Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 81

As for Qiye, the outsider who came to stay with him did not show up. Although many of these guests are of Chinese descent, their influence is basically concentrated in Kyoto. For Qiye who is developing in Tokyo, there is no need to make friends. necessary.If they insist on welcoming guests with Zhizhi, they will be regarded as villains who want to use the Liangyi family.

So, except for when his teacher Hanai Ryuichi visited him, Qiye and Zhi received him together, and when there were guests visiting, Qiye hid in the next room to watch TV.

For Qiye, eating iced oranges while hiding in the kotatsu is really an enjoyment in winter after eating ice cream in an air-conditioned room.

"Worn out."

After sending away the visiting guests, Zhi knocked his shoulder and walked into the activity room.

"Thank you."

Seven nights, who was slumped in the quilt, lazily greeted Zhizhi, and he had almost catered him without even wanting to stand up.

"Um...ah~ it's so warm~" Zhizhi put his feet into the kotatsu and let out a very comfortable moan, "I envy you, senior, you don't need to do anything at all. This is "Magic Girl" "Illya"'s New Year SP, right?"

Seeing the familiar little silver-haired Lori on the screen, Zhi quickly confirmed to Qiye.

Qiye clicked: "Yes, Magical Girl Ilia" New Year SP "The Servant Lost in the Street" is also a transitional chapter for the first and second half of the season."

The so-called Lunar New Year SP refers to special episodes broadcast during the Chinese New Year. Generally speaking, the Lunar New Year SP of special programs like "Magic" or "Kamen Rider" will be slightly longer than usual programs. If you include commercials, it will usually be There is about an hour.

Of course, because of the Spring Festival, the ratings of such children's files are generally not very good, and Qiye is estimated to have a 5% of the sky.

So for this Spring Festival SP, Qiye didn't spend a lot of energy to make it.And like other TV series Lunar New Year SP, this extended version of the extravaganza does not have much to do with the main line in plot.

The content of this episode mainly tells the story of a pseudo follower who broke away from the mirror world because of some relationship and made a fuss in the real world and was finally resolved by the protagonist.

Of course, it doesn’t mean you can just fool around. Although the whole story continues the simple narrative style of traditional special film, it also maintains the excellent production standard of the Seven Nights version of "Magic", whether it is special effects or costumes. All belong to the top level in the special photo film.

As for choosing pseudo-subordinates, of course it is Mephistopheles, the bomb madman.After all, the celebration of the New Year should be more lively, more firecrackers and more festive.

And in order to ensure that this SP can also have a certain topicality and satisfy Qiye's evil taste by the way, he also deliberately added two small tricks.

The first one is to make the passerby actor who played the role of Kuro Tong Miyaya in "Kara no Kyoukai" a cameo in this episode, and let him be the number one NPC who provides information to the protagonist group.And in order to ensure the mystery of the plot, Qiye deliberately refused to let go and also exposed her name in the early stage of the plot to give people a paradoxical feeling.

And the other is--

"This is the bridge section you mentioned earlier, especially for the Spring Festival?"

Looking at the middle-aged man who kept stuffing Mapo tofu in his mouth on the screen, a black line appeared on his face.

"You think it's so festive, and it can arouse people's appetite, right?"

When Qiye reached out and peeled an orange, he felt hungry.

"Um... that said."

Seeing the more fragrant and fragrant middle-aged priest on the screen, Zhizhi's belly began to make a sound unconvincing, so he also reached out and took an orange to relieve his greed.

"I'll just say, the way he eats is absolutely amazing."

At this time, the content played on the screen is the scene specially designed by Qiye in order to respond to the theme of the New Year-the scene where the watcher of the church church's Yanfeng Qili performs eating Mapo tofu.

In the original version of "Magic I", because it was just a comedy with a strong moon-style loli lily at the beginning, the church member in Ilia's main world, Fuyuki, is Karen.

However, in order to be able to popularize some of the concept of the moon world as soon as possible, Qiye replaced Karen's role with Mapo Tofu. No, it was Karen's father Yanfeng Qili.

This priest, who has a bad face in the setting, plays the role of a good person in this play. This is not only because of the original book, but also has the evil taste that belongs to Nanya herself.

