Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 98

"Mr. Gawain, right?" Qiye confirmed to the other party, "Is this your stage name?"

Gavin took the microphone and said nervously, "'s the Christian name, because my father wants me to be a good man like Knight Gawain."

"Oh, that's how it is! Stand up straight! Keep your chest tall! The voice gives me confidence!"


Qiye's sudden roar caused Jiufeng Shion who was drinking water to spit out in shock.

Gavien on the stage was also shocked. He shook his hands and almost dropped the microphone on the ground.

"That Kiryu..." Jiufeng Ziyuan looked at Qiye whose complexion suddenly changed, and asked with some surprise: "Why are you..."

Qiye didn't care about Shion next to him, and continued to yell at Gawyne: "If you don't stand like this, can you still be a Gawain knight?!"

Qiye's words seemed to have turned on some switch on the stage with Wayne. He suddenly retracted his abdomen and raised his hips, changing his previously unconfident look.

"I am the Knight of the Round Table Gawain! Knight of the Sun! Knights of the Round Table, let me charge! Betting on the name of the Knight of the Sun, I will offer the king a perfect victory!"

Gawain on the stage suddenly danced with the microphone in his hand. He seemed to use the microphone as a knight sword and began to perform the Gawain knight directly in front of the judges.

No, it should be said that this fellow who has not yet graduated from Secondary Two Disease, considers himself Gao Wen at this moment.

"Oh, it's like talking like this."

Qiye's eyes lit up, and Gawyne's performance at the moment surprised him a bit.

The goblin slayer will not show his true appearance in the movie, but this does not mean that the character is good to play. It is not easy to remember this character without relying on appearance and language alone.

In particular, Qiye intends to create all kinds of insecurities in the adventure world in the story, and create various insecurities by using the haunting goblins.

However, Qiye is not a horror film, this kind of insecurity is just a kind of atmosphere shaping, in order to highlight the alternative power of the goblin killer.

Although the knight was slaughtering monsters and his hands were stained with blood, he gave the audience a sense of security like sunshine.

Therefore, Qiye needs the knight to let the audience relax, so that the audience feels that there is a goblin slayer, and what kind of goblin is not a problem.

Although Qiye can also enhance this feeling through post-production special effects and sound debugging, these are only auxiliary after all, and the actors' acting in front of the camera really dominates.

"Roar! Hey! Hasaki (hasaki)!"

Gawyne, who had already entered the state, didn't mean to stop, he was still waving the microphone, still muttering something.

[This is already a series of lines, you are a sun knight and not a strong wind swordsman!Ernie Chan, what have you taught this guy!


Although she was constantly complaining, in order to ensure her director's majesty, Qiye still seemed to have everything under her control on the surface.

"Well, when this guy was the second sick offender, it was indeed OK." Jiufeng Shion couldn't help but nodded, "But can you guarantee that this guy will always be in this state?"

"Just think of a way to make this guy put on the armor and turn on this switch. Maybe it would be a good choice for the props team to build a real metal armor."

Qiye indifferently uttered a sentence that Jiufeng Shion felt abhorrent. She felt that the director in front of her might be someone more ruthless than herself.

"Okay, Gavien."

Qiye signaled that the "Gawain Knight" who was still dancing and dancing could stop performing.

"Ah! Yes... I'm sorry!"

Gavien was stunned on the stage. He seemed to be aware of what he had done just now after he had escaped from the second illness state, so he blushed and bowed his head, waiting for Qiye's sentence without a glance.

"Let's do this first, we will let you know the result in a few days."


Gavin, who thought he was very bad and sure to lose, looked even more decadent than when he came on the court. He muttered "My sister will definitely fine me 100 push-ups" and walked out of the audition studio.

"Then it's basically him, right?" Jiufeng Shion said this question in a positive tone.

"It's almost there." Qiye made a mark on Gawain's profile, "Unless there is an actor who can particularly impress me, it will be him."

The role selection of a movie does not only consider the actors' acting skills. Conditions other than the actor's own conditions are also very important reference elements.

When Marvel was preparing for Iron Man, Tom Cruise became interested in this role.Judging from the situation at the time, Brother Tommy must be 10,000 times better than Robert Downey Jr., who was in a career low in terms of image and style.

But why didn't Marvel consider Brother Tom?It's not because the other party's asking price is too high, or the poor Marvel simply can't afford it.

Qiye also had this consideration when choosing the role of Goblin Slayer. In her crew, it can be said that there is not a famous actor in Europe and America.The J family, an idol group that is about to develop in Europe and the United States, will be a good publicity point, so unless there is an actor who is countless times better than the "Gavin Knight", otherwise from the perspective of the movie's publicity, Qiye will definitely choose this one to borrow Powerful actors.

It's a pity that the quality of European and American actors in Japan is really not very good, and there is no acting bonus that can surpass the existence of adding Wayne's extra points.

Qiye can only express regret about this.


After sending off another auditioning actor, Jiufeng Shion stretched out a lot, her beautiful figure wrapped in a black dress, which seemed to have some temptation.

Unfortunately, Qiye didn't dare to have any other thoughts about this female overlord.

"Who will we audition next?"

After most of the day, Jiufeng Ziyuan is already very familiar with the audition process.

"The heroine, the one I made."

"Oh? Then I'm looking forward to it."

Jiufeng Shion, who had been a little drowsy because of the large number of auditions, immediately became energetic.

"Hello everyone, I'm Luvia Selineta Edelfeldt from Finland."

The blonde girl stepped onto the stage confidently, and her appearance immediately caught the attention of all staff including the judges.

Jiufeng Ziyuan sighed secretly. In fact, from her point of view, she was not very optimistic about this young lady.She has seen the works of director Qiye, because the current output of Qiye is really not that much, so Shion can watch "Korean Realm" and "Magic Girl Ilia" carefully.

Both of these two works are very interesting, especially in the battle scenes, it can be seen that Qiye is a very thoughtful director.

The characters inside also left a very deep impression on Shion.It is precisely because of this that Luvia already has the inherent impression of a muscular lady in Shion's heart.

Coupled with the information she has collected about these actors, Shion also knows that the other party is like that in reality.

Therefore, Shion still doubts whether this eldest lady from Northern Europe can change her previous image and the characteristics of the weak but strong girl who performed the goddess official.

At the same time, Qiye, who was sitting next to Shion, also felt a little nervous. Although the international student girl had done a few simple auditions in private, it is still difficult to say how she will perform in the formal audition.

"Then, please start your performance."

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