Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 794

Using the Marus hierarchy of needs theory, Qiye has reached the last level after meeting the needs of other levels.

What he wants to do now is to pursue the highest level of needs-the need for self-realization.

For Qiye, although the movie "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" will not be as successful commercially as Xingyue Film and Television Universe, it represents her own personal ideals and ambitions.

So "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" is not low in Qiye's mind, and it can be equal to the Fate series.


pS1: The first update in the morning of 2020!??(°▽°)?

But when this chapter was updated, Michan should still be in a dream, this chapter has been coded until 1 o'clock this morning.2333


pS2: From today onwards, Mijiang will definitely be updated by 2 because you have to save the manuscript and wait for it to be used during the New Year event._(:з∠)_

Chapter 477: Xu Yuanxuan Power Enhanced Edition

In fact, after Qiye thought of making "Magic Girl Madoka Magica", he has been thinking about how to present this story.

The way in the last life that was originally packaged as a wasteful work is definitely not good.

Although Qiye made the film without intending to make money, but if you want to expand its influence, then the film must be released in Europe and the United States.

If packaged as a cute movie, fool the child into the movie theater.

At that time, when Ma Mei Mei Mei's turning around was shot, the fun was great.

In case you are scared at the time, then the European and American Child Protection Association is afraid that it is not going to tear down [Erque Studio].

These people are the ones who don't listen to explanations the least, and Qiye had already experienced them when she urged them to trouble the Fox crew.

You should know that in the previous life of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica", because of its too cute appearance and too cruel story core, it was required to add "violent" and "cruel" labels to the work, and to raise the rating.

Compared with the review agency of Japanese animation, the MPAA in the United States is significantly more stringent.

When a movie is being reviewed, this hurdle cannot be passed. The movie will definitely be labeled as inappropriate for children to watch by the review agency.

Moreover, Qiye didn't have the evil taste to scare the children. What he wanted was to make the adults who watched the movie couldn't sleep at night.

As for the issue of graded review, it is not a major issue.

The movie "Venom", which will be released only a few years later, clearly teaches Qiye how to show the U-turn scene in an unrestricted movie.

This shot of walking on the edge of the restricted audit line gave Qiye a great inspiration.

If you really want to do it, Nanya can shoot "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" into a PG-rated movie.

[Would you like to add some drama to Lao Xu?

Qiye looked at Lao Xu, he was thinking about whether to push this guy to the front desk.

In fact, the treatment of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" in the previous life was not exactly the same in Japan and the Celestial Dynasty.

You know, when "Little Circle" began to be screened, Xu Yuanxuan's name already had a certain influence in the Japanese house circle.

Whether it's "Saya's Song" or FZ, his Lao Xu [Warrior of Love] has long been famous in Japan.

Coupled with the fact that this drama is broadcast in the late night, many people have basically guessed that this drama will definitely develop in the direction of curiosity.

For this reason, even if Lao Xu jumped and said that this was a "healing" animation, not many people in Japan believed it.

After all, everyone has heard the story of the wolf coming.

Because of the previous convictions, everyone was purely an old man like Xu Yuanxuan selling cute there.

Of course, at that time, everyone’s speculation was that the show would develop in a gloomy direction at most, and they had not guessed in a curious direction.

However, the Celestial dynasty is different from Japan. After all, at that time, the people of the celestial dynasty had a relatively simple understanding of Fanju.

They thought that this magical girl fan drama, which was broadcast in the late night, was a really cute animation.

After all, isn't the real cute animation of "Light Sound Girl" also broadcast in the late night file?

Then, the audience in the celestial dynasty was taught a lesson very much by Lao Xu.

Qiye estimated that the biggest reason why the audience in the Celestial Dynasty was frightened at the turning point of the third episode of "Little Circle" was because of Lao Xu's low profile in the Celestial Dynasty.

Before Lao Xu, most of the people in the dynasty had never heard of this character.

If it is Yue Chu, you may know that he wrote FZ; and the GAL players who are looking for strange things may have the privilege of seeing "Saya's Song" and "Ghost Crying Street".

Comparing the fan groups of animation, there are really too few people in these two parts. It's not even considered whether people who have seen those works know this is Xu Yuanxuan's work.

At that time, the audience in the celestial dynasty would chase after the fan, and it was more for the animation supervisor of the new house of Guicai.

It is also because of poor information.

So when the third episode, poor sister Ma Mei Mei turned around.

The reaction of the audience in the celestial dynasty: Fei Meng animation is actually dead!What the hell is this Nima!

The reaction of the Japanese audience was: Ah, it's finally starting to die, let's guess how many people will survive in the end.

Of course, this contrast is also the main reason why Lao Xu suddenly became a big fire in the heavenly circles.

Qiye himself was a bit special in his previous life. He had read the text of "Saya's Song" and FZ's novels before "Little Circle".

But Qiye didn't know that the creators of these two stories were the same person.

Rather, Qiye never paid attention to who the creator of the story was.

Perhaps Lao Xu is the most successful person in the house screenwriter. After all, he not only relied on his own power to reverse the interpretation of the word "cure", but also made everyone remember the name Xu Yuanxuan.

This is a very rare thing for editors whose creative team is relatively low.

Perhaps this is the idolization of screenwriters?

Qiye shuddered when she looked at the uncle sitting in front of her.

[If you call this guy or something, forget it.

Anyway, Qiye felt that after the second half of FZ was broadcast, some of her titles should not be removed.

It’s not [Seven and a half chapters], but [Bento Transmitter] or something.

After all, the tragic ending that is basically all done, plus the "Brother Killer" that Qiye had directed before...

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