
As dusk gradually passed, the weather outside the window was replaced by torrential rain.

After Rebecca and Violet's inaugural banquet, the banquet between men and women has just begun.

Nami takes Robin into her room, and Shirasawa can only go to Violet.

She lived in the same room as Rebecca, and was spoiled by Bai Ze, and after getting it twice, she reluctantly persuaded the other party to go to the bathroom to continue.

Snap -

The symphonic ensemble sounded again in the women's bathroom on the second floor.


Violet's wheat-colored skin was bright red, and if Bai Ze hadn't helped her back to her room, she felt that she would have to lie in the bathtub in the bathroom all night.

"Aunt Violet, did you just go out?"

Rebecca, who woke up with a passive sound, suddenly made a sound, frightening Violet who had just laid down and almost screamed.

"Uh... yes, yes..."

In the darkness, Rebecca did not notice the unnaturalness of Violet's face.

"That, that, Rebecca..."

Violet opened her mouth slowly, as if she wanted to ask something.

"What's wrong?"

Rebecca responded curiously.

Violet opened her mouth, and finally didn't say anything, only forced a smile: "No, it's okay, rest well, it's rare to leave the arena and live a calmer life."

"Well, all thanks to Mr. Shirasawa."

In the dark room, Rebecca replied in an innocent tone.

Violet Ju's lips opened again, and finally chose silence, burying his head in the pillow.


"Good luck."

Early the next morning, Nami was reading today's newspaper when suddenly Bai Ze's voice sounded in her ears.

Looking sideways, I saw that my lover's face was pressed against my shoulder, and I was also looking at the contents of the newspaper.

After glancing at the other party, Nami continued to set her eyes on the newspaper - [Straw Hat Red Heart Alliance United Revolutionary Army Troubles Dressrosa]

The newspaper mainly recorded what happened yesterday, after Luo was captured, Luffy and Saab and his party rescued Luo while making a big fuss about Dressrosa.

Unlike in the original book where Doflamingo dealt with both Law and Luffy, this time it became Doflamingo vs. Saab and Luffy.

It's just that because the toy incident did not happen, Fujitora was in the king of Doflamingo was a member of the world, and had to assist Doflamingo in suppressing the rebellion under the government's explicit order.

The toy house was destroyed, and the battle between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Don Quixote family was mainly about the Straw Hat Hearts Alliance.

For what Bai Ze and his gang did, it was almost a brushstroke.

"Hey, hey, what the hell!?"

Cavendish took the newspaper that the two had read, and was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said, "Why didn't I write about my active performance?!"

"In the end, it is Doflamingo's territory, and the fishing boat is also controlled by him,"

Bai Ze took the black tea handed by BABY-5, took a sip, and explained: "He also wants to prevent the matter of our alliance with him from being known by Fujitora and the world government, otherwise the Qibu Sea and the king's position that were hard to keep will be dangerous again."

Rebecca, who was helping BABY-5 deliver breakfast to everyone, paused for a moment, and Mu Ne looked towards Bai Ze and said sluggishly: "Mr. Bai Ze... Joined forces with Doflamingo? "

"Well, to deal with the Four Emperors and develop forces, I need Doflamingo's power."

Looking at Rebecca's pitiful appearance, Bai Ze pityingly pulled her hanging ear hair behind her ear, "I know that Doflamingo has a blood feud with you, but I must..."

"No, no need to say more,"

Rebecca clasped her hands in the Crisp Moon and said with a strong smile: "I am already grateful that you can save me."

"Hey, is it really fake?"

Bonnie, who had a sandwich in her mouth, asked in Nami's ear.

What she was referring to was naturally the pitying look on Bai Ze's face.


Nami pouted.

As the woman who has spent the longest time with Shirasawa and is also a lover, how could Nami not guess Bai Ze's thoughts.

For Rebecca, Bai Ze just held the idea of a beautiful vase, perhaps mixed with feelings of pity.

But once future interests are involved, Bai Ze will not hesitate to choose.

But fortunately, Rebecca is also a lack of heart, isn't Ohki a saying called "ignorant people are the happiest"?

"Cabbage, how long are you going to read in pieces? Rest assured, next time our bounty order will break straight through. "

Bai Ze shouted at Cavendish who was still complaining about the newspaper.


Cavendish wondered.

"This time I went to all nations to participate in the wedding banquet held by BIG.MOM, and there was a nickname [BIG. NEWS] guys. "

Zefa looked sideways, "Morgans?"

"Yes, the director of the World News Economic newspaper."

Bai Ze chuckled, "Big news... This nickname really suits him.

Nami Willow frowned, "Then again, what's going on with the wedding banquet?" "

When Bai Ze heard this, he cast his gaze towards Lei Jiu, who was sitting in the corner.

Seeing this, Lei Jiu, like Violet, slightly thick lips raised, and prepared their father Vince Mock Gaji to marry BIG.MOM's daughter.

In this way, the plan to get Jerma 66 to regain control of the North Sea was roughly explained to everyone.

"It's too much,"

Robin's face flashed with deep displeasure, "I actually used my son who I abandoned in the past as my own chip." "

Nami also expressed the same opinion, "That is, this kind of person does not deserve to be called 'father'!" "

Others, however, who had little to do with Yamaji, focused on other positions.

"Ah la la ~ ~ According to the intelligence of the Navy two years ago, BIG. MOM's sons and daughters so far add up to more than 80, right? That's awesome. "

Kuzan teased with a strange smile.


Zefa looked unimpressed, even disdainful.

"Morgans, president of the World Economic Newspaper? If he shows Young Master Ben's gorgeous strength in front of him, the whole world will applaud Young Master Ben, right? Oh huh!! "

Cavendish said excitedly.

That's right, the whole ship has sympathy for Sanji, only Nami and Robin, the two original companions, and the others are more concerned about the marriage of Djerma and BIG.MOM.

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