Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 95

"No, Director Kiryu." Ori said grimly, "You were only jumped by a woman fairy."


"So, you still cut the right and wrong roots, so that your lower body can't think."

"Why come to such a conclusion!"


pS1: At first, I wanted the stars to call Qiye "Odoudou", but later it was changed to "Brother Sang".


pS2: There will be one more update in the evening, and if there is a reward, it will also be updated._(:з∠)_

Chapter 78 Ziyuan: I have never seen such a brazen person

In the end, Qiye didn't cut off the causal roots according to Zhi's proposal. This result made Zhi very regretful.

But Zhiye didn't have time to worry about the result, because Qiye had already begun to formally select actors.Even with his assistant, he started to get busy. Just sorting out the information of the actors who contributed has already made him busy.

At this time, the selection of actors for "Goblin Slayer" was very unsuccessful, although the $60 million film was indeed the most expensive in Japan.

But although it can be said to be a big production here in the United States, there is still a certain gap compared with those top budget movies.Plus, Jiufeng is a real foreigner to Hollywood.

The combination of these various reasons has made it difficult for Jiufeng Shion to arrange the work of the casting director in the United States.

It's not that no one came to audition, but those in Hollywood looked down on this Japanese film at all. Those agents kept their mouths open because of the high pay and box office share. The contemptuous attitude made Jiufeng Shion and Nanya feel extremely annoyed.

"Slinte (Jiufeng's casting director in the United States) that guy is really trash!"

Jiufeng Shiyuan threw the materials on her hand directly, and she said loudly to Iioka, "Tell him, after work today, just get out of here! I think I have never used him as an employee!"

"Jiufeng's influence in Hollywood is too low."

Qiye could understand Jiufeng Shion's anger, and to be honest, he had thought about it too simply before.

In fact, if it is operated through Sony-Columbia, the current situation may not be so bad.

Although the development has not been smooth in the past two years, Columbia is still one of the top six in Hollywood, and the situation is much better than the outsider Jiufeng.

However, because Jiufeng and Sony have not dealt with each other, it is estimated that it is impossible to find Columbia this option.

[Sure enough, apart from a certain corn head, wanting Sony to cooperate with Lao Ren is simply wishful thinking.So does Ou Nai Chan even count this?Knowing that Jiufeng's casting will not go smoothly, so I found it in advance to prepare.Sure enough, none of the women in charge is simple.

Although the name Ou Nai-chan is not very reliable, Qiye still admires the eyes of the female president of the male idol firm.At the very least, the timing to find yourself walking through the back door is just right.Both herself and Jiufeng, who were in difficulty in casting roles, had to carefully consider her suggestions.

"Then, Director Kiryu, do you have any good news here? If not, maybe my old lady will let you feel the water temperature of Tokyo Bay in advance~"

After losing her temper, Jiufeng Shion changed back to the appearance of a decent young lady, but what she said didn't look like the words of a decent young lady.

[You are already a threat!Right?!

Qiye didn't want to get too entangled in Tokyo Bay-related topics, and his face was as usual and suggested: "That's it. I have a suggestion regarding actors."


"We can use European and American actors in Japan to serve as the main actors in our films." Nanya suggested, "This will not only make the actors' pay a bit cheaper, but also won't create too deep a gap with European and American audiences."

Jiufeng Shiyuan did not immediately agree. Instead, she held her chin with her hands in a standard posture of "": "What benefit did the old woman from the J family give you? Ask you to come to me to speak for her? I But I see, that old woman recently formed a European and American idol group and is looking for resources for them everywhere."

[What kind of understanding do you guys have with each other!Why do you know everything about me here?!(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Qiye maintained a stiff smile on her face, but in her heart was all sorts of lifting the table.After finally calming down, he said, "Chairman Jiufeng and Ou...President Xingkong know each other?"

Shion raised her eyebrows: "Is it interesting to inquire about personal privacy? Or, Director Kiryu, your job is a paparazzi for gossip newspapers."

"When I said nothing."

Qiye, with a trace of comprehension in his heart, does not intend to go into it, but he still does not intend to change the actor.

"But in this way we can indeed save a lot of money. After all, those in Hollywood are vampires. As long as the distributor has no major problems, our films will not be hindered too much. And no Just the idol of the J family, those foreign actors in Japan can be the objects we are looking for."

