Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 916

Apart from Marvel, is there any film company that can attract audiences only by the brand of the production company.

Qiye hopes that in this life Marvel can avoid detours under his interference and reach the level of the previous life earlier.

Of course, as many media have said.

If "Invincible Hulk" hadn't had guest appearances such as Iron Man, it would be impossible for the movie to get such high box office results.

But Qiye will not be depressed because of this. After all, the guest appearance is one of the selling points of many Marvel movies.

As long as the audience is not too bored, Qiye will certainly encourage Marvel to continue playing like this.

Although Yumi is not [Erque Studio] or the core member of Jiufeng, neither Nanya nor Barry intends to avoid her on purpose.

On the one hand, I trust Yumi, and on the other hand, things like official data are not very confidential.

"Go on, what else?"

Qiye motioned to Barrie to continue.

"Last week, "Invincible Hulk" has been released in North America on DVD and video tapes. Jiufeng Entertainment has just made statistics."

Barry glanced at her notebook and said: "Up to now, "Invincible Hulk" offline sales in North America is $12 million."

Qiye nodded silently.

But in my mind, this part of the data is far more happy than the box office numbers just now.

After all, offline income has nothing to do with Global, these are the income of Jiufeng and Marvel.

It is also Qiye's own income.

Barry didn’t care about Qiye’s changes in her eyes. She continued to announce: “Jiufeng Entertainment has signed the first round of TV broadcast agreement with abc TV station at a licensing fee of 9 million US dollars.”

This money is also part of the offline income.

Barry added, "The "Invincible Hulk" movie is currently being shown in many overseas markets, so the overseas income..."

Qiye waved her hand: "It's okay, wait until you come out."

Qiye estimates that overseas peripheral sales will certainly not be too good.

After all, countries with relatively sound copyright systems such as Europe and Japan are excluded.

In the current era, the copyright systems of most developing countries basically have big problems.

This is not the case only in the celestial dynasty. Most countries in East Asia are relatively weak in this regard.

However, being thin does not mean that there is no. According to the normal marketing channels, there is still a lot of market share.

In addition, Qiye has a clearer vision that the copyright in this area will become more and more formal in the future.

Entering now is a good time to cultivate the market.

Naturally, you can't do things like abandoning food because of choking.

"Bally, remember to remind me to call Shion at the right time."

There is a time difference between New Zealand and North America, and Qiye doesn't want to disturb Shion's sleep late at night.

In that case, when we meet next time, the ghost will know if the woman is really going to use a whip to slap herself.

"Also, Jiufeng Entertainment and Marvel's other senior executives are the same, help me remember."

Now that I have become a member of Jiufeng, there must always be normal interpersonal relationships.

Fate and Marvel's films can be shown all over the world without their help.

In modern society, there has never been a situation where one person can conquer the world.

Let alone Seven Nights, even the first commercial director, James Cameron, is not relying on Fox's money to make a movie?

After explaining these things, Qiye returned to her temporary office in the studio.

Barrie served Nanya and Yumi a cup of coffee, and then gave space to them.

"So, Yumi-chan." Nanya looked at the black long straight girl in front of her and asked, "What do you want to tell me?"

For Yumi, Qiye is still more concerned.

First of all, this girl has a good background.

Because of the continuous cooperation between Jiufeng and Dentsu, his father has climbed to the middle of Dentsu.

As the link between Dentsu and Jiufeng.

As long as the cooperation between Jiufeng and Dentsu continues.

Mr. Sun Moon's position must be as stable as Mount Tai.

It is not impossible to wait for a shock to the top of Dentsu in the future.

On the other hand, it is because of Yumi-chan's young age.

Being young means being able to stay longer in the entertainment industry.

This is no joke.

Shuzue Yumi has always been the youngest in [Trier].

In fact, even with the new members recruited last year, she is still the youngest one.

You must know that when Qiye found her back then, the other party was still a true Loli.

It is the kind that earns three years of blood and does not lose the death penalty.

Of course, Qiye never had any nasty thoughts about Yumi from beginning to end.

At that time, Yumi was so young that Nanaya couldn't be interested at all.

Qiye treated this girl more like a half-daughter.

I just didn't expect that so many years have passed.

The loli in the past has also become a slim girl.

Looking at the already-developed body in front of him, Qiye really felt that he was old.

"That... Big Brother..."

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