender figure.

The girls are also very attractive, with a beautiful face and a high nose with Western characteristics.

But the other party's expression was very lively, especially the big mouth opened because of the smile, which made people see her cute little tiger teeth at a glance.

The long pink hair is braided and placed on the back of the head, which makes the girl more youthful and vigorous.

Probably because of the slender figure, girls always feel like jumping.

But this made her legs show more eye-catching.

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