Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 767

The ensuing battle also confirmed this. Although the Hassan fought very hard, all their efforts were in vain in the face of the tide of the army.

They are good at assassination, they are doomed to fail the moment they are placed on the front battlefield.

"Hassan followed a terrible master."

While many people cheered for Iskandar, they also felt sorry for Baimei's exit.

After all, under Qiye's modification, Baimei is still a positive character as a whole.

Loyal, full of execution.

Although the strength is indeed a little bit better, but it can be regarded as trying to win the victory in his own way.

Although many actions are hidden, but the combat style that comes from the strength of a hundred looks is not suitable for her.

However, the loyal Hassan finally got betrayal from his lord, and he was forced to anal Iskandar's army in the name of Lingshu, and was eventually crushed by the army.

Of course, this feeling is just a little bit.

As the subject of daily verbal criticism by the European and American media, Hassan, a servant from the Middle East, does not have much good impression in everyone's mind.

But at least this assassin used his own life in exchange for everyone's eye-opening, which is also considered dead.

"Sure enough, it's the same as I thought."

Miss Arong looked at the cheering audience and shook her head gently.

The pre-war speech of the Conquer King can be said to be a very crude and simple sensationalism. This technique was used in "Independence Day" long ago.

Although simple, it is very effective and can easily resonate with the audience.

Coupled with various realistic special effects, I believe that all audiences from their eyes to their brains will be occupied by this movie.

"Okay, let's start Assassin."

In the sound of the auditorium, the roar of the army charged.

However, there is another voice louder than this one, that is the applause and cheers of the audience in the theater.

It was as if the entire movie hall was to be overturned, and countless audiences screamed, as if they wanted people all over the world to feel their excitement.

"Um... noisy."

Spielberg shook his head, and he got up from his chair.

"What's wrong?" Robert Zemigis asked.

"It's too noisy, I'm a little out of breath." Spielberg replied with a grimace, "I'll go out and go around and come back after this period."

After speaking, Old Si left the theater.

In order to prevent reporters waiting outside from misunderstanding that they felt that the film was too bad to leave early, Spielberg did not stay in the aisle but walked directly into the bathroom.

People have three urgency, you can't let me go to the toilet, right?

After washing his face in the bathroom, Spielberg's mood finally calmed down.

Although he has no heart disease, he is no longer young when he was 60 years old. The overly intense sound of IMAX still makes him a little unbearable.

But unlike the body, Spielberg is still hot inside.

He saw the audience's obsession with 3D technology, which was enough for Spielberg.

"Maybe I should try to make a 3D movie."

Looking at the familiar face in the mirror, Spielberg muttered to himself.

If there is anything to prove that a director has not fallen, it is to shoot another excellent work to prove himself.

Anyway, I no longer need to manage the company. Although it is a particularly bad thing for Spielberg at the entrepreneur level, it may be a good thing for Spielberg at the director level.

At least Lao Si can finally put all his energy into creation.

The question now is what kind of movie theme he should choose.

It is foreseeable that with this FZ and Cameron film still in production, it is believed that commercial films will surely open a new era called 3D.

There is nothing wrong with this kind of 3D heat.

Only through personal experience just now, Spielberg can also feel that 3D technology is currently not perfect.

Although his old friend James Cameron is advancing, 3D technology will definitely be a big change every year in the next few years, but it can be used in general movies, and there is still a long time to go.

Although Spielberg is also a well-known director for adopting new technologies, unlike James Cameron who likes to become a pioneer, Old Speerberg is more about the reuse of currently mature technologies.

For example, for his most famous "Jurassic Park", if Cameron is asked to shoot, it is estimated that all the shots will use computer special effects. If the technology is not up to the level, the technology will be developed. If there is no money, the film company executives will be forced. Sell ​​ass to make money.

But Spielberg used a mashup of computer and model technology to produce. Although he spent a lot of budget, he still kept his works within a reasonable range.

This is Spielberg's habit of making movies.

"If you want to minimize the technical shortcomings, you can only make the audience understand that the film is not real, so that some visual loopholes will be made up to the greatest extent. In this case..."

A plan suddenly appeared in Spielberg's mind.

"Maybe I can try cartoons?"

Just as Spielberg thought of his new movie project in the bathroom, the movie plot in the theater has entered the final stage of the first half.

Sitting in her seat, Miss A Rong folded her arms around her chest, resting her chin in one hand, and while the two snakes in group C expressed her views on the art of murder, she quickly filtered the previous plot in her mind. .

Although this is the second time she has watched FZ, it far exceeds the plot volume of ordinary commercial movies, so she also needs to sort out the plot that has happened so far.

This movie is indeed very exciting, or it has been promoting the plot step by step since the beginning of the Battle of Kamran.

The plot is driven so fast that there is no opportunity for the audience to think..

By the end of the first half, Arong found that almost every group of masters and followers had at least intersection with the other two groups, and there was a contradiction.

Even the most soy sauce Ma Tong Yanye and Lancelot are in the group. Among them, the master Yanye and Tosaka Toshimi have an enmity, and the servant Lancelot is still tight even if he loses his sanity. Biting Altria and holding on.

Let alone other masters and slaves, if you draw a diagram of the relationship web of the Fourth Holy Grail War, it will only form a complicated spider web.

Such a chaotic relationship will definitely make the development of the second half very beautiful, but it is also a test for the screenwriter and director.

A little carelessness, this will completely collapse the whole plot.

But the director will certainly not let himself and the audience down.

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