Located in the windless zone boundary of the New World.

The Cassius gradually approached a small island called "Sleepy Island".

Although it has not entered the windless zone, there are still many sea kings here because of its proximity to the windless zone.

Therefore, the pirates did not dare to take this path.

But the Cassius, built by Esbagu and with the same sea floor stone bottom as the navy, can navigate this sea unimpeded and avoid the threat of sea kings.

A week had passed since the phone call with BIG.MOM, and the group decided to replenish some supplies on the island first.

And this week, for Bonnie and Cavendish and them, was a complete "hell week".

Zefa fully shows why he was able to cultivate so many naval elites.

Devil-level cultivation can be adjusted according to everyone's different circumstances while reaching the limits of the body.

It will not affect the cultivation state of the next day, let alone cause injuries left in the body.

It gives people a "pleasure" that they can't ask for death.

Bonnie asked Bai Ze more than once not to let Zefa's pervert teach herself, and even did not hesitate to put down her body and make a pitiful act.

But they were all ignored by Bai Ze, and then dragged back to training by Zefa.

As soon as you land on the pier, you can see that the only town on the island, "Sleepy Town", has come into view.

"Aaaaah! Finally on the island! "

Bonnie cheered, "Have fun today!" "

As she said this, Bonnie quietly glanced over at Zefa.

"Hmph, no way,"

Zefa clasped his hands in front of Yue Hun and hummed: "The procurement time is deducted in your rest time, and the training time is not missing for a second!"

Cavendish , Nami, Pa Dong and others all wanted to cry without tears, and Boni rushed over in anger.

"You old immortal, I'm going to slaughter you!"

Bai Ze grabbed Boni's arm, like a fried cat, and while hugging her waist, the other hand kept brushing over her pink hair.


Bonnie first looked quite enjoyable, and after three seconds, she fried her hair again and broke free, "Get out!" Take advantage of the old lady! "

Zefa spoke up: "To purchase this kind of thing, you don't need many people at all, Rebecca, Nicole Robin, and Lei Jiu, these are not pirate groups or logistics personnel, the rest, just stay on the beach to train."

"Hey, I'm not dead..."

Bonnie was about to get angry again.

"Bonnie, the next thing to go is BIG.MOM's territory."

Without waiting for Boni to scold, Bai Ze interrupted her.

Bonnie stopped talking and moved.

Cavendish and the others' expressions also became serious, and they consciously stayed.

Kuzan smiled wickedly: "Yayy

"I'm not your subordinate, so let me help."

Lei Jiu complained in a low voice, she was the eldest lady of Jerma 66, and actually asked her to help with procurement.

Isn't it okay to go to this kind of thing?

"Don't put up the eldest lady's shelf here,"

Bai Ze mainly made an inviting gesture to Lei Jiu and Robin, "Let's go, ladies." "

"Do you want to go along too?"

Robin blinked.

"You are my precious key to the nations, and I have to watch it well."

Bai Ze said of course.

"Heh, don't worry about this, even if it's to rescue Yamaji, I'll go."

Robin ruffled his ear hair and said in an indifferent tone.

"Nicole Robin, this woman's life can also be described as [legend], except for the Straw Hats, the groups she joined before have all been wiped out without exception."

Kuzan said aside, then waved his hand and led his pet penguin to the other side of town, "I'll go around." "

Looking at Kuzan's departing back, Bai Ze smiled mysteriously and said to himself: "Straw hats are exceptions? Not necessarily, right? "

"Mr. Bai Ze, what did you just say?"

Rebecca looked over curiously.

Bai Ze smiled back, "It's nothing, let's go." "

"Hmm... Well. "

The Rebecca girl was shocked and followed by Bai Ze.

Lei Jiu helplessly picked the curly eyebrows of the Vince Mock family logo, and also followed.

"Rebecca, are you still used to being on the ship lately?"

After entering Sleepy Town, Bai Ze asked Rebecca next to him.

With Rebecca, Rebecca walks side by side, while Robin is the main slightly ahead position.

Rebecca put her hands behind her back and replied, "Thank you for giving me a place to live with peace of mind, I don't have anything unaccustomed to."

"Is it? You don't need to suppress your hatred of Doflamingo because of my relationship, but now you really don't have the ability to take revenge on him, and you will definitely have a chance in the future. "

Bai Ze's hand pressed on Rebecca's little head.

Rebecca blushed slightly, "Thank you, then, then I'll go shopping for food first, Miss Bonnie eats a lot, can't buy more." "

With that, Rebecca turned and ran in the direction of the shopping street.

"Mr. Bai Ze seduced the little girl like this, won't his conscience hurt?"

Lei Jiu held her cheek with one hand, and her elegant expression was teasing.

"Conscience? That kind of thing, I hate never remembered having it. "

Bai Ze spread his hands, and then said sarcastically: "Moreover, I don't think that a murderous killer family like Jerma is qualified to say that about me."

"Oh, probably."

Lei Jiu's eyes flashed a trace of complexity, for Jerma, she also disgusted in her heart, and even hoped that this ominous family would be extinct.

But it never showed itself.

"Na, Lei Jiu, how about coming to be my crew?"

Bai Ze suddenly invited.

Lei Jiu's face was shocked, and then quickly hid the trace of panic in her heart, and returned to her usual elegance, "Ah, just got the beautiful combination of Rebecca and Violet, and stretched out your hand to me again?" "

Bai Ze smiled, and then walked forward, "Think for yourself." "

Lei Jiu looked at the back of Bai Ze walking forward, and thought thoughtfully in her heart.


Suddenly, in the suburban area west of Sleepy Town, explosions rang out.

The four and the town's residents turned their heads to look.

Iceberg, red light, burst!

Rock mountains, bushes, crush for it!

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