"Lord Bai Ze, Boss Jinping came to see you."

At the door, the maid in charge of receiving Bai Ze and his group owed.

Bai Ze and the others looked sideways.

"Let him in."


The maid bowed down, and after a while, Jinping walked into the castle lobby.

When he saw Bai Ze, Kuzan, Cavendish and the others in the hall, Jinping sighed: "I really didn't expect that Mr. Bai Ze would be able to recruit so many strong people in a short period of time, even the former admiral Black Fist Zefa..."

When the dozing Kuzan heard this, he couldn't help but look sideways, "Huh? This incident should not have been broadcast in the newspaper yet, right? "

He even explained: "The Sun Pirates under the old man are responsible for patrolling and guarding the offshore area, and after seeing Mr. Shirasawa's ship, Aladdin went to take a look, and they were almost attacked by Zefa."

Halfway through, Jinping couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "I really didn't expect that Mr. Ace's burning fruit would be inherited by the previous navy." "

"Hey, it can't be called inheritance, can it? Originally, the Devil Fruit was not anyone's exclusive thing. "

Bai Ze didn't like it when someone said that the Shock Fruit was a whitebeard's thing, and the Burning Fruit was Ace's thing.

There is no specific owner of that thing, and whoever gets it should be whoever gets it.

"No more gossip, very peaceful,"

Bai Ze quickly pulled the topic back, "What happened to the thing that I asked you to help do?" "

Jinping nodded when he heard this, "Well, the old man has already told Mr. Marko that they are willing to help you defeat Blackbeard." "

"And then?"

Bai Ze supported the side of his face with his right palm, "What is the reward they are asking for?" "

"This, although a small number of people hope that Marko will form a new pirate group, but most of the crew have no intention of continuing sailing because of the loss of their father and Mr. Ace, and only hope that Mr. Bai Ze will give their father's birth island to them after cleaning up Blackbeard."

"It doesn't matter, in fact, I don't have much attachment to the control of the island."

Bai Ze's eyes gradually became solemn, "So what is the remaining combat power of the Whitebeard Pirate Group now?" "

Originally, the Whitebeard Pirates themselves had 16 teams and 1600 people.

Together with its 43 pirate groups, the total number of people is tens of thousands.

However, he has experienced the top war, the battle with the Blackbeard Pirates, and the destruction of 16 of its pirate groups by the new Edward Weibur of the new Nanabukai.

How much combat power is left now?

"For now, there are still left..."

Speaking of which, even three fingers.

"Three thousand?"

Kuzan was surprised: "It's more than expected, it's worthy of the white-bearded pirate group, should it be said that the skinny camel is bigger than the horse?"

"After hearing that Mr. Bai Ze wanted to attack Blackbeard, many people who had received favors from their father wanted to join, of course, including the old man!"

Speaking of this, Jinping clenched his fists and slapped them on his heart.


"That's right, the old man plans to formally submit a request to BIG.MOM for secession at this wedding banquet, and then become a member of Mr. Shirasawa's command, of course, the flag of Fishman Island has also changed!"

Jinping said with a solemn face.

The atmosphere in the hall became heavy for a while.

Soon after, Nami was the first to speak, stunned to break this solemnity, "It's really... Awesome. "



"There are two ways to get rid of the BIG.MOM Pirates, one is something called [Shooting Roulette], of course, that thing is actually controlled by the soul fruit of BIG.MOM, and if it really turns, it is a dead end."

"Secondly, this time, under the deterrence of BIG.MOM's overlord color domineering, accept her 'soul dialogue', which is also unsuccessful so far."

Jinping looked solemn, "Although it is very dangerous, the old man chooses the latter." "

"It's really backbone,"

Kuzan waved his hand and said, "So, even if we take 10,000 steps back and everything is successful, what method are we going to use to escape from BIG.MOM's main territory?"

"At that time, I will naturally destroy the core of the entire island with the Shock Fruit, and if that old woman chases after her, it will be up to me and Kuzan to clean it up."

Bai Ze licked the corners of his mouth, quite crazy, "That dead old woman has not been sitting on the throne for long. "


Kuzan said with a dry laugh.

"Okay, in the past three days, everyone will relax and wait for the opening of this big drama."


"Then again, does that black-footed guy have his own plans?"

In the room at night, after a new round of rain, Bai Ze took Nami Lou into his arms and couldn't help but knead Nami's half of her amazing softness.

After returning from the treasure room, he stayed with everyone in the pirate group and moved to the castle on the other side of the Djerma Kingdom of Almond Lake, and he did not know about Yamaji.

Because the situation is different from Dressrosa, this time Bai Ze does not need to use the Straw Hat Pirate Group at all, and naturally he will not pay attention to it.

It's just that now that I think about it, I suddenly have this question.

I don't know if Luffy will work with Capone Becky like the original.

But without Jinping, Nami's help, it remains to be seen whether Luffy will die on the way to Cake Island.

But in the case of this lack of personnel, Solon, French and other crew members who should have acted separately must also cooperate.

Death, fear is not so easy.

Nami slapped Shirasawa's pig's trotter that was making a mess in front of her moon and gave him a sideways glance, "I was thinking if I could help him with something, but the key to the handcuffs that bound Yamaji was in the hands of Jerma 66, and I couldn't do anything."

"Whatever, it doesn't matter to me whether the Straw Hats live or die now."

Bai Ze pinched his chin, "The key is that those three things have to be taken away, of which Caesar has basically been done." "

"Can it really be as simple as you say? ZEUS IS BIG.MOM'S DEPUTY, RIGHT? "

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