Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 88

Rin's face was full of black lines: "I know the truth, but why use yokan as a metaphor?"

Luvia took it for granted: “Of course it’s because yokan can represent the mystery of Asia. In short, unless the reputation of "Lord of the Rings" collapses, otherwise there is no possibility of failure. I have heard that fans of "Lord of the Rings" Protests, but since the senior has so much confidence in this movie..."

Qiye also knew about this so-called protest, but when the movie was released, all these activities disappeared, and Peter Jackson slapped those people in the face with his work.

"According to you, doesn't it mean that basically the European and American people who like to watch movies have been swept away?" Lin exclaimed.

"Yeah, I feel like I am going to make a superhero movie in 2016."

No one could understand Qiye's metaphor. They all looked at him with a look of "this guy is finally crazy".

"I feel like I'm going to grab the box office with Super British movies in front of "Civil War" and "Super Bat". Who can do this Nima?!"

Qiye hammered the table hard and roared angrily, but soon he stopped venting.

"Wait, there seems to be a guy who did it."

Qiye's mouth twitched twice, and he thought of a plan he had never thought of before.

"Luvia, my dear school girl, thank you for your reminder" Qiye directly grabbed her school girl's shoulder and said excitedly, "In return, are you interested in killing goblins with the senior?"



pS: Hey, I didn't expect it!

Since PG-13 can't beat it, wouldn't it be enough to go straight to R rank?╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 73 Seven Nights: Why is another difficult woman

Although Qiye already has an idea, it will take a lot of time from the idea to the written script, and now the time is very tight.

After all, Qiye is not Inoue Toshiki, who is nicknamed [Mingui]. He can't get the script of a movie to the liver in three days.

So the retreat writing is necessary for the next period of time, just--

Qiye looked at the crew members of "Magic I" around her, and finally turned her gaze on her younger brother Liang Yizhi.

Qiye's original plan was to temporarily suspend the crew after finalizing the plan, and wait until he finished writing the script before starting work.

But now, Qiye suddenly changed her plan.



Qiye handed her record sheet to her junior: "I will retreat and write the script from tomorrow, so I will leave it to you here."


Qiye's sudden appointment made Zhi very scared. He never thought that he would be directly promoted to the position of director.

"Hey what, don't you guys want to become a director? Now this situation is just for you to practice. Anyway, you have been on the crew since the "Magic" project until now. You basically know my style very well. Just follow my way of thinking."

"Can I do it?"

Zhizhi is a bit unconfident, but this is his first time as a director.

"No problem, you can leave the action part to Master Li, and I will make it clear to him. You only need to be responsible for the literary part. I believe in your ability."


Weaving still seemed hesitant.

"You..." Qiye stretched out his hand and rubbed Zhi's head twice, "Be confident, your title of [Cold Beauty] is better than my director in the crew, there is absolutely no problem. Besides, afterwards Don't you also want to direct the TV series alone? This time it's a practice."

"I see. Senior, I will work hard"

Seeing his brother's encouraging eyes, Zhizhi could only take the initiative to take on this task.

So after Qiye gave up all the shooting work to the free labor of his junior and younger brother, he himself stayed in his rental room for a whole week.

After several days of continuous overnight, Qiye finally brought out the first version of the screenplay of his game adaptation of "The Saint and the Brave"-"Goblin Slayer".

Finally, one morning before the deadline, Qiye went to the office of Jiufeng in Tokyo with thick dark circles and the draft script she drove out.

Under the guidance of the young lady at the front desk, Qiye went up the elevator to the chairman's office on the top floor.

"Ha — ow — or the old saying goes, staying up for a day and not waking up for ten days. I don’t know if I’m going to doze off for a month in this situation? Ha — ow —”

In the elevator, he yawned non-stop for seven nights, his face was full of fatigue.Although he slept for 14 hours after writing the script to supplement his sleep, he still felt very sleepy.


With the sound of the elevator reaching the floor, Qiye walked out of the elevator door.

By coincidence, a man in his early thirties was about to walk into the elevator.Qiye hit the other side in a straight face, and the two couldn't help being taken aback when they saw each other.

"Hello, Iioka-san, I haven't seen you in a month." Qiye met this assistant who was next to Jiufeng Shion, and he took the lead in smiling and leaning to greet him.

"Hello, Director Kiryu." Iioka immediately responded to Nanya, "Are you here to submit the script?"

"Yes, I have an immature idea." Qiye nodded, and then pointed to the door at the end of the corridor, "Is Chairman Jiufeng here? I want to discuss my draft with her."

"The chairman has always been there, and I think she must be very happy to see you here." Iioka's face showed a worried look: "It's just that, now General Ryuzaki is inside, I'm afraid you will have to wait a little while."

Qiye doesn't know any executive directors, but he knows the Japanese board system, he understands that the other party is definitely not a small person.

You know, the board of directors in Japan can be divided into three levels, from low to high, as ordinary directors, managing directors, and senior directors.

Among them, ordinary directors are basically young people. Although they look glamorous, they can basically only participate in some large meetings. They have very little real power. It can be said that they are at the bottom of the food chain of the board of directors.

The executive director is different. The executive director means that he can participate in every executive board meeting, which means that the director has entered the center of power.

As for the executive director, he is in charge of a certain department, and his position is equivalent to that of the vice president. It can be said that he is a close friend of the chairman.

The managing director named Ryugasaki that Jiufeng Shion is receiving right now can be said to be a powerful figure in the company, and his status is definitely above Qiye.

"I see, thank you," Qiye nodded immediately, indicating that he knew.Then he stood by the corridor obediently, waiting for Jiufeng Shiyuan to meet him.

Iioka didn't stay longer, he quickly took the elevator downstairs, and then took a large pile of materials and reappeared in front of Qiye in the elevator.

"Sorry, Director Kiryu, can you open the door for me?" Because the material in his arms was too heavy, Iioka could only ask Nanya to open the door for herself.


Knowing that Jiufeng Shion was dealing with affairs inside, Qiye gently twisted the door handle very carefully.

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