On top of the place of the war, Marin Fando.

"Hah... Ha...... Haa

Facing the whitebeard who was still standing proudly even though he was dead, even if he confirmed that he had no breath to treat, Titch still had three points of fear.

Even if he is old like this, the power is still so terrifying, it is worthy of the white beard called "monster".

"What a terrible guy, is he finally dead now?"

Looking at the white-bearded corpse with his eyes closed, Tichy grinned, and Lafitte, who was a navigator of the Blackbeard Pirate Group next to him, pressed down the felt hat on his head and said, "Very good, so far it is going according to our plan."

"Thief haha, thief hahaha!!"

Although Tiqi's face was covered in blood, he still couldn't stop the excitement on his face, and raised his arms and shouted: "Then, let's start!"

With an order, Lafitte, Bakis, Pizarro and other members of the Blackbeard Pirate Group took out a black cloth out of nowhere and covered Whitebeard's body inside.

Seeing the actions of the Blackbeard Pirates, Marin Fando, whether it was the navy or the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, suddenly fell into a state of confusion, not knowing what Titch wanted to do.

But at least they all had the same sense of foreboding.

"Thief hahaha... Let's see the best performance. "

Tichy turned around and sneered and slipped into the black curtain covered with the white-bearded corpse.

"What's that black cloth?"

"What do you want to do? Blackbeard Pirates! "

"Titch, this bastard, what do you want to do to your dead daddy!"

Everyone at the scene gave birth to a strong sense of worry, whether it was the navy or the whitebeard pirate group, the two groups wanted to rush up.

But Lafitte, Yu no Hiru and others quickly shot and blocked everyone.


Lafitte laughed strangely, "Please be calm, you are not allowed to enter now." "

Katerina, the only female of the Blackbeard Pirates, grinned, "It's really exciting."

Yu no Kiru frowned, "If we fail, will we disband?"

Outside, the Blackbeard Pirates and the Navy Pirates who came to stop them were in chaos.

And because the generals were all outside the encirclement wall, chasing Luffy the straw hat who was taken away by Jinping, there was nothing to do for a while.

Entering the black curtain, Tiqi looked up at the tall body of the white beard and said with a smile: "Thief hahaha, dad, your strength, just give it to me!"

The words fell to the extreme, and Tichy activated the ability of the Dark Fruit with both hands, aiming at the sides of Whitebeard's chest.

He was using the ability of the Dark Fruit to suck the power of the Whitebeard Shock Fruit into his body!

Even if an ordinary person has the power of the dark fruit, if he forcibly inhales the second fruit into his body, he will die immediately.

But because Tiki has a different body structure than ordinary people, he can do it.

Even so, there are significant risks.

He dared to gamble with his own life, which has proved that his courage is extraordinary!

A stream of pure white substance was drawn from Whitebeard's body, and Tichy almost couldn't hold back his maniacal laughter.


That's fast!

The strongest force in the world will soon be its own!

But now is the most critical time, you must concentrate all your attention and absorb the power of the Shock Fruit into your body!

Just when the "soul" of the Shock Fruit was less than half a meter away from Tichy's body.

Suddenly, Tiqi's eyes flickered, and he saw a figure appear between himself and Whitebeard's body.

Immediately after, he fell to the ground.

But what made Tiqi's eyes almost open out of his sockets was that the moment this figure appeared, it was just covered with the "soul" of the shocking fruit, and the energy of the fruit was inhaled into his body!

"Ha, ha, ha..."

Suddenly, the young man who fell to the ground knelt on one knee, his handsome face revealed puzzlement and confusion, "This, what the hell is here..."

The young man's name is "Bai Ze", an ordinary student soldier in the 21st century of the earth.

Orphaned, he joined the army not because he was so patriotic, but because he could not afford to pay for college, and with the help of his high school teachers, he became a recruit.

After two years of polishing, with incredible willpower and physical fitness and talent that were evaluated by instructors as rare in a century, he became the premier soldier in the army.

For such a life, Bai Ze just holds the attitude of living, he does not like this kind of life very much.

What he yearns for more is a life that is not bound by rules and is lawless.

However, this mood was buried deep in his heart.

Just a few days ago, during a border mission, the enemy who was ambushed hit in the lung.

Bai Ze thought that he would die or wake up in the ward of a military hospital, but he did not expect to wake up in such a strange environment.

Tichy was angry at this time, and the teeth in his mouth were about to be crushed.

The shock fruit that he had planned and wanted to get was actually snatched away by such a little ghost who appeared out of nowhere!

Just about to yell angrily, Tichy calmed down incredulously.

Calm down!

Calm down!

Don't worry, the priority now is to quickly retrieve the power of the Shock Fruit.

Although he was reaped by this kid, as long as he was killed, he would be absorbed again with the power of the dark fruit!

Thinking of this, Tiqi's right hand was held in the shape of a beast claw, and he grabbed Bai Ze's neck fiercely, "Die!" Gremlin! "

Bai Ze had not yet recovered from the unfamiliar environment in front of him for a while, but Tichy's actions full of killing intent made him not need to think, and his body instinctively counterattacked and punched.


However, at the moment when Bai Ze punched, a translucent aura that emitted white light wrapped Bai Ze's fist inside.

In his impatience, Tiki did not use the Dark Fruit, which could be an ineffective Dark Fruit ability of the Devil Fruit.


The two fists collided, and after a stalemate of several seconds, Tichy, who had been injured in the battle against Whitebeard, couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of blood at this time.



The space began to shatter like glass, and after two seconds, it was like an erupting cannonball, knocking out Tiqi's three-meter-tall body out of black cloth in one breath and flying out!

PS: When the new book is released, what is most needed is everyone's support, this is a pure pirate fandom without a system.

No system in Feilu is difficult to mix, if everyone likes, please don't skimp on your collections, tips, flowers, very review votes and book reviews.

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