There are still many foreign actors in Japan. After all, there are still some foreign roles in some TV shows and movies, but most of these actors are not mixed.After all, these foreign actors are essentially indistinguishable from special actors such as dwarfs, and they are all special tool actors.

In fact, it’s not only in Japan. It’s very common for foreign actors to mix badly in various countries. After all, it’s normal for local entertainment circles to be exclusive, unless it’s a celebrity who has a certain reputation in the world. It will be welcomed by the locals, otherwise it will basically stay cool.

What Qiye thinks of are these Europeans and Americans who are in the Japanese entertainment circle. These people are not well-known and are basically very easy to handle.

As for the idol of Ou Nai-chan, whom Qiye newly recognized, it was just incidental. Although the older sister was indeed a bit too much when she came to the door, the conditions proposed afterwards were very cost-effective.Not only is there no lion's mouth in terms of remuneration, it is only quoted according to the average actor's remuneration, and even said that it will actively cooperate with the crew to promote the film at its own expense.

Although the focus of J's publicity will definitely be its own actors, it can also bear a lot of publicity costs.After all, for a movie with a production cost of 60 million US dollars, according to the current Hollywood publicity model, the global publicity cost will be at least 30 million US dollars. This can save a little bit.

It can be said that the conditions provided by the J family are very good, and the J family may have reversed the money on this project alone.

Qiye believes that her elder sister is so enthusiastic, and what she values ​​must be the influence of "Goblin Slayer" and the benefits she can get from her own actors.But since the sister wants to bring her own dry food to join in, and she doesn't want the subsequent profit sharing of the film, why not let her join?

Of course, my sister still resents the setting of the male protagonist not showing his face, but after understanding Qiye's tough attitude towards the movie setting, she can only give it up.

"What about the main actors other than the male lead? Especially the role of the goddess officer. It can be said that the focus of the whole movie is on her. You don't always find an actor like this?"

"I have a proposal here." Qiye said as she took out an actor's resume and handed it up, "Luvia Celineta Edfelt, this eldest lady from Northern Europe can play the role of the goddess officer. She is currently working as a girl idol in the Japanese group Trier, which can be regarded as a person in the entertainment industry."

"Now, Director Kiryu." Jiufeng Shion's face showed a hint of anger. "It's the first time I have seen a person who can serve as a good person to this point. You are planning to use my money to get yourself involved. Are you related?!"

For Jiufeng Shion's mockery, Qiye seemed to have heard nothing: "I just proposed the most suitable candidate."

Qiye knew very well that he couldn't quibble at this time, and once he quibbleed, then his rating in the chairman's mind would drop.

Although Qiye estimated that her score in the opponent's mind might have dropped below 0, it might be possible.

But it doesn’t matter. Qiye knows one thing-that is, although the two suggestions she made do have the taste of "recruiting talents and not avoiding relatives", they are also in line with the current situation of the "Goblin Slayer" project team. Excellent solution.

After all, I just proposed the actor candidates, and the Hollywood gang were ready to dig the corner with their hoes.

Jiufeng Shion and Qiye stared at each other for 5 minutes, but in the end she said with an unwilling voice: "An audition will be held in the near future to audition the main characters. Listen, I will go to the spot to check if you The person who proposed is inappropriate, I will reject it directly!"

Agreeing to Qiye's suggestion is something Jiufeng Shion can't do, because the young director's suggestion is indeed the most advantageous choice for this film project.

But because of this, she even hates that she has to admit this fact.

The reason is very simple. Jiufeng Shion found that Kiryu Qiye's dominance in this project was too great, so big that Jiufeng Shion, the funder, can basically do nothing but take money and help find people in film production.

It's not that Jiufeng Ziyuan is worried that Qiye will take the money to run away, but that Qiye will be random on this project.Why is it that Hollywood promotes not a director-centric system but a producer-centric system? What I'm afraid of is the director's mess.

Don't talk about past achievements. For film directors, past achievements are only a weight to increase the possibility of their next film's success. There should not be too many examples of successful directors overturning a certain work.

The director Sergio Leone, who has directed "The Good, the Good, and the Ugly" has not fallen on his last work "Once Upon a Time in America"!

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