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"Rubber rubber..."

Luffy was in mid-air, his hands forcefully pulled more than ten meters into the air behind him to give way, and in the next moment, he burst out and hit downward.

"Jet rocket launcher!"

The two hands were lined up in fists, and when Bai Ze saw this, the smile on his face was still the same, and the dead wood stood up to resist.

The two fists collided on the sword body with a violent sound, and the aftermath caused by it spread out in all directions.

And the rubble left over from the first two battles bounced off the surface and bounced like bullets on the spectators in the audience.

But Bai Ze himself is as stable as Mount Tai, and he does not move.

"My strength, do you think I still need to be tested?"

Bai Ze raised the dead wood high with his right hand, and slashed diagonally down with a golden curved sword qi.


Luffy's pupils suddenly tightened, and he subconsciously said secretly in his heart, "This is... Golden Lion's! "

Dodge sideways, leaving only a trail of white smoke in the distance.


The chopping wave hit the audience in the rear, frightening the surrounding audience for a while, and his mouth kept cursing: "Abominable! Bai Ze, this bastard, doesn't care about the audience's situation at all! "

Bai Ze did not pay attention to them, nor did he hear what these people said in the chaos.

Even if they heard, they would only respond with cynicism.

Luffy's hands, which dodged thick, swelled to dozens of times their original size in an instant, forming a giant rubber ball with a diameter of more than three meters wide, and injected armed color to make it pitch black.

"Rubber rubber ... Elephant gun!! "

The trick in the third gear state, compared to forgiving you Ah Nian, the body will be forced to shrink after using the third gear, and now Luffy has overcome this weakness.


A chuckle came out of Bai Ze's mouth, and in the face of Luffy's more powerful trick, he still chose the same defensive posture as just now.

The sword arrived.


It was obviously a fist, but at the moment of impact, it made a brittle cracking sound like steel colliding.

This time, Bai Ze couldn't stand in place, and was forced back more than ten meters away in one breath.


A white light suddenly appeared on the blade of the dead wood.

Although his vision was obscured, Luffy still felt a rather familiar feeling in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent shaking sensation from the armed colored fist.

In the next instant, Luffy only felt that his hands were rolled up by a huge tsunami-like force, and the whole person was knocked into the air.

The twisted pain on his fist reminded him that if he hadn't injected armed defense just now, the bones in his hand would have broken!

Luffy, who was picked up and flew into the air, quickly withdrew his fist and saw the state of Bai Ze below.

The sword in his right hand was emitting a semi-translucent white glow.

"This time it was... The ability of Uncle Whitebeard! "

This scene was simply too familiar to Luffy

During the war on top, he had seen it more than once on Whitebeard!

Bai Ze finally took Sakura out with his left hand, crossed his feet and aimed at Luffy in mid-air.

Golden Lion Cross...


Suddenly, the phone worm in his arms rang, Bai Ze's expression was slightly startled, and the two swords that were in the state of making a move were inserted by Bai Ze into the ring stone ground next to his feet.

Luffy was also stunned when he saw this, and fell to the ground in mid-air, wondering, "What are you doing, that guy?"

"Excuse me, take a call."

Saying that, Bai Ze took out a phone worm from his arms, sat down cross-legged, put the phone worm in front of him, and brought the microphone to his mouth with his right hand.

"Moses Moses ~~ Captain, this is Kuzan ~~"

Kuzan's extremely high-resolution voice came from the phone bug.

However, because of the distance, only Luffy could barely hear the voice in the phone worm.

Everyone was speechless by Bai Ze's sudden operation show for half a day.

Gaz was blinded and shouted with a microphone: "How, how, what's going on?" When the battle was fierce, the captain of the Bai Ze Pirate Regiment actually took out the phone worm, which was too unserious! This is simply an insult to this battle of captains!! "

On the viewing stage, Bashass clasped his hands and grinned: "Hey, didn't that guy take the battle with the straw hat to heart at all?"

Fortunately, Luffy was a nervous man, neither angry nor chose to continue pursuing, so he really stood in place, waiting for Bai Ze.

"Just now, something happened to Grimbit, guess who is coming?"

In the phone worm, Kuzan teased.

"Shao Luoli, hurry up!"

Bai Ze said unhurriedly.

"It's really no joke,"

The phone worm imitated Kuzan's demeanor and pouted, then said solemnly: "Djerma 66, have you heard of this name?"

"That famous underground dark killer family?"

Bai Ze frowned.

In the original book, the one who came to rob Caesar should have been the BIG.MOM Pirates, but now it has become Djerma.

The storm fanned by his butterfly seems to have gradually fanned the world line away from its original orbit.

Luffy's eyes also flashed with doubt, and he thought curiously in his heart: "Jay, Mother Jielu?"

This product did not understand what the two were talking about at all.

"Caesar was snatched away, what to do? Going to grab it? "

Kuzan asked.

Bai Ze's brain turned quickly and vetoed: "No, Caesar's matter will be discussed next, you go to the SAD factory."

This sentence, Luffy can be considered to understand.

Before resisting Dressrosa, Law repeatedly told them to sabotage the SAD factory.

"But I don't know the location of the factory."

"You don't need to know, just perceive it with seeing and smelling,"

The corners of Bai Ze's mouth raised, "The biggest place to hit is the place." "

Just Solon and Sanji, where do they understand what covert operations are?

It is definitely how big and how big the movement is, and a sight and smell domineering covers the past, and the location is clear.

Hanging up the phone worm and putting it in the moon hun bag, Luffy asked, "Is it okay?"

"Well, come on."

Bai Ze stretched out his hand and waved at Luffy twice, making a provocative gesture.

But Luffy, the single cell, did not think of this meaning.

In the next second, Luffy still rushed towards Bai Ze, "Rubber..."

Seeing this, Gaz also quickly adjusted the atmosphere of the arena, pulling the microphone and shouting: "Oh oh oh oh! Straw Hat Luffy, take the initiative to attack! "

Purr ~~

"Slow down!"

Bai Ze raised his hand, Luffy saw this and braked, and stopped sharply less than two meters in front of Bai Ze.

I saw Bai Ze take the phone worm out of Yue Huan's pocket again, and said with a calm expression: "I'll take another call."


All the people in the audience fell to the ground with their feet facing the sky. _

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