Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 957

That approach is too low-level.

"It can be seen that our director is still very considerate of the audience."

After listening to the explanation of Four Seasons, Johnson nodded repeatedly.

This spirit of learning for the audience is what he must learn.

"Hmph, he wouldn't be so kind."

Four Seasons snorted coldly, and he didn't mind selling his friend clean.

"The picture is so dark, don't all the props in the scene can be seen clearly? What if the sponsors are dissatisfied?"

Don't look at FZ's story setting that took place in the Clinton period more than ten years ago.

But this does not mean that the movie has no advertising sponsors.

As a super large production series, FZ received more than 25 million US dollars in sponsorship from sponsors.

Now that the money is collected, things must be done.

Qiye naturally must consider these advertisers.

Generally speaking, film sponsors advertise in commercial films in order to promote current or upcoming products.

However, because the era of the FZ story is in the past, there must be no way to recommend some new products.

Because of this, Qiye can only find a way to display the sponsors' trademarks where the audience can see.

If the color of the screen is too dark, these signs will be unclear.

Then the advertisers' money is spent in vain?

More importantly, if your reputation with sponsors is broken.

The next time I make a movie, Qiye will have a hard time finding someone wronged...


The sponsor is asking for advertising fees.

Therefore, this is an important matter related to the business reputation of director Qiye.


pS: Film commercial sponsorship basically has every film.

Although the well-known Bombshell played well in the early years, it was a bit overplayed from the beginning.

In comparison, Marvel has played better in recent years.

I don't know if you have noticed that the brand of mobile phone used by the big Tony Stark in each movie is different.

For example, vivo was used in "Civil War", but Sony was used in "Return of Heroes".

It's only a few months from the movie timeline. It seems that the quality of vivo is not good.funny

But I can understand that Sony’s "The Return of Heroes" filmed.

Chapter 554

Qiye has always believed that he is a very reputable person in business.

You should know that not all movies with excellent box office can get a lot of commercial sponsorship.

Apart from the appropriateness of the subject matter, there are also the style of the movie and the style of the director.

Why Michael Bay’s films always get the favor of investors.

It is because the style of Bangbei's movie is suitable, and he has always been willing to come to the advertisement.

However, this led to the appearance of Boom Bay's movie advertisements to be annoying.

Especially in the late Transformers movies, certain placement ads were too much to be seen as a disgust.

Qiye certainly won't make the mistakes of Michael Bay. You can add some elements to the film, but you must maintain your overall style.

The rhythm of the movie cannot be interrupted because of the advertisement. This is the red line for advertising sponsorship.

But on the contrary, if it does not destroy the movie style, Qiye will try its best to meet the requirements of sponsors.

Especially those who are generous and willing to spend money.

For example, the Rolls-Royce motorcycle that appeared on the screen at this time.

The appearance of Saber's car not only failed to make the audience realize that this is the most expensive implanted advertisement sold in the entire movie.

On the contrary, he was attracted by this tyrannical and cool silver motorcycle.

Especially when the chase scene between Saber and Rider was in the second half, the two-stage transformed motorcycle was even more shocking.

"It's so cool! This motorcycle is as handsome as last year's "Transformers"!"

When the motorcycle enhanced by the Wind King enchantment appeared on the screen, all the audience began to applaud again.

The gloomy plot of the previous movie seemed to be swept away, and everyone's mood became better.

As a director, Qiye knows why FZ is so popular.

Merely making lunch with dead people makes the plot of the movie too heavy, which is not the core selling point of this work.

Perhaps such a plot will be praised by film critics, but how many movie tickets can this group of people buy?

Ordinary audiences don't care about humanity speculation or the meaning of dialectical thinking.

The audience was attracted to the theater by the trailer of "Purgatory Flame", mainly for the coolness and excitement!

The number of edited videos related to FZ watched by Qiye is countless.

Remove the video of the plot introduction and sand sculpture flow.

Most of the videos use FZ material, which will use action scenes, or the pictures when the characters are the most handsome.

This also reflects from the side, what is the most common people want to see.

Therefore, Qiye will definitely not lack the plot of this part of the content.

At the end of the chase battle between Saber and Rider, the two sides had a head-to-head encounter on an unmanned highway.

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