In other words, the tax-evading priest in "Ma Po" basically has no shortcomings except for eating Mapo tofu.He is a good person who helps the protagonist and provides clues.

"I don't know what will these guys think when I see the real side of the tax evasion priest when I shoot FSN in the future?"

With this in mind, Qiye decided to directly portray the priest in "Magic I" as a typical representative of the disgusting and good face, and then waited until the filming of FSN when everyone thought that Father Mapo would come to the rescue, directly let him show pleasure ♂ The joyful side surprises everyone.

As for how much psychological shadow it will leave the audience at that time, the little things are completely irrelevant to Qiye.

"Anyway, compared to the elder sister who turned around in the third episode, this trick of mine is nothing more than a small test. Compared to Lao Xu, I am only a younger brother."

Although Qiye explained it this way, Zhizhi only commented on the seniors in this state-the black-bellied man who got cheap and sold well.

Therefore, in order to cater to this setting of Ma Po, Qiye asked the casting director to find himself an actor with a bad face.

The crew did find one in accordance with Qiye's request, but this person looked like a gangster in the eyes of others, but the first glance at Qiye was that he was hungry.

The reason why Qiye would think of letting the Mapo priest perform and eat in front of the people of the whole country on the important day of the Chinese New Year is entirely because of the actor of Yanfeng Qili.

Because this uncle will be popular all over the country as a very famous foodie character in 10 years, creating a miracle of late night stalls in history.

That's right, the foodie is the famous Inokashira Goro, and the actor's name is Matsujutoyo.

The "Lonely Gourmet" series starred by Uncle Matsushige can be said to be one of Japan's most popular food series, and it is also highly acclaimed even in the heavens.

In the memory of Qiye, when the first episode of "The Lonely Gourmet Season 7" premiered, as a late-night TV series, it won 5.1% of ratings.In that era when TV was declining, this achievement could be said to be the best way to dominate the late-night show. Even some Yuejiu dramas can only look up and worship this achievement.

However, these things have not happened at this point in time. The food show that will sweep the late-night stalls in the future will not be broadcast until 2012. Now Matsujutoyo is just a very ordinary actor.

However, under the lens of Qiye, the uncle has already faintly seen the signs of the heavenly king eating goods in the future.

"Now, weaving."

"Huh?" Zhiye, who was delivering oranges to her mouth, heard Qiye calling herself, so she stopped her hands in the air and looked at him.

"Are you interested in making late night dramas?"

Before Zhizhi said that he wanted to become a director, Qiye has been thinking about what to do for his younger brother during the New Year.

Unlike myself, who has the blessing of crossing, weaving is very talented in the design of costumes and props because of the family heritage, but the grasp of the camera can only be said to be average, otherwise Qiye would not be able to shoot "Kingjing" Let Shonan be his photographer.

Therefore, the way of directly starting the movie like myself is not suitable for Zhizhi. The way of slowly accumulating experience from late-night TV shows is obviously more suitable for my younger brother.

But since he is his own person, he certainly can't just throw him a project.After careful consideration, Qiye plans to hand over "The Lonely Gourmet" to Zhizhi to shoot.

First of all, "Lonely Gourmet" is a typical project with low investment and high returns.And as a daily late-night drama "The Lonely Gourmet", there is no need for too advanced shooting skills, it is the most suitable for this newcomer to practice.

It can be said that this project is completely tailor-made for weaving.Qiye estimated that as long as Zhizhi worked hard on this project for two to three seasons, he would definitely become a qualified director, and at least he would have no problem directing TV series.

[But I remember that "The Lonely Gourmet" has the original comics, so let Yuli ask where the copyright of that comic is.

The copyright of this daily style of comics is usually not too high, Qiye believes that he can get it without much cost.After all, in the original timeline, "The Lonely Gourmet" did not start its first season until 2012, which is obviously not a hot topic.

[After the Chinese New Year is over, let Yuli ask, and see which publisher holds the copyright of that comic.

Qiye was thinking about this and took a slice of orange and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Ah, watching Uncle eat is really appetizing."

At this time, the food priest on the screen finished a bowl of red mapo tofu under the passionate BGM.Looking at the uncle with a happy smile on the screen, Qiye's stomach screamed out in despair.

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