Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 921

Four Seasons laughed very strangely.

What does this smile mean?

Qiye felt strange, and immediately became vigilant in her heart.

If I remember correctly, the last time this guy laughed this way was when he was in college.

At that time, Four Seasons had fun with girls and accidentally made an appointment with two female netizens to meet at the same time.

So the animal came to Qiye with a cheek, hoping to help himself replace one of the dates.

Qiye was horrified by this guy that time.

If it weren't for the cost of the other party, he would not agree to anything.

As for the result, there is nothing to say, Qiye is still a little fooled.

It's just really embarrassing to eat with that girl.

Qiye didn't know where this guy found the young literary girl.

After one night, Qiye felt that she was not on the same channel as the other party.

Thinking of the other party's criminal record, Qiye immediately became suspicious of this guy's visit.

"You guy, wouldn't you make any woman's belly bigger, right?"

A look of suspicion appeared in Qiye's eyes.

"How could it be, if that's the case."

Four Seasons took off his sunglasses and said helplessly.

Qiye immediately saw the thick dark circles of the four seasons.

"It looks like you are really worried, what happened?"

Four Seasons said with a little embarrassment: "I lost money making movies."


Qiye laughed out loud.

"Hey! Is this funny?"

Siji's face immediately turned green.

Qiye waved her hands again and again: "No, I just think you will worry about making a movie at a loss, and it's funny."

Making a movie is like playing the lottery. The risks are far greater than the benefits.

No one has ever said that he has made a lot of money making movies in his life and has never lost money.

If there is, it can only be a traverser like Qiye.

Such people are to be sent to the research institute for slices.

So it’s not surprising that Four Seasons makes a film at a loss.

Qiye's strange thing is that this guy would worry about making a movie at a loss.

Therefore, the general rule in the industry is that crew members will not use their own money to make movies. The company level says otherwise.

But even if the film is made in the name of a company, most of the funds are mainly raised from outside.

Unless it is the kind of obscure little person who can't find investment and can only use his savings to fight for the future.

For instance, Qiye paid for the filming of "Maiden" by himself.

The outside world generally explains that they are rich and willful.

Since everyone asks outsiders to get money when making movies, then naturally they have to say it.

In order to ensure that I will not become highly indebted because of poor film performance.

Generally speaking, at the beginning of the establishment of a film project, an agreement will be agreed with the investor in advance.

Therefore, even if the movie loses money, the investor cannot do anything to the filming party from the agreement.

of course there are exceptions.

For example, signing an unequal agreement with investors to sell themselves for filming.

Or the investors are particularly strong or unreasonable.

For example, looking for the underworld filming.

But Qiye didn't think that the old people in the circle of Four Seasons would make such low-level mistakes.

Besides, the films made by Four Seasons are generally low-cost love films.

Even at a loss, the cost of the film will not be too high.

Qiye didn't believe that the young master of Toei would be unable to repay the money.

"This time it's a bit different." Siji said, pinching his eyebrows, "I feel like I'm pitted."

"Talk about it."

Qiye immediately regained his energy, and the opportunity for this yellow hair to deflate in front of him is really rare.


Four Seasons talked halfway through.

Probably because he felt that exploding in front of Qiye, an acquaintance, was really detrimental to his image, he directly chose to avoid it.

"Don't worry about the reason, anyway, I am here to take refuge with you."

Four Seasons said in a slightly flattering tone, "You can give me a job here. I will stay here for half a year."

Qiye raised her eyebrows: "I don't accept people from unknown sources."

"Am I that kind of person?"

Four Seasons suddenly felt that he was more wronged than the legendary Dou E.

"At least your motive is unknown."

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